The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 44 - Shan Rong's Visit

Chapter 44 - Shan Rong's Visit

Chapter 44 Shan Rong’s Visit
Lin Qing’s right eyelid twitched.


She thought to herself.

Although she could not remember what had happened, Mu Li’s long face had already explained everything.

Lin Qing uneasily and quietly moved to the side.

However, Mu Li raised his eyebrows and asked, “What are you afraid of? Do you not dare to admit what you’ve boldly done?”

His questioning was in a steady tone, but it did make Lin Qing move to the side a little further again.

Lin Qing said innocently with an awkward smile, “I really can’t remember anything…”

“Is that so?” Mu Li approached her. The distance between them was kept the same close as just now.josei

Lin Qing pushed Mu Li away with her small palms. “Well…if you have something to say…stay away from me first, you’re making me too nervous.”

Mu Li thought she had a point, but he moved closer.

Lin Qing was filled with regret.

Mu Li was in no hurry to say anything. He looked at Lin Qing’s face with a deep gaze and then looked straight into her pupils. This eye contact made Lin Qing extremely nervous.

The vibe was so weird. When Lin Qing couldn’t bear the tension any longer, she got the nerve to meet his eyes and said, “What…what exactly did you want to say?”

This was a great question.

Mu Li’s mouth curled up into a faint smile. His expression made Lin Qing even more panicked.

“You had a fever last night, remember?” he asked.

“Yes.” Lin Qing did not understand why he asked this, but she didn’t dare to take it lightly.

“Do you remember how did you take the medicine?” Mu Li asked again. His tone sounded somewhat dangerous.

“Ye-yes.” Lin Qing swallowed and looked at him.

“About what happened after you took the medicine,” Mu Li paused for a moment and looked at Lin Qing over and over again, “do you also remember that?”

“Ye-” Lin Qing was going to answer when she suddenly stopped and changed her mind. “No, I don’t remember.”

As she spoke, she shook her head very sincerely.

Mu Li couldn’t help but wonder if she forgot about the particular part on purpose.

Seeing that Mu Li seemed to be unhappy, Lin Qing offered a humble apology, “Well…if I’ve accidentally done something that makes you angry…would you please forgive me?”

She tried to distract Mu Li by emphasizing the word “accidentally”.

Mu Li thought that Lin Qing was quite smart.

But he didn’t respond. Lin Qing thought perhaps she was not sincere enough, so she said, “Or, tell me what I’ve done. If you suffered a loss, I will make it up for you, okay?”

Lin Qing spoke with complete sincerity and emotion.

So Mu Li reluctantly agreed.

Mu Li kindly comforted Lin Qing, “You seem to haven’t done much other than grabbing my hand, touching me around, and trying to take off my clothes.”

Lin Qing almost fainted. “Did…did I do all of those?”

She simply couldn’t believe that she had done so much but couldn’t remember even one thing of them.

Seeing her frightened and bewildered little face, Mu Li smiled contentedly.

Lin Qing was really easy to deceive. Last night, she only grabbed his hand and touched a few times without letting go when she was sleeping soundly. While the rest of the story was completely made up by Mu Li.

She was well-behaved in daily life, so he thought even if she had been out of her mind because of the fever, she would have never done anything terrible.

Afterwards, Mu Li gave Lin Qing an exaggerated picture of what happened under her astonished gaze. After hearing his words, Lin Qing’s small face turned dreadfully pale.

Her fever was just gone, and she was still weak, exhausted and dizzy. After hearing Mu Li’s description, she felt even weaker. She tilted her body and fell to the bed limply.

Mu Li thought that she was pretending, so he said with sincere words and earnest wishes, “Lin Qing, it’s no use avoiding me. What did you say?”

Lin Qing leaned at the bedside and turned her head to Mu Li. She murmured in a very low voice, “You are a broad-minded great man, so could you spare me this time?”

Mu Li was unexpectedly forgiving and said, “Alright. But you will owe me one thing, understand?”

The deal went very well.

Lin Qing bit her lips. She always felt that she had been tricked.

She was very upset.

Although they had made an agreement, they never had a chance to execute it.

After many years when Lin Qing thought back, she only vaguely remembered a few words that they had said. But she didn’t remember what exactly had happened and why they made this agreement.

“Lin Qing, help answer the phone for me!”

When Lin Qing came to work early in the morning, she saw a busy scene in the office. Before she could sit still in her seat, she heard someone call her.

She looked up and found it was Lu Xiao who was standing beside the house phone.

She was holding a phone receiver next to her ear and holding another one in her hand, which was probably picked up by her just a moment ago.

Seeing that Lu Xiao couldn’t answer two phones at once, Lin Qing put down the documents she had just received and went over to help.

The company was always running smoothly, but it was as busy as a market in this early morning. This was the first time Lin Qing saw such a scene.

She sighed deeply in her heart.

The person on the other end of the phone said that there was a problem with the customer’s side and it needed to be settled urgently. Lin Qing took notes on a paper at her hand and then hung up the phone after responding with a few sentences.

When she slipped the note into Lu Xiao’s hand, Lu Xiao was still dealing with the difficult executive from some company on the phone. Looked like it would take some time for her to get this call done.

Lin Qing could only give Lu Xiao a wink and then returned to her seat.

After a while, a pile of documents were sent from the planning department again. The person placed the documents on Lin Qing’s desk as if relieved of a heavy load.

“Lin Qing, you must finish all these today,” that person said before leaving in a hurry, probably had another thing to do.

Lin Qing looked at the piles of documents all over the table and almost passed out.

It seemed that she had to work overtime today.

When Mu Li received Lin Qing’s text message, he was treating a guest at home.

The guest was keen of eye and swift of movement. Taking advantage of the time that Mu Li left his phone, he picked up the phone and checked the message without hesitation. The message read, “I have to work overtime today. Won’t be back home for dinner.”

After reading the text message, the man shook his head regretfully and put the phone back to place.

When Mu Li came downstairs with the best-quality tea and was going to treat it to his guest, he heard a faint sigh from behind him, “Alas, someone is going to sleep alone tonight.”

Mu Li turned around and saw Shan Rong was sitting at the side with his legs crossed, gloating.

“It’s said that this tea is carefully cultivated and very rare on the market,” Mu Li played with the exquisite tea canister in his hand and said casually, “unfortunately, you don’t have much luck to taste it.”

As he spoke, he sealed the tea canister again and only poured a glass of pure water to Shan Rong.

“Drink this. I heard that pure water is also good for your health,” Mu Li said calmly.

Shan Rong glanced at the water in the glass and looked sad. “I’m just saying it. You cannot go so far as to treat me so heartlessly, can you?”

Mu Li took a sip of tea and tasted it. “What do you think?”

Shan Rong pushed the glass a little further away in dislike.

He never drank pure water. He always hated this kind of flavorless things.

“When did you become so mean?” Shan Rong complained, feeling extremely unfair.

Mu Li narrowed his eyes. “Mean?”

Shan Rong said righteously and seriously, “Don’t you think you’re getting more and more abnormal?”

Mu Li said indifferently, “No, I don’t.”

The corner of Shan Rong’s mouth twitched a few times silently.

“Why did you come for a visit in person today?” Mu Li naturally changed the topic and ignored Shan Rong’s expression.

Shan Rong showed a gloomy face. “Have you heard about the matter that my wise dad asked me to assist my brother?”

Mu Li took a sip of tea and gestured for him to continue.

“You know, I’m not capable of doing anything except for hooking up with pretty women all this time. But he took the studying abroad as an excuse and forced me to get into the company next month. In your opinion, what do I have to do to get out of that?” Shan Rong was extremely depressed.

This matter really bothered Shan Rong. He was not even in the mood to go to the bars these few days.

Apparently, this was a matter of great importance.

Mu Li pondered for a moment after hearing that. “Do you want to get this matter settled once and for all?”

Shan Rong nodded. “Of course.”

Mu Li said, “If that’s the case—”

Shan Rong listened carefully—

“I can’t do anything about it, either.”

Mu Li spread out his hands and showed his pity.

Shan Rong kicked in the tea table and said, “Hey, you’re too unkind.”

Mu Li glanced at him and said, “Be careful. This tea table is specially customized, and there’s only one of it in the world. You can’t afford to compensate if you break it.”

Shan Rong crossed his arms over his chest. “Commander Mu, you have indeed become abnormal recently.”

“Oh, really?” Mu Li didn’t care.

Speaking of this, Shan Rong remembered someone and blurted out, “You didn’t change at all when you were with that person. Looks like this sister-in-law Qingqing of mine is really impressive.”

When Shan Rong mentioned Lin Qing, he did not realize the intimacy of his way calling her. He only felt this address sounded pleasant to the ear.

However, Mu Li frowned and said, “Don’t call her like that in the future.”

Shan Rong shrugged and said okay.

However, both of them did not talk about the other person that Shan Rong mentioned.

At this time, Shan Rong suddenly remembered that Lin Qing had sent a text message, so he reminded Mu Li, “Sister-in-law just sent a text message saying that she will probably be back very late. You don’t need to wait for her.”

Mu Li’s eyes grew dim. “Oh? Good. I happen to have something to do later.”

The emotion changes in his eyes were all seen by Shan Rong.

“After all, how do you think of sister-in-law?” Shan Rong asked intentionally.

Mu Li took a final sip of the tea and said, “I use my brain to think of her.”

Shan Rong was almost choked on the air he breathed in.

As expected, Lin Qing worked very late. After she finished her work, she waited for Lu Xiao for a while. It was already 9:30 when she left the company.

“Phew!” Walking out of the lobby on the first floor, Lu Xiao heaved a great sigh of relief heartily and cleared all the weariness of the busy day.

Lin Qing walked beside her and did not respond.

They missed dinner because of working overtime, and their stomachs began to growl after they took in loads of fresh air.

Lu Xiao touched her flat tummy and turned to ask Lin Qing, “Are you hungry?”

Lin Qing nodded. She felt even more hungry after being reminded.

Lu Xiao dragged Lin Qing forward with light feet and said, “Come with me, I’ll take you to have ribs noodles.”

Lin Qing nodded gratefully.

Lin Qing had also been to this restaurant before. It didn’t happen often that she would come to a restaurant that was also recommended by Lu Xiao.

While the two of them were enjoying their meals, Lin Qing’s phone rang. Lu Xiao gave her a meaningful wink, gossiping, “Yoh, is it that long for you not seeing each other? Someone is getting worried.”

Lin Qing hurriedly waved her hands to stop Lu Xiao from speaking willfully. But she could not help blushing slightly.

However, when she lowered her head and fumbled out her phone, she found that the contact person showing on the screen was another name.

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