The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 145 143

Chapter 145 143: The Blond Demon


"Did you think you could get away from me? I'll make sure you all get killed right here and now" Lucas Rosewell stood in their path, his eyes flashing red. Maria felt her annoyance build up as she took in the man who was the last obstacle between them and their freedom. He was a sore spot in her eye and it made her want to get rid of him.

The other two stopped behind Maria, their gaze taking in the new figure in front of them with a hostile air around them. Maria positioned herself between the two parties, her body posed in such a way that Lucas was able to see the two behind her success.

Not that it mattered much. Lucas has his whole attention focused on Maria anyway. He did not have eyes for anyone else in there but her anyway. In a way, she was the primary target there and she knew she had to do something to her companions out of here.

"Well, I won't expect greatness from someone who got taken down by a single woman. Besides, I don't think you have what it takes to take me down" Maria taunted as she signaled for the other two to leave. She could take care of one human on her own.

Trisha looked startled and a little reluctant to leave her behind but Kagemori understood her reasoning. She picked up her still protesting friend and jumped out of the way. It would not do them any good to have everyone incapacitated at the same time.

Maria took the attack head-on, knowing that she had to keep Lucas's attention on her. If she did good, then the other would not have a chance to go after her other two party members. Not that it should be a problem since he had been weak the last Maria saw of him.

But there was an unsettling feeling about him right now. Maria could see weird energy floating around him and it made her nervous for some reason. The energy around Lucas built up and Maria braced herself for the impact but it never came her way.

Instead, it curved around her and targeted the other group at her side. Thankfully, Kagemori had enough awareness to have sensed that attack and dodged it accordingly as well. Otherwise, who knew how things would have ended up as.

"Where do you think you both are going? I've noticed you as well" well, fuck. There went their plan and any notion they had to get away. The power Lucas has used had not been an ordinary one either. Maria could feel the flames licking away her side, injuring her greatly.

But thankfully, they seemed to not have been lethal for her. Trisha showed no signs of injury while Kagemori looked injured more than Maria, but still conscious somehow. The attack had been centered around getting the demons out of the battle.

"You scums got lucky this time. Next time I will not miss" Lucas sounded confident in himself and Maria felt herself shudder as he readied for another attack. This one would hurt if it connected with her since Maria did have her demonic blood activated.

"Get Kagemori out of the range. He'll only be able to hit one of us" Maria called to Trisha as she began moving as well. This way, they could minimize the damage being dealt with on their side.

Of course, being Lucas's primary target, she had expected the attack to be aimed at her. She was also the ablest fighter in the three right now and despite her injury, Maria was aware enough to know that she was the best fighter in their group.

Maria tried to avoid the spell that was after her but it seemed to be adamant to hit her. Maria felt trapped in the space she had found for herself since she could not run toward the other side and risk it hitting Kagemori.

But just as Maria was sure she had exhausted the spell, something unexpected happened.

The spell split itself into two and a thread of fire sprung itself toward Trisha and Kagemori. Maria tried to interfere but the spell on her side stopped her in her tracks. It blocked any attempts Maria made to get past it.

And the other part of the spell hit the duo. It had been an unexpected outcome, but one that delighted Lucas. The laughs he let out sounded taunting to Maria's ears and she felt her blood rush through her body.

Despite all the deaths, all the destruction, Maria had not actually seen anyone get severely injured. Even with Nao, she had been there one second and then not. This feeling of disorder, Maria felt had not been accompanied by it.

But now all she could do was wallow in her one incompetence and her anger rose with the feeling. She knew it was not her fault but her mind did not agree with her. It wanted vengeance and the nearness to the node amplified her magic.

"You" Maria knew she was projecting her feelings of incompetence at not being able to save Nao in this situation. It was stupid, the circumstances were not even similar. But still, Maria could not help. Her magic just lashed out.

One second, Lucas had been laughing and Th next, he was laid out flat on the ground with Maria on top of him. She looked pissed off as well, her eyes blazing.

"H-How did you do it? Any demon that touched the flames should have been killed. The princess was the only one supposed to live" Lucas sounded surprised and Maria felt a dark glee fill her heart at his shocked look. Served him right for underestimating her.

She did not answer him as she picked up her chain to deal the final blow but her body betrayed her. The flame had not taken her life but Maria had injured herself a lot. Plus, she had not been able to fully didge the last few attacks.

It had to have been the adrenalin that kept her going for this long but there was a limit after which her body could not take it any longer. It seemed like luck was on Lucas's side today as she survived just in the nick of time.

Maria heard footsteps and she felt someone pick her up. So was that it? Had they actually failed to carry out the plan? But more importantly, did they manage to change the future? These were all questions that plagued Maria but she had no answer for them.

And her body did not have the will to move either as she was captured by the enemy soldiers.

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