The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 175 173

Chapter 175 173: The Hall Of The Princess

“You are not going to come in again?” Maria asked her baked guard who stopped in front of the main door. To Maria, it felt like she was being led into a trap all on her own. She had been assured that her life was not in danger but Maria could not help how she felt trapped.

The only reason she knew that her life was not in danger was that her instincts were not screaming at her to run. Nor did she have a vision that could tell her what was about to happen.

“Only invited guests and members of the princess’s harem are allowed entry. A lowly guard such as me has no business entering this palace” the guard explained. She looked pinched for some reason but Maria was not courteous enough to ask.

Besides, she had just met the guard a few hours ago. She did not feel close enough to her to make such personal comments just this early in their relationship.

“I understand” Maria ended their talk with her words. There was nothing else left for her to say as she entered the palace. The huge doors closed behind her, leaving her to face the most lavish garden she had ever seen.

Jamaica was not a poor place, far from it. But it did seem to lack a lot of natural resources due to the condition its node was in. This garden was a direct contrast to the outdoor situation with its lavishness and magic density.

Maria could even spot some rare variety of plants she had seen on Gerna being grown here. Those were magical herbs that required an intensive amount of magical energy to keep on growing.

This princess sure was bold and uncaring to make such a place right in the middle of the crisis Jamaica was facing with its magic and it irritated Maria. It also made her instantly dislike the princess.

Various naked maids made their way around Maria, not looking up at her as she went further inside the palace. They seemed to be avoiding her gaze, their eyes timid and resolute to not look at her.

It was clear to see the signs of mistreatment even when the physical marks were not present on their bodies. Abuse did not only leave physical marks, after all but there were also enough mental markers to cripple someone for life.

However, as much as Maria wanted to stop and ask someone about their condition, she also knew not to butt her head where she was not needed. These people would not appreciate an outsider coming to their rescue.

Also, as much as she hated to admit it, she did need the princess’s help. Alienating her this early was just asking for trouble on her behalf.

Maria continued walking till she was stopped by a guard at the inner palace gate. For the first time, Maria saw someone wearing clothes. The cover was a flimsy band of cloth but it did cover all the major parts of the guard’s body.

“Halt. How did you enter this place?” the guard questioned. It was not threatening, merely ceremonious but Maria still felt irritated by the interruption.

“I was lead here. The guards outside informed me that the princess wanted to see me” Maria calmed her temper that wanted to explode. These people were irritating and their voices seemed to hold no emotion.

They felt like dolls playing a role more than humans.

“You are permitted to go in” and just like that, the inner doors opened as well. The guard did not even spare her a glance as she passed him.

The inside was even more lavish than the outside. However, the only difference between the inside and the outside was the naked females from the outside had been replaced by men. Beautiful and barely dressed as they were, there was no mistaking the figures.

Various bodies were draped all over the surfaces at display and Maria averted her eyes from them. Even if they did nothing for her, it still felt invasive for her to see them in such a situation.

There were one or two situational girls in there as well but they were rare when compared to the number of men occupying the place.

And in the center of it all sat a lavishly dressed lady in all flowing silk and covered in gold. Her almost-delicate body rested in the lap of a guy who had been bound to the throne behind her.

It was a picture that should not be for others’ eyes but it was happening right in the middle of a populated hall and Maria felt embarrassment creep up her face.

“So you’re the outsider who was called forth by our queen? You look weak but still beautiful enough. Alright, I’ve made my decision. You’ll join my harem as the 100th member. Guards, take her away and prepare her for the ceremony” the lady on the throne called.

She sounded bored as if she had nothing to do with the happenings going on inside the room and Maria felt insulted.

She turned to leave but was stopped by the guards. They looked back at her as if asking her to cooperate with her but Maria was not going to have it. Her swift moves made a quick work of the guards.

But before she could leave, she felt magic trying to bind her. But Maria was too worked up to allow it and too angry to care. She let her magic interact with the neutral magic in the air and twist the princess’s magic.

It helped that the magic was not as fond of the princess as it had been of the little girl in the forest. The princess also was not a master in controlling her magic as the queen had been.

As such, it was really easy for Maria to be able to deflect every attempt being made to detain her. She could also feel the princess getting frustrated at being stopped again and again.josei

“Everyone, stop her at all costs. If she escaped here then it would be your heads that would pay the price” the princess yelled and Maria felt her temper rise. Maria had no idea why she did it, but she made her way toward the princess and her hand met the princess’s cheeks.

The silence that rang through the hall was something no one had expected, and so was the red blooming on the princess’s face. Maria had not expected herself to be in this situation, but she had ended up being in this.

And her blood also boiled to see such a selfish princess. This was no way for royalty to behave and Maria would not stand to be treated like this.

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