The Skill Maker

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

“Don’t worry too much . It’s not like we’re going to reveal it soon . But with an item like this, don’t you think it’s worth trying it?”

Of course they had a backup plan .

They’ll probably have a detailed plan by the time the potion is released to the world .

They won’t let people scam them easily .josei

‘On top of that, I’m the only one that can make it . With just that, they won’t be able to attack me easily . ’

They haven’t decided on how much they were going to reveal .

But in time, everything will be revealed .

Only Hyun-Soo could do this .

Hyun-Soo recalled the data room he visited before Kim Yoo-Na visited him .

There was an enormous amount of data regarding the clan .

These days, information could be used as a weapon and a lot of data was contained in the data room .

And Hyun-Soo was able to find the information he was looking for .

It was some sort of thesis and one of the tests that was related to the topic was the thing that Hyun-Soo was curious about .

That a hunter’s energy was natural .

Since everyone’s energy characteristics was different, energy couldn’t be exchanged .

When an energy with different characteristics enters the body, it automatically pushes it out and the body experiences excruciating pain . The person may even lose their life if things got really bad .

When two different energies meet, it’ll really damage the body .

That’s why the person may even die .

Hyun-Soo thought of one thing while reading the results .

‘But, why is it possible for me?’

On top of that, when someone consumes it, their total energy level increases .

The chance of that happening may be low, but one can benefit from it .

‘Am I the only one that can do it?’

He suddenly came to a realization .

He looked down at his hands .

‘……What am I?’

That question popped into his head .

How far could he go?

He was continuously doing things that others couldn’t even try .

“Ha ha…… . ”

Hyun-Soo quietly laughed inside the room .

He tightly clenched his hands .

Anything was fine .

As long as it placed Hyun-Soo at the very top .

And that was one of the reasons why Kim Yoo-Na visited him .

Because only Hyun-Soo could do it .

She checked again and again the worth of his skill .

Even though Hyun-Soo didn’t provide her with details, Kim Yoo-Na knew his worth right away .

She probably had an idea when she ate the tangerine, no, probably when she was eating the food with the others .

“We’ll be able to cover both high-ranked and low-ranked hunters . Right now, among the high-ranked hunters, only a few will want it, so only make a few . But, for the premium line, it’ll best to go with your ‘thing’ that you mentioned . ”

Kim Yoo-Na nodded her head after she finished calculating .

She still looked worried, but it seemed like she pretty much understood .

“I understand . Not doing anything because it’s dangerous is pretty stupid . In that case, I’ll feel better if I help you myself . I’ll help you . ”

She looked at Hyun-Soo with a determined expression .

“The road that you’re walking on . Let me walk with you . ”

“What are you……?”

“Do you not want me to? Are you worried that I might get in the way?”

“No, it’s nothing like that . I’m thankful that you’re offering to help . ”

He needed Kim Yoo-Na anyways to walk on that road .

The FE clan was Kim Yoo-Na’s and Hyun-Soo was planning on helping the clan rise to the top .

It caught him off guard because Kim Yoo-Na suddenly offered to help .

On top of that, his mind went blank when he saw her big eyes .

“Thank you for accepting . Thanks a lot . ”


It somehow ended as him accepting her offer .

“You’re going to start a company, right? Your plan may fail if you make a connection with the black market . ”

“Yes, but I’ll have to continue providing the potion . ”

“Great . Then I’ll purchase the share . ”

“Excuse me?”

The conversation was moving too fast .

“It’s only natural that I buy the company’s share since it’s yours . With that, the connection between us will strengthen . ”

She mumbled with a satisfied look on her face .

“…I’ll gladly welcome you as my partner . ”

She was a smart and capable woman that was able to lead a clan .

That’s why it’s a good thing that she’s helping, but…

‘What’s going on?’

He did come to ask for her help and approval, so it worked out .

But Hyun-Soo had an odd feeling like he was forcefully pulled in .

He glanced at Kim Yoo-Na and noticed that she had a smile that not many people had seen .

She no longer looked worried .

Things ended differently than what he had imagined, but he achieved his second goal .

The base work was done, so all he had to do now was wait and save his energy .

‘Things are going to become even more chaotic . ’

Hyun-Soo had high expectations .


‘How should I gather the energy?’


Hyun-Soo was thinking deeply while watching Riri eat the energy that was on the tip of Hyun-Soo’s finger . r

‘I need to make potions and give some to Riri too . On top of that, I have to go hunting too…Lahatlan’s skill is outstanding, but the problem is that it consumes too much energy . ’

There were too many things that required his energy .

If he didn’t find a way to recover his energy fast, then he won’t be able to make potions or go hunting .

‘I need to create a recovery skill for myself . ’

Up till now, he always sold the skills and never thought about learning them .

It was because his skill slot was limited .

Hyun-Soo obtained Lahatlan without warning and since it can happen again, Hyun-Soo decided it was best to have an empty slot .

‘I should still learn one though . ’

It was time for him to create a skill again .

‘Looks like there’s going to be a lot of useless skills . ’

The function may be good, but they weren’t good enough for him .

‘Wait, can I sell those?’

Since it would be a waste to throw them away, he could transfer them to the members and sell the rest .

But the issue was that Hyun-Soo only had one body .

He had a lot to do and for security reasons, he rejected doing direct sales .

‘On top of that, it’s a huge country . Jeez . ’

Doing one transaction will be a lot of work .

He would have to ride a plane instead of a bus or subway .

On top of that, he would have to deal with the entire world .

He would have to constantly travel by plane .

Just thinking about the time and money he would have to spend gave him a headache .

‘It would be nice if I can actually sell it as a scroll . ’

Hyun-Soo sighed .

He decided to think about it again once he starts making the skill and focused on the current issue .

‘Even if the skill somehow helps, it’s not enough . Isn’t there a different way?’

Kyuuu, kyuuuuu .

Hyun-Soo’s eyes landed on Riri, who was biting the tip of his finger .

‘She ate a monster’s skill and now is eating my energy . Isn’t she full?’

She was no bigger than the palm of his hand, so where exactly were all those skills going?

She must’ve liked Hyun-Soo’s attention because she flew around him .

‘I wish it was possible for me too . A monster’s skill is probably a lump of energy . ’

He was suddenly envious of Riri because she would eat a lot during the hunt .

‘Wait . Consuming a monster’s energy?’

Was it possible?

That question popped into his head .

Hm…… .

A deep sigh escaped Hyun-Soo’s mouth .

Moments later, he lightly tapped Riri, signaling that her meal time was over .

‘Right, it’s worth a try . ’



The sound of the alarm was short .

Hyun-Soo instinctively looked at the device he was wearing on his wrist .

It was 3 AM . .

And he saw Eugene’s message .

“Please come to the Center ASAP . ”

It was an urgent message .

‘What’s going on?’

The message was only sent to a few of the members and he questioned it only for a moment .

Hyun-Soo quietly left his dorm and headed towards the main building .

The building was quiet .

The hallway that led to the Center Room was quiet too .

But right when he entered the Center Room, he saw the members .

“Oh, you’re here . I’m glad you were able to make it . ”

Eugene greeted Hyun-Soo .

“What’s going on?”

“Well, you see…it’s better if you see it for yourself . ”

Eugene looked like he was feeling complicated when he asked what was going on and why they were gathered here at this time .

He contemplated for a bit and pointed to an area while saying that it was better for Hyun-Soo to see it with his own eyes .


When the members moved over a bit, he saw a person .

A person in black was working hard on something .

They were anxious and as they looked around, they were repeatedly taking something out .

Even the members were standing around them, they kept on doing it as if no one was there .

Then they moved over a bit and did the same thing . They even acted as if they were looking at something in the air .

“Do you know what they’re doing?”

“……They look like they’re mentally disabled . ”

Out of the people that visited, there wasn’t anyone that acted that out of place .

Hyun-Soo looked at Eugene .

Hyun-Soo was waiting for Eugene to give him an answer .

“He’s spy . ”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, he was looking around and it was pretty noticeable . I think he was trying to get near the data room, but…”

Eugene explained that they became that way and pointed at the man .

“Why is he acting like that? He’s acting as if he’s been possessed by something . ”

“You got it, Hyun-Soo . He’s definitely possessed . ”

“I’m sorry?”

Hyun-Soo couldn’t keep up with the conversation .

He rushed over here and he was told that there was a spy .

It was an urgent matter . Because all the members had their guards up .

Everyone knew that there was a spy and a thief .

The problem was when they were going to make their move .

That’s why it was urgent .

But the spy was acting extremely oddly .

‘He looks like he’s crazy…… . ’

But he was possessed, not crazy .

He wasn’t sure where the conversation was heading to .

Eugene pointed to an area when Hyun-Soo looked confused .

He saw something familiar .



Riri was supposed to be asleep at the dorm, so why was she here?

“He’s like that because of Riri’s skill . ”

Which meant that he wasn’t crazy .

The monster from the second portal had the ability to control the mind .

And Riri was born from that monter’s egg .

So it’s obvious that she would be able to use Karazhan’s skill, but…

‘She’s never used that kind of skill up until now . ’

“I asked her to stop with the hallucination, but she’s not listening . Since she’s been following you around, she’ll probably listen to you . ”

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