The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 393 - Coronation (1)

Chapter 393 - Coronation (1)

Chapter 393 - Coronation (1)

Gayle was held captive by Kar'den in one of the chambers of his palace. Though he wasn't chained, he was under arrest in a way that he wasn't allowed to step out of his chamber. One of Kar'den's wives had informed him that his son was going to ascend Ixoviya's throne and despite being away from his family, he was ecstatic. Lying on his bed, he looked out at the dull red and orange skies of Zor'gan. He hated this place from the core of his heart and hated Sedora to the extent that he found it impossible to stand her. The woman had cheated him into marrying her using her sorcery and he fell in love with her. He had marked her, claimed her and they had two beautiful sons. But the woman was beyond his comprehension right from the beginning.

Gayle took a deep breath and intertwined his hands behind his head. Over the last few days of his captivity, he had earned the reputation of a gentle and soft person, which was a rarity amongst the winged demons. Because of his persona, two of Kar'den's wives started liking him. They sympathized with him for having a woman like Sedora as his wife. In order to talk to him or give him special treats, they would often slip through the security and come to him. The eldest wife had taken a special liking for him and had even told him that she wanted to escape from the clutches of her husband. There was also a talk of a horned demon called Maxim who was her lover before she got married to Kar'den. But Maximus was an ally of Kar'den and so after she got married, he never came back for her, and avoided her completely.

That day they had just informed him about Caleb's succession to the throne, which made him very happy after a long time. However, Gayle shuddered when he heard his deranged wife's shriek. Once he realized that she was breaking things in her chamber and cursing Caleb and Daryn, at first he was shocked, but later chuckled because that meant that his sons had succeeded in peeving her.

He knew as to what appalling things she were doing and his hatred for her only increased. In his heart, he longed to meet his sons and see the faces of his grandchildren when they were born. "I hope she dies…" he murmured and closed his eyes.

Sedora had sent him several messages to meet her, but he had denied meeting her. In fact she had even tried to come and meet him, but he refused to talk to her and had threatened her that he would kill her with his bare claws if she ever came back. The sorceress had clenched her jaws, afraid that her Lykae husband would actually do that. She could have used her magic on him, but then she needed him. She had to after all blackmail her sons.


Norhall Castle

Rain was still pattering over the windowpane and grey clouds drifted over the sky preventing the sunrays to travel through them. The silk white and gold curtains were drawn and tied to the sides by golden tassels.

"Ah!" Elize cried as if in pain and covered herself with the blanket.

Caleb's eyes shot open. Her jerked his head towards her and asked, "What is it?"

"The light— the light…," she replied in a strained voice.

"Fuck!" Caleb grated and jumped out of the bed to draw the curtains. "I am sorry! I am sorry!" he muttered an apology to her. How could he forget that his wife was a vampire now? He berated himself. When he had drawn all the curtains, he rechecked to see if there was even a ray of dawn falling inside the chamber. Assured that there wasn't any, he went back to sit on the bed and said, "I have taken care of it, Elize." Saying that he lied beside her and tucked her in his arms. "How are you feeling?" he asked softly.

Elize didn't reply. She only moaned. Caleb picked up the blanket from her head to peer and found that she was still in a daze. Her eyes had become red. They flickered a sapphire blue when she saw him, but then immediately turned red again. She bared her fangs at him and hissed. Caleb became still as he stared at her. She hardly looked as if she was in her senses. Worry crossed his heart as to how turning was affecting her. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

She closed her mouth as if realizing what she had done and then closed her eyes. She shook her head.

Caleb stroked her hair. "The coronation is going to take place in two hours from now. I want you to come and sit there on the first seat of the court, because I want to show everyone that you will be my queen."

Elize didn't say anything in response again.

"Baby, do you think you are feeling fine enough to come for the ceremony?"

She turned her body away from him. josei

Caleb knew that she was disappointed. "I had to make a decision to turn you, else I would have lost you. Please Elize, you must understand. The decision was taken only for your benefit. The poison given to you was so potent that it would have killed an immortal; you are just a human."

There was a rustle of sheets on her side but still no answer. Caleb's heart was shrouded in sadness. Elize had withdrawn from him to the extent that she was welcoming neither him nor his soul. It was as if she had built a wall around her mind and was lonely on the inside. He held her shoulders to turn her to his side, but she resisted. Distressed as hell, he said, "Elize, if you will give me a chance to explain and talk to you, I can start from the beginning. Please darling, don't hurt yourself. I want to show you what you mean to me."

No answer.

He sucked a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Since she wasn't responding to him, he knew that she needed some time alone. Daryn had asked him to come to the court hall to practice the ceremony, so he got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. The servants had informed him that it would take almost an hour to dress him. "I really don't have time!" he muttered gruffly while shaving. With one last look at the bed and the ruffled sheets on which she was lying, he walked out of the door.

When he reached the court, he saw that almost twenty men were already present there. Daryn had been giving orders to everyone. One of them was kneeling down in front of him with his hands tied behind. His hair was disheveled, the clothes were tattered and there were bruises on his neck and face. He narrowed his eyes. "What happened with him?" he asked when he reached Daryn.

"He was found lurking around the chamber of the vampire lord. When Lazarus opened the door to nab him, he said that he had come with refreshments." Daryn tightened his lips. "Only that the refreshments were poisoned." He ran fingers across his hair. "Lazarus handled him in his style and tossed him in the court and I am still trying to read his mind."

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