The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1916

Chapter 1916

Chapter 1916

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1916 After saying that, Gerald turned around and began exploring this new place with Rey…

Shortly after, they came across a spring of sorts that had crystal clear water that splashed all over the place…

Naturally, this surprised the duo. To think that there would be a spring here of all places…

“How odd to find a spring out of the blue!” exclaimed Rey as he walked over to the body of flowing water before scooping some up to drink…

Eyes-widening the second he gulped down, Rey couldn’t help but turn to face Gerald as he added, “Holy! The water’s sweet!”

Rey had never tasted such sweet and refreshing spring water in his entire life!

Hearing that, Gerald walked over as well to taste the water… and true to Rey’s words, the water truly was rather sweet. The fact that a spring with such sweet water was down here in this horrible place truly was mystifying…

Before Rey could take another scoop, the water suddenly began bubbling, causing the youth to freeze in surprise.

It wasn’t long after before the entire spring was filled with bubbles, and within seconds, all the water suddenly evaporated!

“.H-huh? The hell? How did all the water suddenly disappear!” exclaimed Rey in an incredulous tone.

Before Gerald could even theorize, however, a crisp ‘crack’ could be heard from the middle of the dried- out spring…

Fixing their gazes on the source of the sound, the duo simply watched as a slab of stone suddenly began rising from the center of the dried-out spring…

Exchanging glances with each other, Gerald and Rey slowly walked over as the stone slab shifted to the side… revealing what appeared to be a darkened entrance that led downward!

While Rey’s first reaction was to stare at Gerald in disbelief, Gerald himself was already shining his flashlight to illuminate the bottom of the hole…

A while later, Gerald wordlessly began descending the hole… Of course, upon seeing that, Rey had no choice but to follow him down…

The hole itself led to a flat path, and the duo walked on until they eventually came across a huge chamber… Seeing that there was a golden casket in the middle of the chamber, Rey couldn’t help but exclaim, “…I- is that what I think it is…? My god! This chamber… it’s a tomb!”

As Rey wondered how the hell their expedition ended up becoming a tomb exploration, Gerald himself began walking deeper into the tomb…

It was only a few steps later when the candles in the chamber suddenly let up, instantly brightening the entire tomb…

Now that everything was well lit, Gerald noticed that there was a tombstone within the chamber.

Walking over and seeing that ancient script had been carved onto the tombstone, Gerald turned to look at Rey before asking, “Say, can you read this?”

Gerald knew that Rey was a top student, which was why he felt that Rey had a chance of deciphering the text.

Regardless, Rey quickly jogged over before having a look at the tombstone…

It took him a while, but eventually, Rey replied, “Well… It contains information about this tomb’s owner, Mr. Crawford! From what I’ve gathered, the owner of the tomb goes by Talias Yah, and he was a general in an ancient country called Zanekh… To think that the tomb of such a great general could be found within Mount Dakriont… How stupefying.”

Upon hearing that, Gerald immediately knew that they couldn’t touch anything in here. After all, triggering a trap in such a high-profile tomb would surely spell their doom… As he was thinking of that, the corner of Gerald’s eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar symbol on the golden casket… Where had he seen that before…

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