The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 405 - Movie Date

Chapter 405 - Movie Date

Chapter 405 - Movie Date

Dawn walked out of the house with a heavy heart. She sat in the car and instructed the driver, "Silver House." She wanted to be with her hubby. On her way, she called Cara to know about Neal.

"Ma'am, the doctor is still working on his hand. He feels that there are tiny shards, which are invisible to the naked eyes that have penetrated his skin. It would take a long time before he is bandaged and is out."

"If you are comfortable, can you stay with him?" she asked.

"Yes!" Cara said immediately. "I will stay with him till he is fine."

Dawn paused. What did she mean 'till he is fine'? "Thanks," she replied. She called Cole that she was coming to pick him up.

After reaching Daryn's office, she let the car go back to Silver Mansion. She was in his office for an hour before Daryn came to meet her. He went to her and kissed her right on her forehead. "Sorry baby, I am too busy today. Have a bunch of meetings coming up the whole day. It would be better if you go back to Silver Mansion or spend your time shopping or maybe you can even watch a movie!"

Her lips tipped down and she pouted. "I wanted to spend my time with you."

Daryn sighed. "I can't help it baby," he said. "I have been away for far too long to avoid these meetings. I hope you understand."

She nodded. "I understand Daryn. I will go back home." josei

"Thanks baby!" he said and jumped up from the sofa to get documents that were kept on the corner of his table. He walked back to her, pecked her forehead and started to walk towards the door.

He stopped when Dawn said, "Oh! By the way, Neal hurt his hand. He is at the hospital getting himself bandaged!" she informed him.

Daryn threw his head back in surprise. "What happened?"

"I have no idea but the man broke the phone in his hand after you called him in the morning and the phone shattered and the next thing we saw was that his hand was all bloodied up."

"Strange!" he said and shook his head. Dismissing the topic, he walked to the door. "Well I will see you later then honey!"

"Bye!" she said, but he was gone. Dawn watched him drearily as he disappeared behind the door. She took a deep breath and then leaned back on the sofa. She wanted to eat something but she felt a little heartburn, so she gave up the idea of eating. She rubbed her stomach and then her chest. Once the feeling settled, she got up, collected her purse and then walked out of the office.

On the way back Reyna smiled at her and said, "Would you like me to come with you Ms. Dawn? You don't look that good."

"Thanks Reyna," Dawn smiled politely. "I can manage."

Reyna smiled back and Dawn turned to leave. Once she was in the car, she couldn't help feeling lonely. The thought of going to Luna's Castle was simply not appealing mostly because she was letting David overlook the affairs, and she didn't want to intervene. Although she knew what exactly was going on and he kept her updated. So she went back to the mansion. The place was so lonely that it spooked her, but she stayed indoors because as soon as she was in the mansion, she saw that the place swarmed with more security guards.

Throughout the day, she continued to check her phone and see if Daryn had called or sent a message, but there was none. Upset again, she went back to the room and sulked. She talked with Quetz via their mental link for long hours. He asked her to come to him, but then somehow got so scared that he said, 'No you better stay where you are.' He was scared that what if she delivered the babies in Ensmoire. Like he wouldn't know how to be a midwife and he certainly didn't trust Eobens to act like a midwife.

Dawn had chuckled at his trepidations. Once he had gone off to find food, she was again left alone. Boredom expanded in her mind. It flowed easily and filled her mind. There was nothing much to do except read or watch TV. She spared herself from thinking about Caleb or Elize. By the time it was 7PM she was too bored. She had gone down to see Cole twice, but the boy was too busy with his homework.

Suddenly her phone buzzed and she became excited. She picked up Daryn's call in the first ring.

"I have got two tickets for the latest movie darling. Would you like to watch with me?" he asked immediately. "It will start at 9:30PM."

Dawn's mouth opened to form a big 'O'. Daryn had never ever taken her to watch a movie. This was the first time.

"Close that mouth of yours," he said with a chuckle. "I will be there in half an hour. Get dressed."

"Oh my God!" was all she said and then squealed. She disconnected the phone and rushed to the bedroom to get ready. She wore loose black slacks and a grey cowl-neck sweater along with flat sandals. She was so excited to go for a movie date with Daryn that she almost forgot her purse. Dumping a few important things like her wallet and phone, she looked at herself for one last time in the mirror before going down. She was extremely surprised that Daryn had offered to go for a movie. Maybe because he felt guilty for not being able to find time for her. She smiled at her husband. He was extremely thoughtful and even though he must have been extremely tired, he bought tickets for them to watch a movie. With her mind occupied with him, she walked down the stairs and as soon as she reached the main hall, her eyes flung wide open.

Daryn was sprawled on the sofa, sleeping and snoring, with one hand and one leg hanging down. He was snoring so loudly that he could wake up the entire neighborhood, and all Dawn could think was 'Thank God we don't have neighbors!' She looked at her wristwatch. She had taken only fifteen minutes to get ready! She walked up to him and couldn't help but see his tiredness. She woke him. "Baby…"

Daryn woke up as if in a trance, saw her face in front of him, kissed the tip of her nose and got up… to go to the bedroom. She didn't know what to say to him, so she followed him. When they reached upstairs, he kicked open his shoes and collapsed in the bed. The moment he was snoring. Dawn watched him with wide eyes. She shook her head and went downstairs to order the chef to make food.

An hour later when he woke up, he was very fresh. "Dawn!" he looked at her. She was lying beside him. He smacked his head realizing what had happened. "I am so sorry baby!" In order to compensate, he said, "Let's watch a movie on TV!"

'Mhmm…" she hummed and the next he knew was that she was sleeping and softly snoring. Reyna had called her to inform about the tickets that she had purchased for them. She also said that Daryn Silver had booked the entire hall for them.

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