The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 28

「Yosh, Seira and I will take the lead. Sharon and Rokuna-san will be behind us……and Ein, can I ask you to be vigilant in the rear?」

Everyone nodded to Kain’s instructions.

The Aledona Forest wasn’t at the level of the Great Jiol Forest, it was a fairly deep forest.

Rokuna’s group entered the Aledona Forest, then left the highway and went deeper into the forest.

「So, what do you plan on going up against in this forest?」

「Ermー, let’s see, it’d be the Elements. I want to try and increase the sighting reports of Earth Elements.」

Elements were monsters that had no definite form.

It was easy to confuse them with the Mazoku Amoeba who similarly had undefined forms, but Elements weren’t Mazoku, but close to phenomenons that magical power induced.

Magical power existed within nature as well, and sometimes, sites where it was abnormally thick would occur.

It was an Element when that magical power had gathered too much and resided in surrounding substances……that is how it was described.

If it resided in earth, it was an Earth Element.

If it resided in water, it was a Water Element.

If it resided in wind, it was a Wind Element.

If it resided in fire, it was a Fire Element.

In addition to these fundamental forms, where were various forms and names such as the Sand Elements that resided in the sands of the desert.

However, the act of absorption was a common trait for these Elements.

When they discover a living creature, they would try to take in its magical power.

It was unclear why they didn’t absorb it from inorganic substances, but since Elements didn’t have souls, wouldn’t they be instinctively targeting living creatures with souls and be trying to obtain a soul……that sort of theory also existed.

Elements become enlarged from absorbing the magical power of nearby living creatures, and since they greatly disturb the ecosystem, they are monsters that cannot be left alone.

「Elements huh……」

While walking behind Kain and the others, Rokuna recalled the eastern region of the Dark Continent.

The vegetation raised there also stock up on magical power, and since they will start moving on their own once they cross over a certain degree of it, a phenomenon similar to the Element transformation as mankind calls it would occur, but they weren’t existences as troublesome as the Elements.

After thinking “by some chance, the difference in soil might be related……”, she noticed that Sharon who was walking next to her was looking at her direction.

「Nn? What?」

「E, erm……It’s about magic.」

「Ahh, about Elemental Magic?」

Being told that, Rokuna started to be troubled on how she should explain it.

Elemental Magic was the standard magic used, and in cases where simply 「magic」 was said, it was typically recognized that Elemental Magic was being talked about.

In addition, there was magic such as Summon Magic and the Mazoku’s Transfer Magic, but they were grouped as being rare or minor.

Furthermore, there was also Original Magic like the one that Fainell created, but in order to go that far, extraordinary talent was required to use it.

However, Elemental Magic didn’t need talent, and as long as there was a chant or a magic formation, it was more difficult to fail.

To say that that was her weak point, it made it seem like it was merely a problem with her magical power.

「Nnー……From what I can see, the problem is with your magical power itself.」

「Ah, yes. I was told that by someone who was a magical power examiner as well.」

While holding a bit of interest in the words magical power examiner, Rokuna started thinking.

If there wasn’t a problem with her magical power, there might be a problem with her imaginative power.

However, that should be able to be resolved with the chant.

「You make the chant, right?」

「Ah, yes. But the result is small.」

Hearing that, Rokuna remembered the story she heard from Vermudol.

It was said that Summon Magic couldn’t be used by people with the talent for regular magic……or so it seem.

「Uーn……First, I can’t make a judgement unless I have you use Elemental Magic. Why don’t you try using Light Magic?」

「Ah, yes. Erm……O light, gather and become a radiance that illuminates the black of night……Light.」

At the same time as Sharon’s chant, a light about the size of the tip of her pinky finger appeared in front of Sharon.

「Erm……I did it.」

「Un, you did.」

While looking at the unreliable light that floated there, Rokuna started to ponder.

In the activation process just now, there wasn’t any sort of problem.

However, the movement of magical power from inside of her body was mostly not carried out.

This was something that was normally impossible.

In a magic’s chant, just how much magical power would be use……that much was included in it as well.

Unless one purposely suppressed the magical power included in the chant, or if the magical power of the person in question was extremely lacking, the phenomenon of there being almost no movement of magical power wouldn’t occur.

Most likely, there was some sort of primary factor other than those that was obstructing the movement of magical power.

「Nnー. Let’s think about it after I see the Summon Magic.」

「Ah, yes……」

Making a sidelong glance at Sharon who was visibly dejected, Rokuna developed her investigation even more.

If there was any primary factor that inhibited that, it couldn’t be anything but Summon Magic.

However, is it really possible for special magic to be the primary factor that obstructs other magic?

「I found it……! An Earth Element!」

Hearing Seira’s voice, Rokuna raised her head.

What was ahead of Kain and Seira’s vision, both of whom had readied their weapons, was something that looked like a clump of dirt.

Its wriggling form reminded her of Amoeba.

「Yosh, then it’s your turn. Can you do it?」

「Y, yes!」

After readying her staff, Sharon commenced her chant while looking at the Earth Element.

「My fragile self implores.」

Together with her chant, a light was lit in the blue jewel that was attached to her staff.

That was proof that magical power was moving to the staff’s blue jewel through Sharon’s chant.

A large amount of magical power was smoothly flowing to the point that the time that she used Elemental Magic earlier couldn’t even be compared to it.

「I implore a sword. I implore an agent. Although my body is fragile, my heart is stern. My heart has become a sword, and desires a time to be wielded. Therefore, o agent, come forth. I implore that you be here to execute my will.」

The Earth Element repeated ly expanded and contracted as it tired to take in Kain and Seira, but they easily evaded it.

And then, a blue radiance appeared in front of Sharon, and started flickering.

「……That just now.」

Rokuna noticed.

The blue radiance that appeared in front of Sharon just now, it wasn’t Sharon’s magical power.

It was something different.

The magical power that was pulled out from Sharon was still dwelling within the blue jewel of Sharon’s staff.

That blue radiance in front of her had appeared from some different place.

「Come forth, Sword Spirit!」

Together with those words, all of the magical power was pulled out from within the staff’s blue jewel, and the blue light that was flickering in front had converged and took the form of a person.

It was a gorgeous male swordsman that wore loose clothing.

He languidly readied the double-edged one-handed sword that he held in his hand, however, he didn’t have a single opening.

His whole body uniformly shined blue, and it was clear that he wasn’t a person.

He was someone, that carried the sword made with Sharon’s magical power.

That was without a doubt an agent, and the executioner of Sharon’s will to attack.

Seeing the Summon Magic in practice, Rokuna understood.

This, was different from existing magic.

What Sharon had produced with her magical power, was only that sword.

That someone who was called a Sword Spirit, was not an existence brought forth with magic.

Composed with extremely high density water magical power, the light of an unshakeable will could be felt.

After the Sword Spirit looked at Rokuna and sneered, he turned towards the Earth Element.

「That guy……he noticed my gaze……」

Leaving the surprised Rokuna as she was, the Sword Spirit ran in between Kain and Seira, and swung his sword.

Every time the Earth Element was cut up by the sword that shined blue, its body would lose its shape, and that part would return to being a mere lump of earth.

If the sword that the Sword Spirit wielded were to be compared to something, it would probably be a Water Magic sword.

However, since that sword was actually water magical power itself, its might was probably on a different level.

「I see, it’s strong……Plus.」

Having turned the Earth Element back into lumps of earth, the Sword Spirit turned to Kain, expressed a smile as if he were making fun of him a bit, and even shrugged his shoulders.

「It has a terrible personality, doesn’t it.」

At the same time she was exasperated with the Sword Spirit’s attitude, Rokuna felt a shudder.

There was no mistaking it──Summon Magic, was without a doubt magic that performed a 「summon」.

The Sword Spirit emitted a radiance and vanished, and some magical power returned to within Sharon.

Seeing that, Rokuna formed a hypothesis.

The reason why the might of Sharon’s Elemental Magic was low even though she had the magical power for it.

The reason why a large amount of magical power moved smoothly when she summons the Sword Spirit despite that.

And then, the phenomenon of the reflux of magical power which was impossible in Elemental Magic.

「……Sharon, this is a hypothesis but.」

「Eh, yes.」

It was purely a hypothesis, but Rokuna thought that she wasn’t off the mark by all that much.

「The reason your Elemental Magic is weak, is due to the Summon Magic.」

Most likely, for the sake of calling something out through Summon Magic, Sharon’s magical power was being seized beforehand.

And since she had no choice but to use Elemental Magic with that remaining magical power, its might would end up being weak no matter what she did.

「Eh, ehh!? Then, my Elemental Magic, will it remain being weak?」

「Only if you leave it as is.」

It wasn’t like there weren’t methods to fix it.

For example, if tools and magic formations that had the effect of amplifying magical power were to be used together with it, then it should be possible to raise the effect of her Elemental Magic.

But unless they did something about the seized portion, it wouldn’t be solved on the fundamental level.

「Uーn. Sharon, were you bad with Elemental Magic since before you could use Summon Magic?」

「I, I don’t know……Since the first magic that I used in my life was Summon Magic.」


The question was “was the 「seizure of magical power」 done by someone?”

If Sharon herself had unconsciously done it, there was room for improvement.

However, if that thing called a Sword Spirit is doing it, it will probably be difficult to solve.

「Can you call out other things?」

「Ah, y, yes!」

「I see, I’ll be expecting something good.」

After considering the seizure of magical power and the appearance of something that was summoned possessing a will of its own, it seemed that there were a lot of risks to Summon Magic.

The fact that Rokuna was unable to perform a summoning until now, it might instead have been a good thing.josei

Up until now, she had conjectured that Summon Magic was something that made practical use of the theories behind Transmission Magic, but she now understood that it was completely different.

Since Sharon had shown no signs of making precise calculations in regards to the location like Transmission Magic did, it probably means that calculations were unnecessary in Summon Magic.

「Heyー, let’s go on to the next place.」

「Yes, let’s. Let’s move on quickly.」

Hearing Seira’s impatient-sounding voice, Rokuna said that and smiled.

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