The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 39 - Absence Caused Two Hearts to Grow Closer

Chapter 39 - Absence Caused Two Hearts to Grow Closer

Chapter 39 Absence Caused Two Hearts to Grow Closer
Mu Li had left for more than three days.

Lin Qing was like a left-behind child. Every day, she either went to work or stayed at home, having nothing else to do.

One day, she got off work early. On the way back, she went to the supermarket nearby and bought some fruits. Some of them were Mu Li’s favorite.

She always selected the same fruits, but she always remembered Mu Li’s preferences.

Lin Qing thought about this for a long time.

“It’s… probably because I have a good memory.”

Standing in front of the weigh counter, Lin Qing thought to herself when she stared blankly at the bag full of fruits.

However, Mu Li did say one day after dinner, “Next time, remember to buy some big red apples.”

So Mu Li liked apples.

Lin Qing said it quietly to herself. Unexpectedly, she could actually remember that.

Perhaps Mu Li just said that casually, or perhaps he was only teasing her.

“Young lady, these are your apples.”

The aunt who put labels in front of the weigh counter kindly told Lin Qing and handed the bag of apples to her.

The aunt saw Lin Qing’s uneasy face, then smiled and said, “Young lady, are you thinking about your boyfriend?”

Upon hearing that, Lin Qing blushed and waved to deny, “No, I’m not thinking about my boyfriend.”

You could imagine how Mu Li would look like if he were here.

However, Lin Qing added, “It is my husband.”

“So you are newlyweds!”

The aunt looked like that she took a tumble. She joked, “It’s said that absence makes two hearts grow closer. Look at your empty eyes. I say he’s gone on a business trip these days, right?”

This aunt truly was a prophet.

Lin Qing nodded shyly.

Those middle-aged aunts loved to gossip about others and made fun of newlyweds.

Good. Lin Qing happened to run into such an aunt today day.

The aunt continued looked at her with a manipulative look, “He must be a very handsome boy, right?”


This was the first time Lin Qing had heard someone addressing Mu Li that way. She found it strange. However, it sounded kind of smart.

Thus, she agreed with this aunt.

“He must like apples?”

The aunt asked again with confidence.

Lin Qing nodded with admiration.

“He is thoughtful?”

The aunt asked again.

Lin Qing extremely admired her.

Actually, anyone could guess those things.

The aunt laughed.

“Young people nowadays won’t let up until they are hopelessly in love. Young lady, since you are married, cherish it.”

With these sincere words, she looked much more serious.

Lin Qing was stunned.josei

Hopelessly in love?

She and Mu Li… were not like that.

“Well…” Lin Qing tried to explain. It seemed that this aunt had misunderstood something.

However, just as she was about to speak, she heard someone calling her from behind.

“Lin Qing?”

There was uncertainty in the voice.

“Qudong?” Lin Qing turned around with a bag of round and red apples.

Chen Qudong stood opposite Lin Qing.

Chen Qudong took a step forward. He also held two bags of fruits, but the varieties were different from those of Lin Qing’s.

As he handed the bag to the aunt in front of the weigh counter, he spoke to Lin Qing.

“What a coincidence. You’re here too.”

Chen Qudong said without any hesitation.

Lin Qing was still pondering. She knew that he did not live nearby.

Chen Qudong seemed to read Lin Qing’s confusion. He immediately explained, “I have a friend who lives nearby. I come to visit him and bring some things to him.”

Lin Qing understood after he explained.

Lin Qing looked at Chen Qudong again and found that he was holding a bottle of red wine in his hand.

She remembered that Chen Qudong had always been a very romantic man. However, his romance… had never been shown to Lin Qing.

Thinking of it, Lin Qing couldn’t help but sigh in silence.

The aunt at the weigh counter next to them glanced over from time to time with a meaningful look.

“Have you finished your shopping?”

Chen Qudong was puzzled when he saw Lin Qing’s complicated expression of shock, understanding, and regret.


Lin Qing looked at her hands and said, “I’m done.”

Chen Qudong’s two bags of fruit were also labeled. He took them and said, “Then let’s leave together.”

As he spoke, he naturally walked to the checkout counter.

Lin Qing stayed where she was, feeling that something was wrong.

However, she thought it over. It was just a coincidence that she ran into him and went to the checkout together. It wasn’t a big deal.

So she followed him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qudong’s so-called friend lived in the Coastline No.1 Residence, exactly where Lin Qing lived.

It was hard to get rid of him. Lin Qing had no choice but to walk back home together with Chen Qudong.

“Last time we parted in a hurry.”

It seemed that Chen Qudong had been thinking about it for a long time. He let out a sigh of relief.

Lin Qing followed him and listened quietly.

It seemed that Chen Qudong was used to Lin Qing’s reaction and continued, “What a coincidence. Last time we met at the hotel, and today we meet at the supermarket.

I want to know where I’ll meet you next time. ”

His tone was natural, and Lin Qing found it fair.

It was uncommon that they ran into each other.

“What do you think?”

Chen Qudong took a few steps and asked.

Lin Qing carefully thought about this question, “I’m not sure.”

Chen Qudong asked, “Why?”

“Isn’t there a saying that nothing would repeat for more than three times?”

Lin Qing tilted her head and looked serious.

Chen Qudong smiled.

When he was with Lin Qing, he always had an inexplicable…

sense of safety.

He wondered if Mu Li felt the same way when he was with her.

Thinking of that, Chen Qudong suddenly felt a little depressed.

Soon, they’ve got to the entrance of the neighborhood. There was a unique stone at the entrance, neatly carved with a few big red characters: Coastline No.1 Residence.

“Where do you live? Let me walk you home.”

Chen Qudong said.

But Lin Qing shook her head, “You don’t have to. It’s not too far from here.”

She thought that she could go back on herself and there was no need to bother others.

Chen Qudong wanted to insist. But after looking at the things in his hand, he gave up and said goodbye, taking a path different from that of Lin Qing.

Lin Qing said goodbye and slowly walked towards home.

Chen Qudong found such a coincidence really enjoyable.

Just then, Chen Qudong’s friend passed by. Probably he went out to deal with something insignificant. When he was on the way home to tidy up his room and wait for Chen Qudong, he met him here.

“You are punctual.”

Chen Qudong’s friend patted him on the shoulder. Then he saw Lin Qing’s back, and asked, “Who is she?”

Chen Qudong did not answer. He only raised the bags in his hand and said, “Let’s go.”

After returning home, Lin Qing put the apples on the coffee table. She felt relieved, and then leaned against the sofa limply.

Soon, the home phone was ringing.


Lin Qing picked up the phone and said softly.

“It’s me.”

The person on the other end of the phone was Mu Li.

Upon hearing Mu Li’s voice, Lin Qing was inexplicably delighted, her eyes gleaming with light.

Before she could speak, she heard Mu Li asking, “Do you miss me?”

Lin Qing thought for a moment, and then muttered, “No…?”

Her answer sounded like a question, Mu Li couldn’t help but smile at the other end of the phone.

“Lin Qing, tell me the truth.”

Mu Li seemed to have figured Lin Qing out. He threatened intentionally.

Lin Qing was reluctant to admit that she was missing him. She hummed and intended to change the topic, “When are you coming back? I bought you apples.”


Mu Li got lost for a moment. He said, “If you admit that you miss me, I’ll be back tomorrow.”

This was a very tempting condition.

Lin Qing hesitated for a few minutes. She finally got the courage and put the microphone away from her mouth. After a long time, she whispered, “I… miss you…”

When Lin Qing was saying “miss”, her voice was down in half, and it was almost silent when she said “you”.

“What did you say?”

Mu Li raised his eyebrows.

Unfortunately, Lin Qing couldn’t see that smug smile on his face.

“I, I’ve already said it. You can’t take that back.”

Then, Lin Qing put the microphone closer to her face. Clearly she had bigger conviction.

Probably because Mu Li had completed the task at the army, he sounded much more relaxed. When he heard Lin Qing’s shy voice, he immediately smiled.

“If I go back, how will you welcome me?”


Lin Qing was stunned.

She did not intend to prepare anything. So, she got nervous as if she had done something wrong. She whispered timidly, “Well… would you like some apples?”

… Eating apples?

The corner of Mu Li’s mouth twitched. He said, “Alright.”

In order to make up for the absence of a welcoming ceremony, Lin Qing read all kinds of books overnight and learned more than a dozen different ways to cook apples.

Apples could be eaten in this way, amazing.

Lin Qing had this thought in mind when reading through those books.

By the time she had finished reading the recipes and books on health advice and fruit, it was already late at night.

Lin Qing stretched herself and was satisfied.

She had completed the task successfully.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qing could not believe that, when she was still asleep, Mu Li came back.

Passing by the kitchen, Mu Li saw a bag of red apples on the table. A smile appeared on his face.


When he saw Lin Qing fall asleep at the desk in the study, the smile on his face disappeared.

How could this woman sleep here?

Certainly, he worried about her.

However, he did not wake Lin Qing up, nor did he carry her back to her room. Instead, he got a chair and sat beside her, staring at her—

“Mu Li, you’re back?”

In the early morning, Lin Qing woke up from her slumber.

Mu Li put his long fingers in her soft and fragrant hair and rubbed her head, “I’m back.”

This gentle whisper caused Lin Qing’s heart pounding.

“Are you still sleepy?”

Mu Li said as he gently stroked her hair. Then, he carried Lin Qing to the bedroom.

Lin Qing was a little puzzled. She probably hadn’t woken up from her slumber yet. Upon hearing Mu Li’s words, she nodded like a tame little cat.

Mu Li picked her up. Lin Qing leaned against his chest and rubbed against him.

When he was walking, Mu Li seemed to hear Lin Qing saying something, but he couldn’t hear it clearly. He leaned over and whispered to her ears, “What did you say?”

Lin Qing leaned against his chest and muttered, “It’s good that you’re back…”

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