The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 34 34

Chapter 34 34: Having A Crush

Suna braced herself for the impact and her legs curved under her to absorb it. It was a clean and safe landing for her this time as well.

Suna did not come to her pocket dimension a lot but she did appreciate this place and all it stood for. It was a paradise of her making and yet it felt empty to her.

However, she had no time to stand around and waste for now. Suna was on a mission and she needed to find her targets.josei

Since the world was made up of her magic, Suna could easily navigate it to find the people inside it. It was ridiculously easy to find a living signature near the spring area.

However, Suna could only feel one of them. The other seemed to have disappeared from the place. The magic masking was powerful but useless in the end. They could not escape and Nao did not think the half-demoness would leave her friend behind and escape alone.

As such, Nao decided to find the first magic signature.

The unconscious body of the demoness she had sensed lay right in the middle of a huge bush. It was hidden from plain sight and Suna might have missed it as well had she not sensed it.

The half-demoness seemed like a smart person, hiding a body in an unknown environment and avoiding any potential dangers.

Luckily, there were no predators in this place. Suna had never seen the need to fill this place up with external wildlife except for those people she wanted to die.

“Your friend left you here alone? Well, let’s get you out first, and then I’ll come back for her” Suna explained to the unconscious body as she neared it.

People might think of it as foolish to talk with an unconscious body but you could never tell when one was faking being unconscious.

Suna would rather tell the other these things in advance and avoid getting attacked than risk her well-being for a thing she did not even do.

Suna easily kneeled in front of the other and observed the unconscious body. The female demoness was unconscious and not faking it which made Suna’s work easier.

Her hands moved forward to retrieve the unconscious body before she heard the small snap of a tree branch. The space behind a tree seemed hollow which alerted her senses of incoming danger.

It only took a second before the air pressure around Suna changed and her body made an unconscious dodging motion.

Seconds later, a chain slammed into the place Suna had just been and avoided the unconscious body of the demoness by just millimeters.

It miss had either been a fluke or the attacker had great control. Suna was not sure which option she preferred and she slowly positioned herself in a surrender pose with her hands up in the air.

If these people were who her father had asked her to escort, then they would likely listen to her and come with her.

If not, then Suna had a few ways to take them down right now. It was not like they could overpower her with magic in this place, nor did they have weapons powerful enough to hurt her.

Though, the chain that had cracked the ground did seem to be magical.

“I would like you to step away from Nao’s unconscious body. Make any sudden move and I will not hesitate to take your head off” the female voice sounded melodic and enchanting. It was fresh and teased Suna’s ears in a way nothing ever had.

“Relax, please. I am not your enemy and this is all a big misunderstanding. My fath-Uh, the guild master of Simon’s court send me here to guide you to the main hall so please co-operate with me” Suna forced those words out of her.

Suna slowly turned around to face the most beautiful face she had ever seen and instantly felt her face flame.

The other female had the palest silver eyes along with long lush pink hair. There were also long pink rabbit ears on top of her head that made her look adorable. The oversized robes she wore did not help the other’s case as well.

She was a babe and Suna’s type. Even her bobs were perfect and Suna could not help her eyes from straying from that face. The face looked familiar though but Suna could not remember why.

“Su Suna, the guardian of Simon’s court. I’ve heard about you but that does not mean I trust you. You are the reason we are here in the first place so why should we trust you?” the other female asked Suna and stepped forward.

Suna instantly took a step back at the intensity in those eyes.

Even the fire in them turned Suna on and made her want to submit to the other. Suna was falling hard and fast for a stranger and could not stop herself.

The other female took another step ahead and Suna took one back. Then to the side and then another.

Suna did not even realize when she had traveled toward the opposite side of the clearing.

The pink-haired half-demoness loomed between her and the unconscious body. Her hand held a small bottle of water which she dumped on her companion’s face.

The unconscious body woke up with a gasp and looked around with a frantic expression. Suna saw those eyes land on the pink-haired girl and calm down instantly.

The pink-haired girl looked back at her companion with a flat look but her eyes were gentle and caring. Suna felt the need to make those pale eyes look at her in the same way as she looked at her companion.

“You woke up? We have someone here to accompany us to the adventurer’s guildhall. I think we can trust her” Suna felt her heart skip a beat at the admission.

Her pink-haired crush was willing to trust her and her words. It would not be long till that trust turned into feelings and then Suna could, maybe, take her chance at wooing the other.

Suna opened her mouth to reassure the other about her intentions and to have those lovely pair of eyes back at her.

But the other, short-haired demon’s words spoilt all the fun with a single sentence.

“Maria, are you sure it is safe? What if it is a trap” Suna heard those words and her mind instantly focused back on a face she knew.

Of course, the pink-haired female’s face looked familiar to her and caused Suna to develop a crush so fast.

It was the oracle’s face with the addition to those pink hairs. Suna felt a curse build up her throat but she forced it down.

There will come a time for questions but it was not now. All Suna could do for now was to grin and bear her feelings.

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