The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 10

Confirming the slender Alva’s location, Ein kicked the roof and accelerated.

She didn’t know what kind of attack method today’s Alva possessed.

However, there was no need to know.

It was because if she defeated it before being attacked by the opponent, the opponent’s attack method didn’t matter.

The moment she filled the gap to be at zero distance in an instant and tried to swing her short sword, the Alva disappeared from Ein’s vision.

No, it didn’t disappear.

With astounding speed, it went around to Ein’s back.

「Wha……This guy!」

Ein twisted her body, and repelled the Alva’s attacking claw with her short sword.

「What was that just now……it was way too fast, wasn’t it!?」

Hearing Kain’s words, she suddenly harbored a question.

That speed just now, it should have looked like it had vanished to normal Humans.

「Oi! Could it be that you saw the Alva’s earlier movements!」

「Y, yeah……somehow……just barely though!」

Hearing Kain’s response, Ein was convinced.

She thought that he was a strange man, but he concealed bottomless strength.

「I see. But you’re in the way! You’ve got to get down!」

Saying that, she spun the short sword in her hand and changed the way she gripped it.

Before the Alva’s claw could attack her again, she cut that hand up.

However, sensing that it couldn’t avoid it, the Alva quickly flew behind her, and kept the wounds shallow.



Taking some distance, Ein and the Alva kept each other in check.

Maybe because they were both high-speed close combatants, they instead couldn’t carelessly get close to each other.

It was because they knew that the distance for their own certain kill attack would also be the distance for their opponent’s certain kill attack.

After that check continued on for a while.


Unable to bear it any longer, the Alva charged in together with a howl.

「Ha, how foolish……You’re full of openings!」

Ein was about to intercept the Alva, however, she noticed that she couldn’t move her arms.

It wasn’t paralysis.

It was a type of curse that restrained her arm movements.

It was strong enough to surpass Ein’s resistances who was a Majuu (magic beast).


「Don’t screw with me……As if I’d lose……just from having my arms sealed!」

Ein bent her body around and evaded the barrage of claw attacks that the Alva unleashed.

And then regaining her posture, she threw a kick at the Alva’s legs.

*Dogon* A sound as if it were struck with a blunt weapon resounded.

Together with a groan of pain, the Alva flew back with its wings, and made a howl.


At the same time as that, Ein felt that her legs became unable to move.

「So it’s my legs this time……」

But, that wasn’t a problem.

Even if she couldn’t move her arms and legs, her head and torso could move.

It was possible for her to at least bite and tear up her opponent the moment the Alva got close.

At the time she thought that.

「──Guillo Light!」

Together with that voice, a dazzling beam pierced the Alva’s wings.

「Gu, guaaa!?」

The Alva screamed from the unexpected attack.

Ein was also surprised by the sudden situation, and was further surprised by the fact that it was Kain’s attack.

「He did it chantless……?」

That’s right, Kain only gave the keyword that activated the magic, and didn’t do the chant.josei

Normally, magic would have the chant done and then activate.

By performing a chant that is filled with magical power, the activation process of the magic that is concealed in the chant sentences is recreated.

Therefore, as long as the chant is done, although there will be differences in power, magic can basically be done by anyone.

However, to use magic without a chant, either a fair amount of talent or a fair amount of training was needed.

There were quite a few people among the Mazoku that could use magic chantlessly, but it wasn’t a feat that could be done by a mere Human──furthermore, by someone with the standing of something like a student.

「O Light……!」

After that, Kain had light magical power dwell in his sword, and invoked a Magic Sword.

Magic Sword.

That basically indicated a technique that could be said to be a secret technique even among sword techniques that Magic Swordsmen used.

More specifically, it was storing amplified magical power in a sword made with special materials and had a Magic Stone set into it and then wielding that sword.

It seems to have originally been the vestiges of the idea of 「couldn’t an all-purpose weapon that combines the functions of a staff and a sword be made」……but nowadays, there are few people that know about that.

And then, if magic with too much power were to be left dwelling within the sword, it would end up discharging.

Even the magic that Kain had dwelling in his sword right now was nothing more than the basic Light Magic.

However, even so, the fact that Kain, who should be a mere student, could use a Magic Sword is something to be surprised about.


Readying his shining sword, Kain ran at the Alva.

His movements still had many openings, but he was fast.


The Alva tried to intercept him with its claws, but it was easily cut by Kain’s sword of light.


Kain put even more magical power into the sword, and cut up the Alva.


The Alva turned into black particles together with its death scream, and vanished.

At the same time that happened, Ein’s arms and legs became able to move just like normal.

「Ein……Are you alright!?」

「Tsk……I have no problems.」

「Wh, why did you click your tongue!?」

Seeing Kain seem have receive a shock, Ein replied with another tongue click.

Having her prey stolen had injured Ein’s pride as a Majuu (magic beast).

「Doing something so unnecessary……I was going to bite him to death.」

「……If you bite something like that, you’ll get sick.」

「Don’t put me together with a weakling like you.」

That being said, that isn’t an impossible story……is what Ein thought.

Even if that Alva were to do something like send a curse from inside of the opponent that bit it, it wouldn’t be all that strange.

However, that kind of consideration could be put off until later.

「Oi, enemy of women.」

「I don’t really want to reply, but what is it?」

「You don’t want to reply you say……Someone like you, just when did you become so high and mighty.」

「……Is it alright if I cry?」

「You can after you answer my question. And do it in a place where my eyes and ears won’t reach.」

Making a face that said he had given up on making a rebuttal, Kain breathed a sigh.

「So, what is it?」

「It’s about the techniques you used. Chantless and the Magic Sword……Those are something too versatile for a mere student. Plus, I’m sure that you should have been chanting up until yesterday though?」

Hearing Ein point that out, Kain averted his eyes looking like he found it to be awkward.

「Ahh, no, well, erーm. Actually, I’ve been able to use them since pretty long ago. One of those “hiding it from others” kind of things.」

「Why is there a need to hide it?」

「It was told “hide it since it will attract the eyes of bothersome guys……” by Jii-chan.」

Ein thought “I see”.

The idea that those that stand out get targeted was the truth.

Even in the Dark Continent of the past, challengers would appeared in front of those who had become even a little famous one after another.

If they didn’t have enough ability to match their fame, they simply would be tragically defeated.

That is why one should hide until they gain the ability……that sort of reasoning is something she could understand.

「I see. It is a bit backwards, but I can understand. Then again, it’s not like I don’t think that it’s a waste to let go of a chance to battle against a strong person that is targeting one’s self……but……」

It was there that Ein went silent as if suddenly noticing it.

Since it was a topic that she liked a bit, she felt that she talked a bit too much.

「Well, it’s something that doesn’t really matter.」


For Kain, the reasons were because of things like guys with political schemes would approach him or that he would be unjustifiably resented from feelings of jealousy by guys whose pride was the only thing that was enlarged, but he purposely didn’t tell her that.

Ein had already lost her interest in Kain, and was thinking about the Alva that appeared not too long ago.

The Alva that appeared today was a type that she had seen for the first time. Could it be affiliated with being a spy or an assassin?

Its movements were fast, and it used curses.

It would be fine if this type of Alva appeared only this time, but if there were a huge amount of them, then they would be quite a threat.

This should be reported as an important matter in her next regular report.

And then, this man call Kain was also a problem.

Why was he being targeted by a special Alva?

That reason has yet to be cleared up.

Certainly, he was strong as a Human of this age.

However, would that be enough of a reason to be targeted by the Alva?


Unable to come up with the reason even after thinking about it, Ein gave up on thinking.

To begin with, thinking wasn’t Ein’s job.

Even if she were to learn of the reason that Kain was being targeted, it had absolutely nothing to do with Ein.

As she was summing things up like that, Ein turned her eyes to Kain who was loitering next to her.

「What, so you were still here.」

「Saying that I was still here……Isn’t there something more, relevant to all of this to say?」

Hearing Kain’s reproach, Ein put a finger to her lips and thought.

「Could it be that you, who has laid your hands on various women……actually don’t have any friends?」

「No, I do have friends……」

「You say that but……recently, you have been appearing before me every night after all.」

「No, that’s more because of various circumstances and……wait, oh crap!」

Panicking, Kain stuck close to the roof and hid his body.

When Ein looked down from the roof as she thought that his actions were suspicious, she saw that one of Kain’s female friends was walking while restlessly looking around.

「That’s strange. I’m sure that I saw the light of magic around here. That was absolutely due to Kain……」

That figure that held a large spear was without a doubt the only daughter of the Necros Duke House.

「That Seira, ever since she learned that I was fighting against Alva every night, she’s been really annoying telling me to bring her along.Ahー, jeez. This is really troubling.」

「I see. But things are already done for tonight, right?」

「Yeah, but even if I tell her that, I wonder if she’d believe me. And if I were to tell her that I exterminated the Alva together with you, Ein, she would absolutely insist on coming with me……Qu-senpai had said something similar after all. It would be reassuring to have them around, but it’s not like I can drag them into something so dangerous.」

While thinking “I feel like the reason why those two want to be brought along is different from the Alva extermination” and “so it’s fine to drag me into this, this jerk……”, Ein went behind Kain and casually picked his body up.


「In any case. Today’s share is already done. Go and complete a man’s responsibility or whatever.」

Saying that, Ein got down in front of Seira’s eyes while still holding onto Kain.

「Ahー, Kain! I’ve found you! Rather, you really were together with Ein……!」

「This guy simply came to me on his own……Here, take him back.」

After she said that, and carelessly tossed Kain to the ground, Ein once again returned to the top of the roof.

Some noisy voices could be heard from below, but Ein couldn’t care less.

While gazing at the moon that couldn’t be seen in the Dark Continent, Ein made some large stretches.

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