The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 22

In a room of a vacant house on a back street of the St. Altlis Kingdom royal capital Edius, Ein was loitering.

That vacant house was originally an inn, but right now, the signboard was taken down.josei

Ein, who was staring at a single spot, saw a magic formation appear in the middle of the room, and took a saluting posture.

On top of the magic formation, Rokuna, enveloped in light, appeared.

「I have been expecting you, Rokuna-sama.」

「Mu, it was no problem……Just kidding. You don’t really need to do that sort of thing with me.」

「I cannot allow that to be.」

「Oh really. Then just do what you want.」

After Rokuna said that sounding uninterested, she surveyed the surroundings.

「Hーn, so this is the 『Steel Fish Store』. The owner of this place went to the Canal Kingdom, right?」

「That is what I have heard. Shall I make a follow-up survey?」

「Nnー, I don’t think that’s really needed though.」

「……That is true.」

The Canal Kingdom, which was the birthplace of the Great Sage Teria, is a country where magic research is popular.

Also, she knew that it was a nation of multiple races and willing allowed the birth of mixed parentage between the races.

It was a negotiation candidate for the Zadark Kingdom from now on……but that was for later.

「So, what are you doing for a base? Could it be that you’re borrowing this place?」

「No, since I did not feel a particular need for one, I have not set up a base.」

「Ahー, is that so. Then a base will be needed for a while starting today. Since you’ll be in my full-time service during my stay here.」

Hearing Rokuna’s words, Ein nodded.


「……Ein. Try stating my temporary profile.」

「Yes ma’am. Rokuna-sama, you are a travelling magic researcher that just happened to find me and hired me as a guard.」

「Yoーsh. Well then, let’s go secure a base.」

「Yes ma’am. Well then, I will immediately clean an open room.」

*Supaーn* A nice sound was made.

Rokuna had hit Ein’s head.

「If we just set up a base on our own in a vacant house, we’ll be considered suspicious people. You need to think, stupid.」

「R, right. However, Rokuna-sama.」


「Rokuna-sama, there are no records of you entering the town. Um, since you will stand out for better or for worse, I fear that if you legitimately take up an inn in the current situation, unnecessary probing will be done……」

Being told that, Rokuna groaned with a *Muu*.

What Ein had said was reasonable, but Rokuna’s objective can’t be accomplished with covert actions.

To openly take action and make contact with the young Summon Magician girl, there was a need to crush the possibility of being suspected.

「It can’t be helped. I’ll enter in from the gate. Just come and greet me whenever.」

「Ha? Wait, what do you mean by whenev……!」

Before Ein could finish talking, Rokuna erased her figure with Transfer Magic.

The place that Rokuna transferred to was on a highway that went through a forest, and was just a bit away from the royal capital’s gate.

The royal capital Edius was surrounded by high walls, and there were lookouts on top of those walls.

However, even if the lookouts saw the area that Rokuna appeared in, it should only look like Rokuna had walked out from the forest to them.

「Well, I guess this should be good enough. Erm, yup. Going with this gate will look like I’m coming from the Canal Kingdom.」

While confirming things with the simple map drawn up by the Intelligence Group, Rokuna nodded.

The entry records that Ein mentioned earlier wouldn’t be something to worry about all that much in times of peace.

It would be on the level of making an inquiry in cases where suspicious people or criminals had appeared, and if one was mainly doing espionage activities like Ein, then it wasn’t needed.

However, the current St. Altlis Kingdom was on edge.

On top of that, since Rokuna stood out in various ways such as appearance, speech and conduct, and abilities, it could be said that this was necessary in order to pass off as a 「simple traveller」.

「Nowー then, I guess I should get going.」

「And where are you goin’, Nee-chan.」

At the time Rokuna was about to start walking, a voice was heard from behind her.

As she turned around, there were the figures of several men within the forest. They wore cloth clothes and leather armor, and they also wore animal pelts on top of those.

Rokuna answered those men.

「Where you ask, to the royal capital though.」

「Ou, is that so.」

「Yup, see ya.」

When Rokuna turned around, the man called out to her back once more.

「Well, don’t cha think it’s impossible for you to be going now?」

At the same time as those words, Rokuna’s feet were entwined by something that looked like the vines of a plant, and dragged to the forest.

The men were bandits who made this forest their turf.

They, who mainly focused on attacking merchants that came from the Canal Kingdom, were about to warm their chests by going and having a drink in the royal capital and make a ruckus.

And as they were about to, they just happened to find a beautiful woman──Rokuna, walking alone.

It would be one thing if they were on the open highway where they could gather attention, but being in the forest, lookout soldiers who were paid off would pretend that they didn’t see their bandit deeds.

That is why the men dragged Rokuna into the forest.

The men were convinced that their plan had succeeded, so they didn’t notice that Rokuna’s eyes had changed and looked like she was enjoying the situation.

「Yoossh, Onyx! Tie her up just like that!」

A man who seemed to be the leader shouted at the man that pulled Rokuna into the forest with Vine Magic──the man called Onyx.

It would be fine if they just sold off the goods that they stole and brought back to the hideout like they usually would later.

Slaves were prohibited in the four major nations, but guys who desired prohibited stuff could be found anywhere.

It was because there were guys like that around that the bandit lifestyle was viable.

After thinking “I’m sure that the prey this time will sell for a lot” and looking at Onyx, he found that Onyx was standing up straight looking dumbfounded.


The end of Onyx’s gaze.

Noticing that there was nothing at the end of the magical power vines that extended out from Onyx’s hands, the leader muttered.

「Oi, where did that woman go……?」

There was no one that could answer the leader’s words.

They saw that the woman’s figure had vanished together with some light.

However, it wasn’t like she was the God of Light Raidolg, so something like this shouldn’t be possible.

「Oi! I asked you guys where did that woman go!」

「I’m right here though.」

The moment the leader tried to turn around to the voice that he heard from behind, an electric shock ran through his body, and he lost consciousness.

「You guys are that, aren’t you? Look, what they call bandits. Manー, this is my first time seeing some.」

While playing with an electric shock that was was gathered into a sphere, Rokuna laughed sounding like she was having fun.

Seeing that, Onyx got a chill.

When speaking of magic that gathered an electric shock into a sphere, Electric Bullet would come to mind.

It was magic that fell in the lower-middle rank of difficulty in spells, but it wasn’t magic simple enough to be casted by omitting the spell……in other words, chantlessly.

Despite that, the woman in front of Onyx didn’t even speak out the words for invocation.

This surely meant that she had learned the technical skill 「Chant Disposal」 which imagined and organized everything for a magic spell in an instant.

In other words, this removed the chant opening that was a Magician’s weak spot.

A Magician that could use Chant Disposal was worse than going up against a single platoon of a Chivalric Order.

The moment he though “there’s no other choice but to run”.

「Well, it looks like you had some bad luck.」

The Electric Bullet that Rokuna threw was sent up over Onyx’s head, and changed into countless lightning strikes.

While seeing the merciless lightning strike his comrades one after another, Onyx regretted laying a hand on this woman, and then immediately lost consciousness from being struck by lightning.

「……Alright, and it’s done.」

After confirming that all of the bandits had fainted, Rokuna clapped her hands together.

The Electric Bullet that Rokuna used was originally magic where a compressed electric shock that was compressed would diffuse upon impact and paralyze the other party, but this time, she had put an absurd amount of magical power into it, and made it so that the electrical shock spread out to the entire area.

Naturally, she had done so on purpose.

By demonstrating the difference in strength in an easy to understand way with magic that anyone would know, the other party would lose their fighting spirit and that would immediately settle things.

Going further, killing them would be the fastest way of doing things, and since banditry was regarded as a capital crime, there would be no reason for her to be condemned even if she did so……but since there would naturally be a need to prove that the other party was a group of bandits, that would be bothersome in a different meaning.

The reason that the bandits this time were fortunately not killed was because Rokuna hated that sort of bothersome stuff.

「Good for you allー, since I’m the type that finds that stuff bothersome.」

After saying that, Rokuna started walking towards the gate while leaving the bandits just as they were.

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