The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 167 165

Chapter 167 165: Flee

The kid flinched as soon as she came in contact with the spores and Maria felt the hold of magic lessen around her. This was her chance to run away now. The forest was so close to her now and all Maria had to do was cross the threshold.

However, she could also see a pair of glowing eyes tracking her from the shadows. The eyes were tracking her with blood-lust mixed in that expression. It made Maria freeze in her tracks as she locked eyes with the beast.

It looked hungry, its eyes freezing Maria in the way of her escape. It had an intensity that made her hesitant to take a step forward but that was not the only reason Maria was hesitant to step into the forest. The real reason was the barest hint of magic Maria could feel pouring out of the beast.

This was no ordinary beast but a magic one that had its eyes set on prey. It was not going to let her go without a fight and Maria felt her instincts rise. Her feet refused to allow her to walk toward a certain death but Maria had to get into the forest.

She forced herself to see, to face her fears and call upon every single bit of outside magic she could. The magic fought her but Maria was stubborn as well.josei

/And that rewarded her with a vision. She watched as a naked body jumped down between her and the beast, blocking the attack and confidently meeting Maria's eyes. The chocolate skin of her saviour shined with sweat and flushed all the way down.

Maria's gaze moved downwards but her vision did not allow her the luxury to be able to look further than the huge pair of breasts.

The beast lunged toward her saviour again but the female warrior parried the attack as easily as if she was cutting through butter. The beast's unconscious body fell toward the ground in pain. It was gravely injured but not dead yet.

Maria opened her mouth to ask a question but her balance worsened, causing her to almost fall./

It also knocked her out of headspace and reminded Maria the rescue had not happened yet. She was not even sure if her saviour was a friend or a foe. Would that even matter?

But it did give Maria the confidence to run into the forest and get away from the emerging magic behind her. Not that the beast let her go.

The huge monster was on her tail now, her body waving itself out of the way of the incoming attack but the residue did manage to graze Maria's cheek. She tried to step out of the other attack as well but it touched her.

Maria finally felt it was the end of her chase. She waited for her vision's events to take place as the monster stepped ahead into her vision.

True to her vision, the body of chocolate and muscles managed to intercept the attack, knocking the beast out. But unlike her vision, nothing was blocking Maria from having a full view of those bouncy breasts and the pink skin and -

"Admire me later. That is a forest spirit and will not stay down for long. Let's run away while we still can" the voice knocked Maria right out of her headspace and she nodded unconsciously.

The voice held to commanding a tone for Maria to not be able to obey her. It was a fast exchange but Maria found herself jumping at her feet and following after the woman without a second word.

The forest was dark and dangerous. It had various other dangers present in the vicinity and Maria could feel curious probes of magic trying to gauge her out. Many of them were not gentle as well.

"Don't pay them any mind. If you don't respond then they'll leave you alone" the naked woman in front of Maria explained. She spoke as if she knew what was happening with Maria.

But when Maria tried to gauge her out, the other showed her no signs of possessing any kind of magic. Maria had to wonder how the woman had guessed her thoughts.

"Don't make that face. I can guess what is bothering you since I can sometimes feel them as well. I can't perform any magic though, don't have any capability to" the woman explained as Maria quickly gathered her senses back.

Ah, that did make sense but Maria had not even known if it had even been possible in the first place for people without magic to be able to sense such things. But maybe it was a special case due to the nature of this continent.

"Why did you help me out?" Maria asked once her brain started working again. As good as her luck was, she was not naive to believe that she had been helped out by someone's good nature. There was always a reason for people to help her out.

And true enough, there was a lack of surprise in the female's expression when Maria asked this question. It made her certain that the other had been waiting for Maria to ask this question.

"Our queen is curious about you and asked us to bring you to her. You should thank her since she's the reason you're even alive right now" the woman replied as she cut through the overgrown plants in their way.

Maria took in the other's muscular form as well as the agility and decided against running away. Chances of her not even making it past the 100-metre mark before being captured again were high.

The lack of magic was really a hindrance for Maria right now since it was an integral part of her fighting style. Her raw power was also decent enough and trained but it was not polished without magic.

And who knew what her trying to run away would do. She had freedom of her limbs right now which gave Maria the luxury of being able to defend herself. Risking that chance was a little too much to think of right now.

"Alright. I'll meet your queen. I'm curious about her as well" Maria agreed, trying to assert dominance. She needed to show that the meeting was not happening against her wishes.

"As if you even had a choice" the other scoffed. And they both knew that the naked one was right. Maria had no other choice but to comply with the wishes of her saviour.

In the sky, the moon showed no signs of moving. It felt as if the time itself had stopped for the stars in the sky. The world around Maria was stagnant in its wake and the sky was in its constant state.

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