The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 6 06

Chapter 6 06: The Day It All Went Bad

“Maria, I’m so happy you came today. I almost thought you would miss today’s ceremony. You have been absent for the past few” Maria had a bad feeling about this but she also knew she could not put this off for any longer.

Not if her system had anything to do with it.

“I won’t miss today. It’s an important day for you and Nick. I need to be here to support my fiancé” whatever happiness that had appeared on Princess Neah’s face faded away at Maria’s words.

Just as it always did when Maria brought up the subject of being Nick’s ‘fiancé’ up.

“Of course you do. Well, I should be getting going now” and just like that, princess Neah left the scene.josei

Maria could not help but sigh at her behavior. Princess Neah was the most beautiful woman Maria had ever seen but she was also the most moody. Even the littlest thing seemed to set her off.

But Maria liked her and all her moods. Too bad that she was her fiancé's sister.

Half-sister at that. And she was also about to die today.

“What did I do wrong this time Nao?” Maria could not help but ask her faithful shadow. The demon had grown up as a fine lady as well, her horns were even more magnificent than before.

Her short purple hair was still short, but it had a gentle waviness to them. And then there was the most impressive asset Nao had gained over the years - her huge chest which should be impossible by human standards.

But Nao was a demon and it seemed common for their species. Or so the books told her.

And Maria should not be the one to complain, since her chest was more than big enough at this point.

“Perhaps you should not talk about crown Prince Nick in front of Lady Neah. There seems to be a divide there” Maria agreed with those words. She had noticed that as well.

She could see the siblings avoid each other as they moved about the room. Princess Neah was alone while Prince Nick seemed to have his blond shadow everywhere behind him.

That had been another pleasant surprise for Maria to see - the blond demon. She had turned out to be a beauty as well, with her long and luscious wavy hair and green eyes.

And her piercing eyes that seemed to look directly into Maria’s stare. She looked at Maria as

if she would eat her.

Just like she was looking at her now.

And of course, the prince noticed this as well and glared at Maria. There was no salvaging that relationship, was there?

“Let’s go Nao. I need to find mother now” the time for the prophecy was coming closer. Maria was not sure how it was supposed to work since she had never given a prophecy before but she knew she had to go into a trance.

She had also been told that she would not remember any of it afterward.

But it was important and the time for it was close. Her mother had reassured Maria that she would give out a prophecy today, even if she had to induce one by force.

“Of course. Mistress is waiting for you to join her” Noa, being the incredible servant she was, had already singled out Silvya’s location.

It was still difficult for Maria to call Silvya mother and it did not help that the other showed no nurturing behavior toward her.

Still, Maria had to behave according to her character and make sure to address Silvya correctly. God knows there had been some close calls over the years.

The dark-skinned pale-blonde lady was sitting at the highest seat of honor but her expression was sour.

“Mother” Maria flinched as the words left her mouth. They sounded so foreign to her.

“Maria, are you ready my child? The time is finally here” Maria was ready to fulfill her destiny and she waited for something to happen.

But nothing happened and all Maria saw was the disappointed face of her mother as she lead her away.

[Countdown to the prophecy. ETA: 15 minutes]

Maria knew she still had 15 minutes left to her before anything happened but she could not help but want this to be over already. Silvya’s disappointed look was more than she could take.

It would only mean more training and workout for Maria.

There was a small magical distortion on the central stage that caused everyone’s eyes to focus on the center. Maria felt her eyes shift there as well.

The king was there on the stage along with princess Neah and prince Nick.

“Everyone, we have gathered here today for the sacred ceremony. It is time for the oracle to present her wishes for the future and start the ceremony” every eye turned to Maria and she felt nervous.

It was not time yet. There were still a few minutes left before the ceremony.

The haze of the prophecy had not even been set up on her yet.

“Useless child. Would I have to do everything myself?” Maria was panicking and she would blame it for getting caught off guard by Silvya.

Something hazy passed over her and Maria felt herself lose consciousness.

[System takes over for the prophecy initiated. The host is thanked for their timely cooperation]

The hall drew into a state of silence as the oracle’s eyes glazed over. With beautiful lady Silvya by her side, this scene looked to be out of the storybook famous in the capital.

It was time for the oracle to tell them about the upcoming glorious future.

“[The time for choice has come for the kingdom and there is only one right answer.

The one to survive would lead the future. You only have one chance to decide your fate. Would it be peace or would it be a success?

But do remember, only the union of the divine and the death would bring true prosperity for this world. Only the one who has both would save this world]”

The hall drew silent, taking in the words of the oracle. It was clear that the prophecy told of a union that could only be of prince Nick and the oracle.

But they did not know what the thing about divine and death was. Was someone supposed

to die?

The oracle raised her hands, her cuffs turning into chains and levitating around the central stage. This was the point where the divine portal would be opened by the oracle to allow the royal family to possess divinity.

Only one of the children would inherit this power and rule.

Maria was only aware of about half of what was going on. She could feel the change in the chain's magic, feel it overcoming its limits and draining at her life.

They were unsealing themselves and the reality as well.

[Warning: Unusual events detached. The host is being given the control back]

Maria was thrust into her body without any prior warning. One second she was out of it, the next she had her own body back.

And there was yelling. A lot of yelling.

“The crown prince has been stabbed. Someone, go after the killer” there was a flurry of the moment as Maria felt herself come back.

Her eyes moved over the frightened crown to meet princess Neah’s own. Her face looked shocked and sad but her eyes held a joy to them.

And then there was the body in front of her, lying bleeding and most certainly dead. Prince Nick was dead.

Her fiancé was dead. She was free.

But also, what did that mean for this world? The MC had died. Oh god, the MC had died and his supposedly to-be-dead sister had survived.

Nothing made sense anymore.

“Maria, look out” the stress and lack of life force took their course and Maria felt herself going unconscious.

Her last look was of her mother being impaled by a soldier’s sword but her eyes looked happy and content. Her eyes met Maria’s own but she could only see glee.

“Finally, my revenge is over” and then Maria’s consciousness was no more. She did not even feel the feeling of bloody hands caressing her face, nor the happy eyes looking back at her.

(Finally, the true story starts here. Hope you enjoy it. I won't be posting a lot of notes for you this time since they take up chapter space and I would rather give you chapters instead)

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