The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 162 160

Chapter 162 160: For Now

The party was in the full swing. People were drinking out to their heart's content and the mood was significantly lighter than the past few days. Maria could not help but like this change in pace. It felt deserved after everything that had happened to these people.josei

For now, she was content to sit back and relax against Suna's wolf form. The other was coming back around in bits and pieces of her former self which assured Maria that recovery was not off the table for her. Her companion had found some good doctors in Imu who could look after her.

"You're not going to join all those people? I'm sure there are many who would enjoy the company of a young thing like you" Lady Elma made her way toward Maria. Just like everyone else, she had been busy doing her own thing as well.

She had taken control of the fraction that had been under Rosewell's control and was minding them till Lucas could take control of them. The faction was loyal to a fault and refused to listen to their side of the things. The only reason they were holding back, for now, was because Rosewell was alive.

"I would join but I don't think Suna likes the idea" the half-wolf growled her agreement as she playfully snapped at Lady Elma. This was another change Maria had noticed - the lack of killing intent in Suna's actions.

The demoness had mellowed down as soon as the threat had passed. It did make Maria wonder if her primal form had been able to sense the node's distress and react accordingly.

But then again, Maria was not sure if the danger had passed for them or not. The warning of her system still loomed over all their heads.

"Well, have fun with your wolf then. I'll be in the corner if you need me" Maria nodded as Lady Elma left them alone. She eyed Trisha and Kagemori sitting at the back and having a heart-to-heart as well. And if there were tears involved, well, Maria diverted her eyes to not see them.

She had too much on her own baggage to uncover.

Now that everything had come to pass, Maria found herself listless. She did not know what else she could call this feeling of loss inside her. She turned her head to console someone, only to find her side empty.

Oh yeah, Nao was no longer there. Maria had forgotten that tiny detail. Luckily, Suna was still there and she made the appropriate soothing gesture toward Maria. It felt nice but not as nice as Nao's had been.

"Thanks. I'll go get a drink" Maria pushed herself back to her feet. She needed to move or the restlessness would make her do something stupid. Somehow, her instincts had begun to scream at her to take cover and Maria was not sure why she was feeling like that.

She tried to catch the eye of someone else who could be feeling the same but the shaking stopped her in her search. It caused her to lose her balance and fall flat on her back.

For a second she thought she was the only one feeling those shakes but then more bodies fell due to the intense shaking. Kagemori's familiar scream greeted her ears as well but Maria had much bigger things to focus on.

"Lady Elma, it's the node. It's getting unstable" Trisha called out as she held Kagemori's unconscious body in her hand. The demoness was likely feeling the backlash of whatever was happening there.

"I know. I feel it as well and this is bad. The forced opening of the node's seal caused the contamination to leak out of its seal faster. It's corrupting the magic itself" Maria felt her breath get stuck in her throat at those words.

Magic was the very foundation of a world. It was what kept it working and constructive. As such, once the world was out of magic, it would start to break down. It was usually a slow process and took eons. Imu was decaying at an alarming rate.

"Can we do something? The contamination can be purified, right?" Maria asked. She did remember her lessons on holy magic even if she had hardly ever used it. If she could help here she would do it without hesitation.

Maybe her chains could hold the contamination away if she awakened them. Even though there was a chance of death, Maria felt the need to do that much.

"Even if you could help, I can let you do that. Imu is no place for the oracle to die. At least, not right now when the war is so close in our head" Lady Elma sounded as if she was forcing those words out.

This must have been a decision that had been very difficult to make and yet the lady forced those words out. Maria did not know whether to be impressed or passed that she was being taken so lightly. Did it look like she was itching to die?

"Besides, it's Imu's problem so the solution should also come from this place. It's not like we don't have holy magic of our own" Maria had an answer against that logic. The others were right, Imu did have strong holy magic. The welders were strong as well.

But admitting it felt like a defeat for Maria. That was why she did not speak when the question was brought up. She just looked at the determined people around her. People who were ready to give anything to save their continent.

"You should leave Imu while you still can. This is our fight now" Lady Elma warned, her tone leaving no room for argument. Her expression dared Maria to go against her and Maria folded.

"Suna, let's go," Maria asked as she neared the wolf, probing the other to pick herself up. But the wolf stubbornly kept sitting. She looked at Maria in understanding and regret and Maria felt like she knew what Suna was trying to communicate to her.

Maria might not like Suna's decision but she did respect her enough not to contradict her. Not in front of so many people who had helped Suna get back at her feet.

"Alright. You can stay here till you recover but I expect you to come back as soon as you are cured. Don't think you can get away" the wolf gave Maria her equivalent of a happy smile and Maria turned away.

She did not want to look at Suna anymore or her resolve would crumble. Suna was special to her and this decision was painful but necessary and well.

"So, when do I move to the next node?" Maria asked Lady Elma who had a closed-off expression.

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