The Stars Beyond

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Myths Do Not Exist

Chapter 113: Myths Do Not Exist

Wang Xuan's heart raced, realizing he had been singled out. Is it because of the two "immortals" I killed, or is it because of my luck with spectral entities?

Above, a void of endless black contrasted starkly against the moon's radiant surface below. However, figures emanating light from the Lunar Pit shone with an unmatched brilliance, even against the lunar day's backdrop. One luminous figure started approaching, making its way slowly towards the protective barrier. Is this some spectral entity? Every muscle in Wang Xuan tensed as he prepared for a confrontation.

"Qin Cheng, head to the White Horse Temple, now!" Wang Xuan whispered, his voice urgent. The nature of the entity was not known to him, and he was not sure what to expect.

"What's happening, Old Wang?" Qin Cheng's voice quivered.

"Don't question it, just keep moving!" Wang Xuan's grip on his short sword tightened, eyes unwaveringly fixed on the approaching figure.

"Stay safe!" Qin Cheng called out, making a quick exit. The depth of their bond meant words were often unnecessary.

Wang Xuan could now distinguish the figure as a man, tall and enigmatic, veiled in a blinding white radiance that masked his face. The ethereal glow that surrounded him, accompanied by the cascade of white petals, gave him an almost divine presence.

A frown creased Wang Xuan's brow. It’s just a man amidst a shower of petals? Is this a display of power or merely a theatrical facade?

Wang Xuan's gaze remained steely and defiant. He thought, If I am the one you’re looking for, then bring it on!

The figure approached, his steps deliberate and unhurried. To the oblivious bystanders, the area remained calm, with no hint of the luminous presence drawing closer. But then, mere meters from the barrier, twin beams of light hurtled towards the figure, each accompanied by a thunderous roar. The ensuing explosion was blinding. The man retreated hastily. Though he was not hit directly, his figure momentarily wavered, becoming fainter from the sheer force of the explosion.

Wang Xuan's gaze darted to the White Horse Temple and the ancient Taoist temple. He felt a mix of awe and disbelief, the sheer magnitude of the event was simply incomprehensible. Thunder in broad daylight, arcing across the sky to banish a malevolent entity? It felt surreal. Yet, as he scanned the crowd, he noticed their casual demeanor. Many were engaged in light-hearted discussions about the Lunar Pit's peculiarities.

Inhaling sharply, Wang Xuan's mind raced. The resounding thunderbolts seemed to have eluded everyone. It was as if they were shielded from witnessing this celestial event. Could it be that the legacies of Taoism and Buddhism, ancient and profound, operated on a plane beyond mortal comprehension? A fleeting daze gripped Wang Xuan. His limited understanding of these religious depths seemed trivial in the face of such power.

Suddenly, realization dawned on him. He was certain that the Bodhisattvas of the White Horse Temple, and perhaps the foundational spirits of Buddhism, were still confined in the ancient chasms. They have yet to ascend!

The intricacies of the Taoist ancestral temple appeared to mirror a familiar pattern.

Do the two esteemed ancestral temples only exert influence on the spiritual plane? Wang Xuan reflected. By retracting his spiritual domain, he would be rendered oblivious to the celestial thunderbolts streaking across the lunar sky, becoming merely another onlooker.

"The entities they've released seem to invade only dreams, and are incapable of altering reality."

He pondered, "So even if I managed to extract these Bodhisattva-level beings from the abyss, or even summon the foundational spirits of Buddhism, their manifestations would be limited to the spiritual realm, but would not be able to affect reality?"

"Is it possible that ancient myths were only tales of events within the ethereal domain?"

These revelations prompted Wang Xuan to re-evaluate his perceptions of Immortals and Bodhisattvas. Although these entities might wield immense powers, they seemed anchored to spiritual or metaphysical realms, distant from our palpable world.

"It seems once they ascend to their exalted state, they largely detach from the terrestrial sphere," he mused. "This suggests that while the world remains predominantly human, spiritual transcendence may not be as grandiose as imagined."

Wang Xuan's insights brought calmness to his heart. Even the once-intimidating red-robed demoness seemed less foreboding. His attention then refocused on the radiant figure beyond the protective shield. This entity, he felt, was perhaps not as formidable as he had initially perceived. These beings coming out of the Lunar Pit could at best inhabit hosts, and not without a toll. They certainly lacked the capabilities described in ancient tales. Moreover, they remained under the watchful restraint of the Taoist and Buddhist sanctuaries.

In facing someone like Wang Xuan who was practically immune to possession and armed with a mystical short sword, these entities were vulnerable. He contemplated, weighing the risks and rewards of delving into the Lunar Pit to confront these entities that seemed fixated on him.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was feeling confident. He began to believe that myths were just tales told among the ancient times after all. He temporarily shut off his awareness of the deeper world beyond the realm he was familiar with. His thoughts returned to the present, and clarity returned. He decided against making any rash moves. His initial intent was to avoid drawing undue attention, and he intended to stick to it.

"There are people approaching the crater," someone remarked.

Attracted by the immense bounty, an exploration team of six swiftly made their way to the entrance of the Lunar Pit. Spectators watched as they abruptly collapsed by its pitch-black entrance. Some even tumbled into the abyss, vanishing from sight.

"They've definitely been ensnared. They must all be dead!" murmured the onlookers, a sense of suffocation gripping them. This was not a movie; they were witnessing real deaths.

Wang Xuan observed closely, deducing that the explorers had been possessed by the spirits. The next two hours saw no one daring to approach the pit. As enticing as the bounty was, it was pointless if one lost their life in the pursuit.

Throughout this period, the spiritual entities occasionally approached the protective barrier but never dared cross its boundary. Wang Xuan noted that the ancestral temples occasionally emanated light and unleashed formidable lightning. On one occasion, a pendant on Ling Qiming's chest sparkled, and a bracelet on his wrist gleamed brilliantly.

Wang Xuan sighed softly. The wealthy always have their secrets. They wear ancient relics, probably unaware of their true power, treating them merely as ornamental treasures.

He reached out to Qin Cheng, urging him to return from his usual penchant for being in the thick of things. Historically, it was skilled predecessors who ensured stability by situating two ancestral temples in their current locations. Not long after, Qin Hong, a middle-aged representative from the Qin family, made his appearance. His somber demeanor was evident – he was the grieving father of Qin Yunfeng and had come to the moon in hopes of finding his son.

"Whoever retrieves Yunfeng will be handsomely rewarded," Qin Hong proclaimed, his gaze sweeping over the assembled specialists and elite advisors from various factions.

Ordinary citizens, unaware of the mysteries of the Lunar Pit, were not given access without proper clearance.

Leaning closer, Qin Cheng whispered to Wang Xuan, "No matter the allure of the reward, resist the temptation. Some offers come at a price too steep."

Wang Xuan acknowledged with a nod. The prospect of getting involved with the influential Qin family was not worth the promised ancient sword manual or the mental cultivation text. While the Golden Mushroom was even less appealing in the face of his own upcoming expedition.

Indeed, Qin Hong's generous proposal was met with silence. The recent tragedies were a stark reminder of the risks. Historically, explorers had dared to probe the pit mainly during its dormant phases. However, the mystery of the Lunar Pit had persisted for more than a century, making any venture a gamble with life.

After offering some words of consolation to Qin Hong, Ling Qiming took his leave. Having spent nearly three hours at the site, it was time to move on.

"These so-called experts, is their courage so easily shaken? Not one of them is willing to take the risk! Do they truly merit their esteemed titles?" Qin Hong's voice dripped with scorn as he was led away.

While the average person could not hear Qin Hong's words due to the vast distance, Wang Xue's heightened senses, honed since the formation of his spiritual realm, captured every word with terrifying clarity.

"What's the use of employing such people? Both the practitioners of Old and the New Arts are utterly worthless. Even a dog would do better! At the very least, it would obey commands. Push those martial artists into the Lunar Pit! Don't they understand their purpose?"

Qin Hong's low growl resounded, leaving the attendants accompanying him sweating profusely, too fearful to utter a word.

It wasn't just the pain of losing his child that fueled his anger. It seemed his words, spoken under duress, truly reflected his inner beliefs.

From a distance, Wang Xue observed with a cold detachment. However, he was not particularly surprised. He expected such sentiments from high-ranking individuals of prominent dynasties like Qin Hong. This was their view of those devoted to spiritual and martial cultivation.

Although some organizations attempted to mobilize their members, no elite advisors stepped forward. After all, they were not bound by servitude, and given a choice, who would risk their life recklessly?

Soon after, a spacecraft touched down on the lunar surface, bringing with it explosive news — the Qin family had deployed four Bodhisattvas!

Without a doubt, a prominent life research institute had the backing of the super-wealthy Qin dynasty. This time, they had summoned four genetic super-beings, known as the Moonlight Bodhisattvas — the pinnacle of their kind.

Wang Xue's heart skipped a beat as he glimpsed the so-called Moonlight Bodhisattvas from a distance. His face immediately turned grave, recognizing them as beings of Grandmaster caliber!

The four Bodhisattvas bypassed the protective shield and headed straight for the Lunar Pit. josei

Simultaneously, a warship hovered in the sky above.

Qin Hong's expression darkened. He was prepared for the worst. He had informed all parties involved that they would use the "N-material" — a substance retrieved from a once-bountiful haven in times past.

Should the four Bodhisattvas fail, he planned to pour the entire batch of this material into the pit, aiming to obliterate it entirely.

This was not just his decision. Over the years, the large corporations and major organizations had been devising a strategy. This was their long-concocted ultimate weapon.

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