The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 55 54

Chapter 55 54: Turning The Arrow

“Hurry, we need to get out of here. It’s right after us” two figured ran past the empty corridor of a badly scorched mansion. The once-beautiful piece of architecture barely held itself together as it.

The sibling duo ran through all that destruction, being mindful of the falling debris that lay all around them.

“Keep on running Milo. Don’t let that thing catch us” the elder of the pair, the sister panted as she positioned herself between the danger and her younger brother. She knew she had to protect her brother at all costs since he was only six years old.

​ So she ran and she protected her brother. Her body became the shield against the falling flames and her brother’s fragile body.

“Trying to run is futile. You should be honored to have been chosen Lady Clement” The blue-haired female did not feel as lucky as she was being chased around.

She gritted her teeth as she ran away from certain death, only to reach a huge ballroom that somehow had remained intact.

There was no way out other than the corridor she had just run through and that thought filled the female with dread. She held her brother closer to her body as she faced down the monster in front of her.

“You could have made it all easier on yourself by allowing yourself to die peacefully. Now you have made him angry” the man, no, the evil who stepped out of the corridor after she was someone Lady Clement knew well.

“Cousin Miguel, why did you do this? They were your family as well” the lady asked as she held her brother closer to herself. She had trusted this man with her life once and now she felt like puking in his presence.

The blue-haired man in front of her was the reason she had lost everything.

A huge shadow eclipsed her cousin’s body and the thing from the nightmare, the demon, the monster stepped ahead. It looked relatively human but easily thrice the size of one. His body showed exposed muscles with some kind of metallic engine insisted on his heart.

“Now, it is neither your fault nor mine that this happened. If you have anyone to blame then blame the oracle for dying on us when she did. And because she did, we need to now look for different alternatives for our dear lord’s resurrection. Too bad that our dear princess is such an incompatible match” much to her horror, her cousin actually sounded remorse.

Tears were running down his handsome face but the smile on it made them seem out of place.

“I don’t understand what you mean but I won’t stand for what you have done either. That thing should not exist in this world” Lady Clement commented as she stared the devil down.

Whatever that thing was, it was as far from human as it was possible. It held too much demonic energy but also something more. The other core of that energy was not something she had ever seen before.

“How awful, calling our dear prince Nick like that. And for that transgression, you shall die” the awful man pointed his can toward Lady Clement like a weapon and the body behind him charged.

The lady calculated the trajectory of that attack and made plans on dodging them. She just needed a chance to be able to run past her cousin and she’ll be free.

Unfortunately, Lady Clement was too busy thinking of a way out. Her hold on her younger brother loosened as she ran toward the exit alone.

The huge body made to follow but a single raised hand stopped his motion. Lard Clement had other plans than to allow the empty husky of the prince to follow his cousin.

“Don’t bother. She’ll come back for the kid anyway. You just secure him and we should be good” the empty husk followed those orders and picked up the small kid.

The kid fainted as soon as he was in the giant’s hand and did not watch as the hatch opened to put the kid inside the empty husk.

There was only fire inside the husk, burning blue and black. It was not normal and one did not need to have magic to be able to tell that it was enchanted.

“Let him out. Let my bother out” Lady Clement did make a U-turn but she arrived a little late. Her brother laid inside that empty husk of the body and lady Clement’s spell only made him immobile.

“If you want your brother, then go and take him out yourself” her cousin grinned at her and knew he had won when the lady ignored him.

Any weapon she deployed to get her brother out melted but the heat did not feel fatal to her mortal body. Her brother lay curled far away from those flames and Lady Clement made a decision.

The demon lay unconscious under her spell so it gave Lady Clement the courage to head inside. As long as she was quick enough, she would make it out alive.

Or that was the plan.

She did not expect things to happen as they did next and only managed to secure her brother’s body before the space around her moved.

She tried to use magic to get out but the flames surged as soon as they felt her magical spark and covered both her and her brother’s bodies.

“I’m sorry Milo. You should not have gotten involved in all this” Lady Clement whispered before she was engulfed in flames.josei

They surged out of the titan’s body and covered it from head to toe. When they went out, there was no significant change in the titan.

“Not enough magic to sustain you, huh? Looks like we will need to look for a new target soon” Lord Clement sounded regretful of the fact but his face showed only excitement.

“My lord, the princess had called for you. She wants to talk to you about something. Though, I guess she will be getting some upsetting news from your side as well?” Lord Clement looked toward his messenger, a demon who had been appointed to his side by his master.

The same master who told him about this powerful opportunity. His master was blessed after all and his return would be magnificent. Lord Clement would make sure of it.

“Oh, the princess would soon have her hands full. After all, the whole Clement family was assassinated due to a demonic attack and only left a side branch member who had been busy with his duties to the crown” Yes, this was an opportunity.

An opportunity made by gods for him. He would make sure to capitalize on it in the future.

(April's fool? What is that? We don't prank in this house. Except in the story. Privileges will be coming soon so I hope you all enjoy them once they come and support me as well)

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