The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 169 167

Chapter 169 167: Family Time

"You look like you've aged a few years. Something eating at your mind? Didn't I tell you to rest yesterday?" Tired eyes looked back at her companion and the heavy bangs beneath them spoke volumes about the state of the owner.

Neah heard Howl's words but they did not register inside her mind. It was too full of the worry and the 'what-if' scenarios going through her mind. Mostly because of the news Alester had presented her with.

As much as she did not like Alester, she could not deny that he was a talent scout and really good at getting information out when he wanted it to be. Neah was sure that any claim he made would have to hold meaning.

"I was going to rest but then Alester dropped a bomb on me. I'll inform you later what it was about but be careful with the Ablest representative" Neah whispered. She was tired but not tired enough to not be vigilant.

The 'killer' was still out on the loose and it would be targeting this meeting today. Alester had been so sure of this fact when he had handed the paper to Neah. She was not even sure how the teen had gotten this information.

But Neah had instantly tightened the security when she had read the note and it had caused a lot of displacement to happen. Neah was counting on this unrest to be able to put the killer out of their misery once and for all.

"The diplomats have arrived. Let's head to the council room now, Princess Neha" the princess sighed, getting ready for another tough battle.

For some reason, the Albest people have never liked her. Every time she had met them before today, they had subtly let her know that they preferred her brother over her. But her brother was not here now and Neah felt nervous about the response she was about to get.

"Things would be alright. You've done your best and they hold no value in the eyes of our people" Howl assured. The female was not going to be able to accompany Neah in the meeting but she had a good head on her shoulder.

But Neah could not help but be worried about her as well. Unlike most people who were here by choice, Howl had been forced into her position. No matter how much she had come to accept it, there was always that lingering doubt in Neah's mind about her.

And she hated herself for thinking like this.

"You're right. Maybe I'm overthinking things. Well, you are free now so you can go visit your brother. I've heard that your mother is not well so get her treated as well" the surprise was evident on Howl's face.josei

It was not often that Neha spoke such words to her, much less allow her to go back to her family like this. Neah did not like to share the attention of those she approved of and Howl had certainly wormed her way in.

And Howl felt her heart melt at those words. She had not thought she would hear those words from Neah's mouth.

"Take your time and don't worry too much" Howl assured as she watched the princess go. She also ignored the knowing looks being aimed her way by the guards.

And Howl knew what they thought her relationship with Neah was but they could not be more wrong. She sometimes got the feeling that there might develop more between them than this but that was wishful thinking.

Neah was too deep in love with Maria to even consider another option. And this commitment was something Howl understood. She would not be able to take Neah away from the prison she had made for herself, nor did she have the resolve to.

"Everyone, back to your post. I'll be off now but I don't want to hear any complaints about your behavior" Howl's words were harsh but her voice was fond. These guards, had become family to Howl over her time here.

She heard laughter around her that informed her that she had been heard but the guards were not going to take her words seriously. They always were like that anyway so Howl did not care.

Leaving the castle after a long time for nothing else than her own work was a surreal experience. Leaving alone was the first one for her and Howl felt disbelief fill her as she finally managed to step out.

She had never thought she would be able to leave in this lifetime.

And once she was out and over her shock, Howl began to move toward where her family had been situated. It was still the wealthy section of the town but not the nobility one. (She had tried so hard to keep her family out of the castle and nobility section since she did not want people to find out about them and target them)

It was a modest two-story house her family had been relocated in. It had a small front lawn along with a kitchen garden in the back. She spotted her brother right away. He was playing outside the house and had not spotted Howl yet.

She entertained the idea of spooking him by sneaking around his guard but then decided against it. Her brother deserved to have a nice time with her.

"Howl, you're back. You don't have a nice sister with you?" The kid asked as he looked around for Neah. The princess had made sure to accompany her every time she decided to visit her family. So in Shou's eyes, she was like another sister.

Not that Howl minded anymore. The princess was fond of Shou to a degree and even made sure to offer him the best of the best. She was nice like that and it was all these traits that made it easy for Howl to forgive her.

"She has some work to do today but she gave me a day off. Now, what are you doing out here, and how's mother doing?" Howl asked, finally reaching her brother. He had grown taller and it irked Howl to have missed that development.

The child was also coming out of his shell and blooming into his talents.

"Mother is alright now. Doctors say that she'll make a full recovery soon. But sis, there is something else I want to show you. There is a ghost in the forest and I made friends with it." Shou explained as excitement colored his voice.

It made Howl curious as well since she had not heard anything about a ghost in the forest. Maybe she should check it out and see if it's dangerous.

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