The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 391 - Stunned

Chapter 391 - Stunned

Chapter 391 - Stunned

"I would like to attend it," replied Lazarus solemnly. A king's coronation was rare in the Lore mostly because the kings and queens were immortals and often, such events took place after a gap of hundreds or thousands of years when the ruler died, which was rare, or when he or she abdicated and also when there was a coup like the recent case.

The crowning in Ixoviya was taking place after five hundred years. The last one took place after he was slayed by Sedora. A muscle ticked in his jaw when he remembered it. He would definitely attend the ceremony only because it would calm his nerves.

It was ironic that it was her elder son who would be the new ruler of the kingdom and it was her daughter-in-law who was responsible for her ouster. What could be worse… he wondered. "It would be a great honor, Prince Daryn to attend the coronation of Prince Caleb."

Daryn smiled and said, "In that case, let me arrange for your rooms." He took a step and then stopped. "Since Emma has already mentioned that this place still reeks of Sedora's spies, you have to be extra careful."

"I will," Lazarus nodded.

Daryn wanted the vampire couple to attend the coronation for all to see the alliance, the support. He had already sent messages to Brantley and Ileus to join them. While he walked out of the room in order to make preparations, he pinched the bridge of his nose thinking about Ulfric. Caleb and Elize had to be wedded over there to be recognized as the official couple in the Silver Clan. The problems of being the royalty!

"How are we going to find out about the spies here, Emma?" asked Dawn. She rested back on the sofa, feeling extremely tired. She rubbed the back of her neck and her eyes were half closed due to fatigue.

"The thing is that all the sorcerers are masters in putting up glamour. They can make you see something else in order to hide their inner feelings or looks. Since Daryn and Caleb are half- sorcerers, they need to differentiate between the ones who are loyal to them and the ones who are backstabbers." She paused to take a refill from Lazarus. "I have heard that Daryn can easily break the spells of the castle and get into the minds of others. That's a great power and he should use it to discern." She turned her gaze outside the window. It was still very dark. "I have no idea about Caleb's capabilities, but he needs to learn about his abilities and together they have to delve deeper to free this place from its dirt and blackness." She took a sip of her whiskey and looked at Dawn. "Norhall castle was a beautiful place, until Sedora came and destroyed its culture. It's for Caleb to bring back the society, the sophistication, this place was known for."

Dawn nodded. "I just hope this happens," she said, tiredness dripping in her voice.

Daryn walked in the room and said that their chambers were ready.

"Where is the coronation taking place?" asked the female vampire.

Understanding her predicament about not being able to go out in sunlight, Daryn replied, "Inside the main court." Moreover, now even Elize was a vampire.

"Good," she smiled and gulped down her whiskey. She got up and extended her hand to her husband saying, "I know you want to drink from me."

A low, rough growl emanated from Lazarus. He caught her hand and rose on his feet. "Been waiting for it for a long time," he said, showing his hunger for her.

A servant was already there to guide them to their chambers. When the vampire couple left, Daryn picked up his wife in his arms. "You need a lot of rest, baby."

She circled her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. Resting her head against his chest, she said, "Hmm. I am too tired. Take me to bed." And the Lykae carried his wife to their chamber. After helping her to change, he tucked her in the blankets and then slipped inside in his pajamas. He pulled her close to him and spooned her on the back. Dawn drifted off into deep slumber wrapped in the safety embrace of her mate.

The morning was only two hours away and everyone waited for the new sun to rise, for the birds to chirp on Yelgras and for the sun rays to give brilliant hues to what was hidden under the faint moonlight.

Back in the royal chambers, Caleb was watching over Elize. She was still not awake. Her body was already showing transformation. Her skin had become marble white. The pallid face had become healthier, but a little whiter than usual. There were fangs inside her mouth and the wee fangs that were coming out of her mouth were adorable. The healers had left them a while back. Caleb was so tired that all he wanted was to hold his mate and rest. At first he was too nervous as to what would happen to her, but then with the advent of time he began to relax as he watched that she was only getting better. The frail body was beginning to change into a healthy one.

Lazarus had said that she would need food once she woke up, so he had ordered the servants to bring animal blood for her. He had personally investigated four glasses of blood that were kept on the bedside table whether they were poisoned or not. The taste of blood repulsed him, but he had to do it for his mate.

Caleb closed his eyes. That night Elize lay in Caleb's arms as she slept. He held her tightly in a vise like grip as if he was having nightmares that she would be angry and leave him. Uneasy, he woke up to the steady pitter-patter of rain on the window, the droplets of which were yet to scatter the morning rays of the rising sun.

He looked at Elize and found that her head was turned in his direction and that she had latched on his chest. She was his lapping blood. Instead of feeling surprised, he groaned softly and to his shock, he went hard as hell instantly. She was moaning as she drew from him and Caleb went mad with the sexual pleasure that came with it. He couldn't believe that giving blood to his mate would bring so much satisfaction. The wolf in him was content beyond words to appease his mate. Stunned at himself, he sliced her nightgown with his claw and exposed her body. Tracing his hands down to her buttocks he squeezed them hard and groaned as Elize drank more from him. This was the first time he shared something so intimate with her.

With one hand he pressed her waist into his growing erection and with the other, he pressed her neck to not stop drinking. He placed his leg on her and then took his hand to her breasts and kneaded them. josei

Elize loosed her fangs from his skin and moved to look at him in his eyes. She was so hungry for blood that she didn't know what she was doing. The hunger had surpassed all her senses.

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