The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 9

Book 9: Chapter 33

「What kind of situation you ask……let’s see.」

Even as Ykslaas was choosing the words to try and explain it, Vermudol advanced into the room.

「That strange thing doesn’t seem to be magic.」

「That’s right. It’s technically a living creature after all.」


Vermudol repelled the beam of light that was fired from Chester, who had turned into a blazing tornado, with a Magic Guard Light.

And then, staring at Chester, Vermudol invoked Status Confirmation Magic.

Name: Chester Rozens

Race: Human

Rank: A

Occupation: Magician

Equipment: None

Technical Skill: Soul Eater (Form Transformation)

「……A Human, huh.」

Looking at Chester, who had an appearance that was hard to say was Human even as flattery, Vermudol muttered.

「Although he might be classified as a Human……With him being like that, I don’t think he can be called Human?」

「Well, he’s a monster, isn’t he.」

After turning his gaze towards Ykslaas and Olred, Vermudol once again turned towards Chester.

The way he looked as he fired beams of light many times over at Vermudol’s Magic Guard Light, a broken toy was called to Vermudol’s mind.

「……I see. So, what shall we do? Not knowing that thing’s true identity, I can’t come up with the optimal solution.」

「That thing is the commander of the organization called the Staves of Light Chivalric Order, and a monster that deliciously ate subjects after doing human experimentation on them. I think that defeating him here would be 『for the sake of the country』 though.」

Right now, Ykslaas didn’t declare 「for the sake of which country」.josei

However, there was no need to purposely say it. Having become an enemy of mankind despite being a member of mankind, Chester wouldn’t be good for the sake of any country.

Putting aside if they just left Chester along and mankind destroyed itself, if someone were to add in the story that it was 「a scheme of the Mazoku」 to it, they wouldn’t be able to ignore it even as the Zadark Kingdom.

That wasn’t impossible. To begin with, it wasn’t for sure that the current Chester would be recognized as a 「companion of mankind」. Rather, there would probably be more people that would agree if it were to be called a Mazoku.

In the event that were to happen, there was no telling how the Zadark Kingdom would be seen by mankind.

The 「truth」 within the people would extinguish the facts, and not only that, but even the possibility that the current civil war of the Canal Kingdom would be made out to be the deeds of the Zadark Kingdom was by no means low.

That is why Vermudol nodded at Ykslaas’s words.

「That is true. In that case, we need to quickly bring it down……」

「Ahh, could I have you wait a bit on that?」

After squirming her way out from Olred’s arms, Ykslaas approached Vermudol. It was there that Vermudol turned his eyes towards Ykslaas’s chest.

「You……what happened to your chest armor?」

「It broke. So, I’m going to defeat that.」

「Broke you say. You……you don’t have any injuries, do you?」

「Nope. So, I’m going to defeat that.」

Seeing Ykslaas repeat the same line, Vermudol thought for a bit……and ended up nodding.

It was because he understood very well that in cases where she ended up like this, Ykslaas wouldn’t listen to anything else she was told.

「I see. Do you have a plan?」

「Rather than just have one……It’s more like I’d like to ask that you maintain that Magic Guard that you’ve been deploying for a while now.」

While looking at Vermudol’s Magic Guard Light that continued to defend against the beams of light that were being fired from Chester even in the middle of this conversation, Ykslaas shrugged her shoulders looking exasperated.

「……I got it. Is just doing this much alright?」

「Yes, it’s enough.」

After answering like that, Ykslaas stood next to Vermudol and readied her wand.

After peeking over at Ykslaas’s hands, Vermudol returned his gaze to Chester.

「Still, that thing looks like it would have other methods of attack but……it seems that those abilities are beyond its control.」

「It’s afraid. Afraid from thinking that by changing its attack method, wouldn’t its own extinguishment would hasten……Fufu, it’s quite cute, isn’t it.」

After Ykslaas answered like that, she pointed her wand at Chester.

That movement itself, it wasn’t something done with the meaning that she was going to start chanting now.

It was simply a declaration……saying “I will kill you”.

「Light vanished from the world, and night came.」

Darkness magical power gathered on Ykslaas’s wand, and the magic stone was dyed in the color of darkness.

「A silhouette whispers from within the darkness to you, who desires the coming of another morning. Saying “Ahh, ahh, how sorrowful. It was both a long and short association with you”.」

The spell that Ykslaas was chanting was a Darkness Magic that was even Vermudol’s first time seeing.

Hearing that chant that sounded as if she were telling a story, Vermudol’s interest was naturally attracted.

「This place is already the world of night, the country of darkness. In this place, you, who are not a shadow, are not allowed to exist. Therefore, your voice will not resound. Therefore, your hands will not touch. Therefore, you will not exert any influence on all things.」

The magical power gathered at Ykslaas’s wand became even stronger, became thicker, and accumulated an amount that would be unattainable for even the superior spells among the magic known as large magic.

「Therefore, even your figure will vanish here. That, in other words, is your consignment to oblivion, your elimination. Once everything has been establish, feel ashamed of your unnecessary self.」

Just how did Chester feel about the gathering magical power?

Chester, who had only been firing beams of light up until now, closed in on Ykslaas while scattering the things around him together with a thunderous roar……and it was there that he was obstructed by Vermudol’s Magic Guard.

「Ga……GAAA! HAnD iT OvER, thaT MAGicAL PoWeR! IF i……iF I hAVE ThAt thEn!」

「……I don’t anything would happen if you did have it though.」

「Honestly, this guy doesn’t know when to give up. Rather, your consciousness returned?」

「i aM……ThAt’S rIGhT, that’s right! I WiLl bE stronger THaN anyone else……If I do that, if I do that, then I!」

Within the tornado, something that resembled a person’s face rose to the surface.

Turning towards that face which looked like it was crying and shouting, Vermudol calmly spoke bluntly.

「Nothing will be established, from just being stronger than anyone else. I don’t know what your objective was but……from the moment you became unable to understand it, your failure was decided.」

The thing that looked like a person’s face within the tornado changed into an expression of anger.

Although it tried to break through Vermudol’s Magic Guard, the shining wall of light didn’t budge in the slightest.

While that was happening, Ykslaas’s chant was completed.

「There is no gravestone for you here, there is no proof of you here. Simply vanish into the distance of oblivion……Darkelvishe (foreigner of the shadow world)」

The magical power that was fired from Ykslaas’s wand spread out below Chester, and a 「black」 that looked like a large hole took form.

That, which looked sticky, extended out so as to capture Chester’s body, which should have been difficult to even touch, and covered his entire body.


The 「black」, which encroached Chester’s body with tremendous speed, created an ominous objet d’art that had Chester’s form……And then, brought about a silence that made it seem like the thunderous roars from earlier were all just a lie.

When Vermudol and Olred turned their gazes to Ykslaas seeking an explanation, she gently lowered her wand and answered.

「……With this, it’s over. Within that thing, there is already nothing left.」

As if proving those words, the 「black」 vanished as if sinking into the floor. After that, nothing was left behind.

「……Such a fool. To become evil even though it wasn’t decided that he should be like that……I, am unable to understand that.」

Vermudol silently placed a hand on Ykslaas’s head when she muttered that.

Looking up at what was beyond the hand that didn’t pat her but was just gently placed on her head, Ykslaas slightly puffed her cheeks.

「……My head isn’t a place to place your hand, you know?」

「That’s true.」

「Hmph, as usual, you’re a guy where I don’t know if you’re being thoughtful or not.」

「I see.」

After kicking Olred’s butt, who did the tactful thing and turned to a different direction, Ykslaas expressed her usual smile.

「Now then. Once we do a rough investigation of this room, why don’t we go up. If we don’t hurry, we might miss out on the royal fight between the fellow princesses, you know?」

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