The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 236 - Two Hundred And Thirty-six

Chapter 236 - Two Hundred And Thirty-six: I Give You My Word

Chapter 236 - Two Hundred And Thirty-six: I Give You My Word

"Where is she?" Jenny asked with a face lined with scowls combined with worries.

Trevor lifted her phone and read out the message "Sorry mom, but I have got a place to go but don't worry, I would be back soon"

"I bet she went to visit Daniel, he's the only person that comes into her mind these days," Jenny said angrily.

"I highly doubt that," Trevor mumbled but his mom heard him, "If she didn't go there, then where?"

Since she already heard him, Trevor had no choice but to give her his point of view "She just returned from Kinney village a day ago, why would she go back to a place miles away from here?"

"Well, I don't know but I need her back home right now!" His mother stomped her feet angrily.

Trevor didn't need to guess, she was probably at Asher's place - not that he would tell that to their mom.

Having two mates? It was pretty shocking to others with the knowledge of the supernatural not to talk of their mom.

What was he going to tell her? That her daughter Lia was destined to be with two men for life?

Nope, their mom would go gaga and might take extreme measures to separate her from her mates- highly doubtful she could do that with her daughter's scary mates around.

"Maybe, you should calm down and await her return" Trevor suggested.

"Fine, I'll do just that. She's dead meat," Jenny announced and walked back into her room.

Once his mother was out of sight, all smiles disappeared from Trevor's face, he knew something was amiss here.

Normally, he would have thought her sister's weird disappearance normal but after discovering Supernaturals existed, he understood at once: nothing was a coincidence.

Why would Lia type a message on her phone instead of penning down a note on a paper for them? His sister was strict with her phone and would never let anyone- not even their mother - go through it.

It was obvious she was hiding the millions of dirty chats with her mates from their sight. It was no secret that their mom was a very nosy person and could pry into the smallest of secrets.

So would why Lia, his sister leave her phone lying around carelessly, the password had even been removed which is why he was able to go through the message without encountering any trouble.

It could only mean one thing: someone abducted his sister and didn't want to raise an alarm. Unable to copy her writing, the culprit must have thought her phone was a better option.

But whoever was able to disable her password must be someone close to her, who knew about her family and her secrets too.

Her mates! That was the only two people he could think of.

Ben, of course, made the list but the boy was an ordinary human who doesn't have the strength to carry off her sister through a window. He would break his leg if not die, jumping from that height with his sister in his arms; only someone as strong as a? supernatural could do that.

Now, which of her mates abducted her cause from the looks of things, she left unwilling.

Trevor disliked Daniel very much - he had heard and read tales of these beasts losing control and hurting people - even their mates sometimes.

Though he had no idea how both creatures spent time with his sister - which was pretty revolting after imagining them having a threesome- but it was pretty obvious that they took turns.

So Daniel would not come for her after having her to himself in Kinney village unless jealousy set in and he took her - but that was exaggerated.

If Trevor had a dislike for the wolf, then he had a stronger dislike for the vampire. Not because he intimidates him but mainly for the fact that he has this strong impression that Asher was taking advantage of their relationship and feeding on his sister - If only he knew that was the other way around.

Moreover, after that incident of almost dying in the hands of that girl who he swore bore fifty percent resemblance to Asher, his trust for the vampire dwindled greatly. josei

He was probably the one who seized his sister but why? He didn't know. So at once, he called him.

"What is it?" The vampire picked at the first ring but his harsh tone hinted he was annoyed by his call.

"My sister, she's there, isn't she?" Trevor questioned boldly.

"She is here. Any specific reason for asking?"

"Why did you take her?" The anger Trevor reined in began to surface, it was obvious in his taut voice.

"I needed my mate, is there any other reason for that? " His tone was smug.

The arrogance of that vampire

"That mate of yours has a life here and you took her against her will, that is against the law and her human right!"

Trevor retorted furiously.

"Raise that in vampire court" the vampire mocked him.

"Return my sister" he demanded.

"Sure," he added, "After we're done having fun and unless you want to join us, do not call my phone again"

"You said you were going to protect her," Trevor reminded her briskly before he hung up.

"Trust me, I'm keeping her safe"

And the call ended.

Trevor howled in an angry outburst which got Rex saying, "Men, don't wolf out on me"

Call it his instincts as a hunter or the bond between siblings but he knew his sister wasn't safe.

He pondered calling Ben who was the closest to his sister yet decided against it, what could that weirdo possibly do?

An idea hit him, Trevor began to scroll through the contacts in her sister's phone and stumbled upon a number, Dan.

The vampire was the second in command to Asher and would help get her sister out of whatever danger Asher was putting her in.

"What is it now, Lia? Haven't you had a handful with your mate last night? " Dan grumbled.

"It's not Lia but her brother, Trevor. We need to talk "


What was this? Asher was utterly disappointed, he replicated only one. Then it struck him, everything was at the beginner's level.

He could only duplicate one at a time and it took him great energy and concentration. He had just fed after a long time but at this rate, he was going to be famished pretty soon.

Raphael was a stupid bastard, this ability of his which he clearly underestimated was so powerful that even Asher found it hard to manipulate. One had to have a high level of concentration and endurance to control the duplicates.

Per his command, his copy made another replica who in turn made another copy, bringing them to a total of four against six vampires.

"Go now!" Asher commanded the third generation duplicate to leave while his predecessor provided cover for him to escape and the other fought alongside him.

Raphael had stayed with the Raven clan for years and they knew all the flaws in his ability. He might not have the opportunity to leave this place easily but his clone had a better chance of surviving.

Since Asher had drawn much attention to this room, everyone would be focused on capturing him, giving his duplicate enough time to escape and call for help from his people.

Just as predicted, the kitchen was gradually filled with vampires who attacked him from both sides. In no time his copies were killed leaving him all to himself.

Asher was too exhausted to create more and was immobilized in no time. They forced him to his knees while another had his arm around his neck- a vulnerable spot for vampires since one could easily get their neck ripped off from their body.

Two others held him at the arms respectively - used to dismember a vampire but he wouldn't die. In summary, he was disabled and as good as dead.

Ezekiel came in with a hardened look, it was obvious he had received the unpleasant news.

A punch which he had anticipated, to be honest, met his face; the man was good at throwing one.

"How did this happen?!" Ezekiel raged which made some vampires step back reflexively.

"We have no idea, sir," The brute who he had beaten in the dungeon answered with his head lowered and a fearful look.

A malevolent smile found its way across Ezekiel's features, "So you're trying to say that you failed woefully at the job I gave you?"

The vampire gulped, "No, Alpha …"

The rest of his words were forever lost as Ezekiel ripped out his heart cruelly and tossed it across the room.

A chill fell upon the area, everyone was on tenterhooks, no one knew who would be the next to incur Ezekiel's wrath.

"Did any of the duplicates escape?!" Ezekiel questioned.

"Yes, one did " A vampire answered.

Anger flashed in his eyes," You let him escape?" He faced the vampire who answered.

"No, alpha Ezekiel, I was - "

A snapping sound was heard and the vampire slumped with his head twisted to a weird angle.

Right, Ezekiel had telekinesis ability.

He faced Asher who had a smug smile, "You just sealed your death" he told him.

" You orchestrated this plan perfectly. At this rate, your copy would reach your clan before sundown and that is a mistake I can't afford"

"So what are you going to do? Kill me? This is your son's body" Asher looked calm but he was beginning to get anxious inwardly.

He had believed that Ezekiel would not destroy his son's body which was why he was relaxed all this while. If he dies, his duplicate would die as well, hence Ezekiel's urgent need to end him.

"I dislike the sight of you, but if it means that my son would flourish in that body, then so be it" Ezekiel declared.

" No, you can't do - "

Asher began to grunt his pain, holding the area of his chest: Ezekiel was trying to pull out his heart using his ability.

Blood began to seep out of his chest and just when Asher was convinced that he would die, a shrill wail filled the room causing all the vampires - Ezekiel included- to cry out in horror with their hands against their ears.

"Give me your word that you would help me find my mother or I would leave you to your damnation " Demanded the young witch who appeared by his side.

" I give you my word"

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