The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 145 - The Goblet

Chapter 145 - The Goblet

Chapter 145 - The Goblet

"Please do not bother your pretty little mind with that Pia," said Daryn. His wife had done an excellent job, his father was phenomenal and he wasn't bothered about kids because all he wanted was a long life with the only person who made him feel alive. He was laughing on the inside. He looked at his father and nodded saying a mental 'thank you'.

Caleb's nostrils flared in anger. With his legs planted wide, elbows away from the body and his chest thrust out, in a breathy voice he said, "Daryn, mind your language. You can't talk to Pia like this."

"I am sorry Caleb, but even Pia can't talk to my wife like that. She is no one to question whether we can produce children or not," replied Daryn with tightness in his expression. This was turning out to be ugly. He wanted to lift Dawn in his arms and walk out of the Silver Mansion, the door of which seemed more than a thousand miles away at the moment.

Dawn looked pale like a ghost and her eyes were wide in anticipation of a fight. The atmosphere was charged.

"Stop it!" Gayle shouted at his sons. He motioned Neal, who was standing behind to be on alert.

Pia opened her mouth to say something, but Gayle glared at her so harshly that she closed her mouth immediately.

Caleb gritted his teeth. The whole thing had nosedived. Along with Pia he was looking like a fool in that dress. He wanted to scold her for the dramatic effects she wanted to create for the ceremony. All she wanted was to show-off. The turn of events made them look like clowns. He removed the feather headdress that he was wearing and crushed its feathers.

The Shaman pursed his lips. He didn't know where to look just as the rest of the crowd. Family feud had come out in the open and guests had started talking in hushed tones. The Shaman said, "Should I pack up?"

"Yes, you may leave," said Sedora. She didn't want him to perform the important ritual else—.

"No!" Gayle's voice boomed. "Continue the ceremony. It is an auspicious one and instead of Caleb and Pia, Daryn and Dawn will be a part of it."

Daryn looked at his father and then his gaze darted to Sedora who was fuming under that calm demeanor. Her eyes were black with all the darkness that she could summon. He knew that she wouldn't be an easy person to deal with later.

The Shaman nodded and called the couple next to the holy fire. All other guests lined up around them.

Disgusted, insulted and furious, Caleb threw the headdress on the floor and left. Pia followed him with tears flowing uncontrollably. She gave one last look to Dawn before leaving the hall.

In the ceremony, Daryn was declared the next heir of the Silver Pack and Alpha of the werewolves, and Dawn the Luna.

The Shaman made Daryn drink a potion of blood that contained drops of blood of all the werewolves in the pack. It was glittering with red sparks that bubbled to the surface continuously. She was aghast when Daryn drank almost half the goblet. The goblet was offered to Dawn too, who found it yucky but took a sip. She didn't know why they were drinking it, but apparently this was an important ritual and she didn't question.

The ceremony got over within an hour and she saw that Daryn was looking dazed. She took a step toward him and held his arm tightly. Daryn caught her in his arms and held her close.

"You both must leave now," said Gayle. He ordered Neal to help Daryn out.

Daryn appeared to be in a trance-like situation. His face had started to glow. The lips were turning redder than usual. His fangs and claws were growing.

Dawn became worried. Quietly, they walked out of the main hall of the Silver Mansion. The car was waiting for them. Neal helped Daryn to sit in the car. He gestured with his hand to Dawn to stop from sitting inside. After closing the door on Daryn's side, he walked to Dawn and said in a low voice, "Daryn's body is undergoing a process, which will finalize his taking over as the Alpha of the werewolves. It will be painful for him. So be on his side. The car won't go to the Silver Arcade. You will be going to the cottage over the hill, which is in a secluded place. If Daryn needs to get out, don't follow him, just let him go."

Dawn looked at Daryn who had closed his eyes. "What is the process all about?" she asked.

"He will let you know. Please leave now, else this may turn untoward," Neal goaded her.

"Will he recover on his own or do I have to call a doctor?" she asked with a frown.

"No, don't even think of calling anyone!" Neal wanted to smack her head. She really didn't know anything about pure bloods.

She nodded vehemently. "Okay, then please take care of Cole." josei

"I will."

As soon as she was inside, Daryn slid his hand to find her and held it tightly. He was burning with fever. His eyes were closed. Dawn shifted and sat beside him.

Without opening his eyes, he said, "That was superb Dawn. The way you have answered my mother, not a single werewolf Chief would dare to cross your path now." His voice was coming from a distance. It was as if he wasn't present with her.

"Baby, you seem to have fever," she said softly as she took her hand to check his forehead.

He continued. "My father is very happy with you."

Dawn held his head and made him lean on her.

"Your mother is now my enemy," she said in a sad voice. "She will kill me."

In his state, Daryn chuckled. "A worthy enemy. She would think twice to do anything to you."

Dawn bit her lip. She saw how dark and clouded Sedora's eyes were when the ceremony was going on. She didn't know why, but Sedora didn't click well. There was something about her that screamed that she was hiding a big secret, but Dawn couldn't pinpoint. She shoved away her thoughts from her mind and focused on the more important person – Daryn. His fever was increasing. "Tell me one thing husband," she asked.


"Why didn't you ever mention that we couldn't have children? You sounded as if you wanted more than ten of them." On the inside she was very sad.

A thin smile came on his lips. "I would still want ten kids." He became quiet.

Noticing his deteriorating condition, Dawn stopped talking. "Hang in there, hubby."

The car speeded through the highway and went to the hill where the cottage was present. When the car stopped, the driver rushed to open the door for Daryn and said, "Sir, you are on your own from here."

Dawn was already on his side and she helped Daryn to step out. "Help us to go to the cottage," she asked the driver.

"No! Let him go!" Daryn roared dangerously. His teeth had started chattering and breath became shaky. The driver jumped in the car and sped off.

Daryn looked at Dawn, the slit in his eyes grew bigger and yellow. "Dawn, stay away from me!" He roared. "Go to the cottage. I will meet you there."

"I will be—" she was about to say 'with you', but Daryn had shape shifted into a massive white wolf. He howled, gave her a fierce look and loped in the opposite direction.

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