The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2

Book 2: Chapter 4

In the Edius Adventurer School Board Chairman’s room, Luuty Ligas breathed a deep sigh.

Three letters were on top of the desk. One letter was from the captain of the First Protection Chivalric Order of the Jiol Forest Kingdom, Zekwell. Another one was from the royal family of the Jiol Forest Kingdom. The last one was from the St. Altlis royal family.

After reading the two letters that came from the Jiol Forest Kingdom, Luuty was holding her head.josei

The start of the matter was the incident that happened just before the Edius Adventurer School’s entrance ceremony.

That day, Shion was urgently invited to the entrance ceremony and made to do a greeting, but originally, Zekwell should have been asked to take up that duty.

However, due to ineptitude on the school’s side, Zekwell and his attendants were angered and went back, and by the time Luuty noticed, it was already too late.

Even so, if they were just angered, then it still would have been fine.

It would have been fine to apologize with a letter, and then come up with a plan afterwards. And if it was with her old friend Zekwell, Luuty even had the plan of burying the hatchet if she herself gave it her all in apologizing.

But, the contents of the response from Zekwell far surpassed anything she could imagine.

『This was a request from none other than you.

Being manly, I said that I wouldn’t mind, but it wasn’t like I didn’t have the feeling of wanting to act cool.

However, this time alone is where it won’t go over so easily.

I pardoned the eyes and atmosphere of looking down on us that they had at the school.

Naturally, I am sure that you understand that there was considerable conflict even with just that.

Putting me aside, I was anxious wondering if my subordinates would start chanting magic at any moment.

But, what happened after that was bad.

In a place where even the attendants were at, they hit us with malicious gossip like 「Filthy Demi-Humans」.

Furthermore, they had said 「To invite a guy like this to the entrance ceremony, the board chairman is a Demi-Human too after all」, and spoke badly of even you.

They had probably thought that they couldn’t be heard, but for us who have ears far better than those of Humans, we could clearly hear them as if they were saying it right in front of us.

With that being the case, naturally, you can understand, right?

I also have a considerable status, and you are also a hero of the Sylphid.

In addition, if the Sylphid are insulted as a whole, even I cannot keep silent.

Having somehow controlled myself, restrained my subordinates, and finished things with only leaving that place despite that, how many complaints do you think I received from my subordinates afterwards?

That isn’t all.

Even His Majesty became enraged from hearing those circumstances.

It is His Majesty we are talking about, you know?

His Majesty who just laughed and watched whether it be when the Hero Ryuuya had went around making advances on the maids within the castle, or when you had viciously beat that Hero up for that.

It isn’t hard to imagine the things that were surely piling up and up within His Majesty.

Surely you have also heard about the Demi-Human Controversy.

In Jiol, it has already reached the point where people are wondering when war will start.

A letter from His Majesty will probably reach you soon.

I hope that you return quickly from that sort of country.』

Although jokes were occasionally mixed in, it was a letter that pointed out that the situation had already advanced to a point where nothing could be done about it.

And then, just as Zekwell had predicted, a letter from the royal family had really arrived. In it, 『We want you to return to the Jiol Forest Kingdom』 was the only thing written.

Now that things have already turned out like this, it was not a situation that Luuty could personally do something about. The relationship between the St. Altlis Kingdom and the Jiol Forest Kingdom was already reaching close to the worst it could get to.


Luuty quickly called the personal connections she had within the St. Altlis Kingdom to mind.

First, within the royal palace. The current St. Altlis king was no good. They had associated with each other, but it was obvious that he normally did not have a good impression of Luuty.

The first prince had a wide outlook, but he still did not have any political power.

Next was the temple, but this was even worse than than the royal palace.

The Head Priest did not show it on the surface, but he was a bundle of hostility. As for how the entire temple was……there was no need to even say it. She doubted her ears when she heard that there was talk in the temple that a Hero should be summoned as a preparation for war.

Just what do they think a Hero is.

With the selfish thoughts of such Humans, she didn’t think that the God of Life would lend her power to the Hero summoning……

However, for them whose outlook had become narrow in their hatred of Demi-Humans, it probably wasn’t a problem of whether or not it could be done.

「There might……not be anything that I could possibly do.」

Luuty muttered that, and shifted her gaze onto the last remaining letter.

It was a letter from the St. Altlis royal family that had just arrived.

Just what kind of letter came from the party that was worrying the current Luuty.

When she opened the seal and checked the contents of it, Luuty’s eyes quickly went cold.

Luuty’s thoughts, which had become chaotic until just a little while ago, instantly became clear.

Throwing the letter onto the desk, she stood up from her chair.

「……I, see. It is already a flow that cannot be stopped.」

Luuty muttered that, and then turned to her own room.

On the letter that was left on top of the desk, there was only a single sentence written.

『Luuty Ligas’s duty as the Edios Adventurer School board chairman is dissolved.』

That was also an official notice of dismissal.

「In that case, I no longer have any right to do my duty.」

Coming out from her room, Luuty was in travelling clothes.

She wore silver armor on cloth clothes, and she had her bow on her back. Those were the armaments that Luuty habitually used since long ago, and were things that were filled with memories of the beautiful days where she fought together with Humans as the Hero Ryuuya’s partner.

「……Ryuuya. If you were to see this country now, I wonder what you would think of it.」

She said that jokingly, but she remembered the man she held heavy feelings for.

Ryuuya’s stance where he interacted with any race of mankind whether they be Human, Beastman, Sylphid, or Metalio with an unchanging attitude was something that should be learned from.

However, Humans did not learn from it.

Not only seeing Mazoku as hostile, but latching onto the disparity among fellow mankind, that strain had reached its limit.

「Goodbye, St. Altlis Kingdom. The lingering scent of my youth.」

This day, the Edius Adventurer School Board Chairman Luuty Ligas resigned.

At the same time, her figure vanished from the St. Altlis Kingdom.

Volume 2, Chapter 3

Volume 2, Chapter 5

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