The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 7

「So, even though you came here in the end, I won’t help you, you know.」

「Mu, sorry.」

This place was the Grand Library that was in the Demon King Castle’s underground.

At both of Vermudol’s sides were Rokuna and Fainell, and Luuty was sitting at the other side of the desk that was placed in between them.

Just as he was thinking about where a place where no one would approach them would be, they ended up concluding with going to the Grand Library.

He thought that Rokuna would also be asleep at this hour, but contrary to his expectations, the master of the Grand Library was in the middle of staying up late and working hard.

「I thought that you would already be asleep.」

「Ahaha. Even though there’s a certain Demon King-sama that brings me a job to do everytime he comes up with something. I’d like to know just where I have the spare time to be sleeping. Jeez, Ver-cchi……You’re seriously so funny.」

Vermudol averted his eyes from Rokuna whose eyes weren’t laughing at all.

He felt bad about it.

However, there was practically no personnel that seemed like they could assist Rokuna in the jobs that were on the level that he had to ask Rokuna to do.

For example, a person able to assist her in the construction of magic theory, within the Demon King Castle, there was only Ichika.

But since that Ichika was also had her duties broken down to the second in her schedule, he couldn’t ask her to do anymore jobs than she already had.

He had thought of creating Mazoku that possessed intellect on the same level as Rokuna, but if he carelessly manufactured personnel that were too smart, they would clash with each other and cause unnecessary chaos.

In the end, he had no choice but to entrust it all to Rokuna.

Of course, he thought “I guess I’ve gotten carried away and pushed too many jobs onto herー” and was reflecting on it though.

「Well, I do feel sorry about it.」

「You only feel that way, and still plan on pushing more onto me, right?」

「Pretty much.」

「Why you little……」

Purposely not responding to how Rokuna was glaring at him with reproachful eyes, Vermudol turned his gaze to Luuty.

「Now then, why don’t we get started.」


After a bit of silence, Vermudol opened his mouth.

「……First, let’s talk about the Alva.」

「This is about what you said you wanted to investigate when you were in the St. Altlis Kingdom, isn’t it.」


The Alva were mysterious Mazoku that appeared in the Shutaia Continent.

Although they don’t understand their language, their intelligence seems to be considerably high, and their magical power is also high as they can use magic.

「As I had told you before, those are not under my……under the Demon King Vermudol’s influence. They don’t listen to my commands either.」

「In that case, who do those Mazoku belong to?」

「I can make a general guess……But, there is something I would like to confirm. In Shuklous’s stronghold, were there any Alva……or maybe anything that resembled them?」

「No, there wasn’t. I thought that they were Mazoku that were found somewhere in the not yet travelled Dark Continent though.」

「No, Alva do not exist in the Dark Continent.」

I see, it’s been decided with this……is what Vermudol thought.

The Alva were not a legacy of Shuklous who came out from the 『Dimensional Gap』.

The Alva were new Mazoku.

However, first keeping that a secret, Vermudol continued.

「In other words……That would make the Alva unidentified Mazoku that no one knows about.」

Luuty silently thought for a bit, and nodded.

「An uninvestigated place that we didn’t know about in the 『Dimensional Gap』……if that doesn’t exist, then that is how it would be.」

「Well, that would be the case. So, about the next thing to confirm.」

Vermudol shrugged his shoulders, and raised the next question.

「Was Shuklous, a genuine Demon King?」

「……I don’t understand the meaning of your question.」josei

「Did the Hero looked at Shuklous with Status Confirmation Magic? That is what I mean.」

When Luuty let her gaze wander about in mid-air, she started talking while remembering things.

「……Whenever he met with an opponent he had never seen before, Ryuuya had a habit of using Status Confirmation.」


「Since he said “there’s no mistaking it” when he saw Shuklous……I suppose he was.」

Going “I see”, Vermudol thought.

In that case, there was no mistake that the Hero saw Shuklous’s Status, and confirmed that Shuklous was a Demon King.

But even if he asked Luuty how much of his Status was seen, she probably wouldn’t know.

「However, in regards to Shuklous, wouldn’t you all know more about him?」

「We don’t. It is because no one here knows about the Demon King called Shuklous.」

「……What do you mean by that?」

That was a predictable reaction.

Between mankind and the Dark Continent Mazoku who confronted each other as enemies from the beginning, there was no way they could come to a mutual understanding.

Mankind’s side acknowledged the Dark Continent Mazoku as the final enemies to be defeated.

The Dark Continent Mazoku recognized mankind as invaders.

In actuality, there was no telling how Gramfia and a portion of the Mazoku who abducted members of mankind using space transfer thought of it……But nevertheless, it couldn’t be helped that they would feel that the one called mankind’s Hero was the main cause of everything and why they were attacked.

In any case, it had become clear with this.

Shuklous really was a Demon King.

「I’m sure that Ichika will get mad at me for speaking like this but. Shuklous had no connection to the Dark Continent whatsoever……However, he was something that met the conditions of being a Demon King.」

Just as he thought that Luuty would reply saying that she didn’t understand the meaning of that, surprising words came out from her mouth.

「……Come to think of it.」


「When Ryuuya saw Gramfia……your predecessor, he muttered……”so this is the Great Demon King”. At the time, I only thought that he was simply talking about his heteromorphic form though.」

Vermudol guessed at what Luuty wanted to say.

He guessed that in other words, the Hero Ryuuya had detected some kind of difference in the Status between Shuklous and Gramfia.

「In regards to that, since the person himself is no longer around, there is no way of ascertaining it. In any case, it means that Shuklous has no connection to us.」

「Then, why did Shuklous talk about Gramfia’s existence?」

A hypothesis could be made.

Actually, Gramfia was a Demon King that possessed terrifying magical power, and was able to create Demon Kings other than himself, that was the theory.

However, this could be excluded.

It was because those that knew Gramfia would say that Vermudol’s magical power was definitely stronger.

Magical power was greatly connected to creation, but as long as Vermudol was unable to create Demon Kings, Gramfia shouldn’t be able to create Demon Kings either.

However, without talking about things that far, Vermudol only answered Luuty’s question.

「……That is where the problem lies. It is because it seems that Gramfia was a Mazoku that shut himself up in the Demon King Castle. Moreover, there is also the possibility that he didn’t even know about the Shutaia Continent.」

That is right. What Gramfia grasped was something on the level of 「there is a place somewhere where mankind exists」.

That is why he was only able to sent Mazoku to random places with his Transfer Magic.

Even so, that was plenty enough to say that Gramfia had commenced an invasion on mankind, and it was only natural that the Hero was summoned.

But on the other hand, without Gramfia realizing it, Shuklous had started a large-scale invasion in mankind’s territory.

Therefore, Gramfia wasn’t completely innocent.

But, he wasn’t the Great Demon King as he was known as in mankind’s territory.

「……However, in that case, the stories don’t connect.」

「It’s a simple story. Gramfia didn’t know about Shuklous, but Shuklous knew about Gramfia. That’s all there is to it.」

「……I am asking that that is the case. Why would Shuklous lie and say that Gramfia was his master?」

「There is surely someone that would profit because of that.」

It was there that Luuty met gazes with Vermudol.

As if she had realized something.

「……You are suspecting the existence of a mastermind behind all of this?」

「Yeah, I am suspecting the existence of an extraordinary mastermind.」

「Who is it?」

「Who do you think it is?」

Hearing Vermudol’s words, Luuty worked her thoughts out.

Who was the one that could manipulate Shuklous?

Ryuuya heard of the existence of the 「Great Demon King」 and seemed to have consented to the idea.

However, if the assumption that Gramfia was the Great Demon King was wrong, then just who was the one that manipulated Shuklous……?

Thinking that far, Luuty remembered a connection.

Come to think of it, why did Vermudol confirm things about the Alva at the start?

The Alva, and the existence of the one manipulating Shuklous. If these two stories were connected──

「……Could it be, are you saying that the Alva are the subordinates of that mastermind?」

「That is what I am thinking.」

Vermudol was relieved by the fact that Luuty had calmly accepted the story up until now.

What Vermudol was trying to do from now on was repudiate the God of Life.

Even if Luuty wasn’t a devout believer of the God of Life, she was once a member of the 「Hero’s party」 that defeated the Demon King in accordance with the guidance of the Gods.

If he didn’t advance the conversation carefully, far from not obtaining Luuty’s cooperation, there was the possibility that she would become an enemy.

「……I am thinking of a certain possibility.」

Vermudol carefully chose his words.

While including his wish of it becoming a future where there was even a little bit more help.

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