The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 845 “Since your body’s condition hasn’t been too well recently, I’ve bought some health supplements for you, grandma!” said Gerald as he placed his gift aside once he entered.

“Humph! How rare it is to see you being this thoughtful!” replied Lady Yaleman in a solemn tone. After all, Gerald had come empty-handed on her actual birthday that day.

Regardless, though it was true that she had disowned Yulia, she had to admit that it was near impossible to perfectly slice the bond between mother and daughter. What more, Gerald and Jessica were both her biological grandchildren.

As a grandmother, she had honestly always wanted to at least have some form of contact with him.

However, when she first saw how pathetic Gerald looked, she was instantly reminded of Dylan. Both father and son were so alike… Their characteristics were similar as well.

They were simply the kinds of people who never retorted or fought back against others, even if they were scolded or beaten up.

After a slightly agonizing silence, Lady Yaleman asked, “…Has your mother been leading a good life all these years, Gerald?”

“She has. To tell you the truth, my mom frequently misses you!” said Gerald as he sat up straight.

“Humph! She’s having a good life even when she’s together with a person like your dad? I know why you’re here, Gerald, and I’m obligated to tell you that it isn’t customary for the Yaleman family to hand out properties to those from outside the family. You can give up on that. After all, it’s been over twenty

years now and I’ve not heard a single word from that woman. I’m afraid she must’ve assumed I died long ago!” replied Lady Yaleman angrily.

At that, Gerald smiled before saying, “Please don’t say that, grandma. I’m honestly not here for any of the Yaleman family’s properties. My reason for being here is to moderate the resentment between you and mom.”

“Moderate? I won’t even be alive for much longer, so what’s the point in that? Besides, all of this began when she ran away from that wedding that year! Not only did it cause the Leans family to stand against the Yalemans like rabid dogs, it’s also the reason why our family’s position has consistently been deteriorating throughout the years. While we were the head of the four large families here back then, we’re now that last! We’ve truly suffered a lot because of her!” retorted Lady Yaleman as she got increasingly furious.

“While that’s true, the Leans family was ruined by someone else shortly after, no?” replied Gerald as he slowly raised his head.

Hearing that, Lady Yaleman was stunned. From his gaze and the way he had said it, she was able to catch on to what he was trying to imply.

“I’d just like to say something since I’m already here today. It wasn’t entirely my mom’s fault regarding what had happened back then. With all due respect, you were partly responsible for all that as well. Besides, things change. You may have thought that my father was but a pauper back then, but who’s to say that he’s remained the same after twenty years? Regardless, I hope you rest well, grandma. I’ll come meet you again in a few days,” said Gerald as he got up to leave.

Lady Yaleman could only stare at his back in surprise as he left the room.

It was her first time having a formal chat with her grandson, and it was also the moment when she realized that Gerald wasn’t a weak yes-man like how he presented himself to be.

Gerald had also seemed to indicate something rather preposterous to her during their brief conversation.

After seeing Gerald off, the butler began unwrapping the gift that Gerald had left in the other room. Usually, the butler would record everything—from the identity of the person who had given the gift, to the contents of the gift itself—upon Lady Yaleman receiving a gift.

However, he was so stupefied the moment he saw the contents of the gift box that he momentarily forgot to do so.

Instead, he began knocking on Lady Yaleman’s door before anxiously saying, “C-chairman! Have a look at the gift Mr. Gerald Crawford gave you!”

Upon allowing him to enter, Lady Yaleman’s eyes immediately widened in shock as she looked at the gift in her butler’s hands.


“If I’m not mistaken, this seems to be the Saussurea involucrate which had been bid by Chairman Thomson from Yanken. It’s said that this thousand-year-old ginseng has the ability to counter all illnesses and also promise longevity!”

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