The Stars Beyond

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Exploring A New World For The First Time

Chapter 119: Exploring A New World For The First Time

With a penchant for swift decisions, Wang Xuan was eager to secure his passage to the New World. Yet, sensing the imminent information suppression from powerful conglomerates and organizations, he decided to exercise patience and align with their strategies. Promptly, several large spacecraft descended onto the moon. The personnel, including Qin Cheng, sprang into action under their directive, primarily to manage and potentially tamper with various surveillance systems.

“The widespread memory loss is unsettling,” remarked the operation's lead, visibly shaken by the event's implications.

While they acted swiftly, they were also acutely aware of potential information leaks. "In this age, even our most fortified systems aren't impervious. Containing such a massive event entirely is nearly impossible."

But the conglomerates had a strategy. They banked on the fact that, with most having lost memories of the event, steering the mainstream narrative would be pivotal. Simply attributing the incident to a weapons test on the moon should suffice. The few in the know wouldn't significantly impact the overarching public perception, especially amid the continuous deluge of news from New World.

"You're leaving so soon?" Qin Cheng said, a note of sadness in his voice. Their brief camaraderie had meant more to him than he'd realized, being a lone figure in an unfamiliar land.

As he contemplated his own future in the New World, he couldn't help but wonder if his decision to distance himself from loved ones back home would eventually lead to regret.

"It's not a final goodbye, just a temporary farewell. We'll reconnect in the New World," Wang Xuan replied, trying to alleviate the melancholy. By the next dawn, his bags were packed, and he was ready to embark on his journey.

As the two walked out of their temporary abode, their path converged with a woman's.

“New Moon's girlfriend, huh?” Wang Xuan cast a quick, teasing glance at Qin Cheng.   “She’s nothing of the sort,” Qin Cheng responded with a hint of irritation. Not holding back this time, he shared his grievances with Wang Xuan.

“Not only did Li Koon extort three million from me, but his distant niece decided to join in on the ‘fun’ as well. She pretended to befriend me, but all she wanted were extravagant gifts.”

“She has expensive tastes, just like her uncle. Always wanting top-tier luxury brands: Xiang Wu lipsticks, Zhong Yi handbags, and more,” Qin Cheng grumbled.

Wang Xuan mused that these luxurious brands might be owned by familiar conglomerates. “And you actually bought them for her?” he asked with a hint of disappointment. Those products could cost tens of thousands of Novadollars each.

“I had to. I was in a position where I needed their favor,” Qin Cheng sighed. Noticing Wang Xuan's growing frustration and readiness to confront the woman, he hurriedly added, “Don't worry. I got in touch with a trading team we do business with back in the Old World. They sent over top-quality counterfeits. She couldn’t tell the difference and even seemed keen on getting closer to me for a while.”

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “So, you almost had a real relationship over fake luxury items?”

“Relax, I didn’t entertain her advances,” Qin Cheng responded, patting his chest. “From our first interaction, I knew she was trouble. During our first dinner together, she invited two of her so-called ‘guy friends’, chose the most expensive restaurant, and ordered the priciest dishes on the menu. She even announced it was one of her friend's birthdays.”

“You let that slide?” Wang Xuan stopped in his tracks, believing Qin Cheng's approach was far too passive. In his eyes, the young man needed some guidance, and perhaps the woman in question needed a lesson as well.

Sighing, Qin Cheng admitted, “That dinner alone cost me over 20,000 Novadollars, including the tip.”

Wang Xuan shook his head, seemingly on the brink of scolding Qin Cheng for his timidity. However, before he could say anything, Qin Cheng hastily added, “But, before leaving, I chose some of the finest cigars from the counter and stormed out, leaving her with the bill.”

“Did you pay the bill?” Wang Xuan inquired.

Qin Cheng shook his head with a smirk, “No way. Why should I pay for all three of them when I barely ate compared to them? They should pay for their own extravagant meals. Oh, and the cigars? They paid for those too.”

Wang Xuan was left speechless. It seemed that there was no need for him to intervene after all. Qin Cheng had handled the situation just as effectively, if not more so, than he would have.

“Ever since that incident, she's constantly nagged me for luxury bags,” Qin Cheng continued.

Wang Xuan waved his hand dismissively, “Enough of that. It seems you might have been pressured by Li Koon, but you surely knew how to handle that woman.”

Qin Cheng escorted Wang Xuan to the lunar spaceship base, giving him a firm handshake and a heartfelt farewell as he boarded his ship.

...... “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing Zhong Deep Space Company, a member of the Galaxy Alliance...” As Wang Xuan settled into his seat on the spaceship, he couldn’t help but ponder whether this venture was one of the many business extensions of the Zhong family.

It was evident to him that the reach of these major conglomerates and organizations spanned wide, and their influence permeated almost every sector of industry. Everywhere he looked, he saw the mark of their power and influence.

Wang Xuan sipped on a glass of water and immersed himself in studying the spiritual tome etched into his memory. The short document, named "Yuan Furnace Divine Forging," described a method that utilized an 'elemental furnace' to temper and refine one's spirit, aiming to nurture it until it's as radiant as the moon and as fierce as the sun.

Having never explored any spiritual techniques primarily focused on mental cultivation, Wang Xuan was unsure of the rank of this doctrine. He decided to practice it first and then switch to a better technique if he encountered one later.

“Dear passengers...” The flight attendant's voice announced their impending arrival at New World.

To Wang Xuan's surprise, it felt like he had just closed his eyes for a brief moment. He had merely delved a little into the spiritual book. Having only sipped half a glass of water and contemplated having lunch onboard, he hadn't expected to arrive so soon.

Indeed, the thriving tourism industry on the moon made sense now, given the recent technological breakthroughs that had essentially annihilated the constraints of time and space.

“New world, here I come!” he exclaimed in his heart, casting away any lingering thoughts.

Upon reaching Yuan City, he was greeted by a sprawling urban jungle. Skyscrapers reached for the heavens, while numerous small aircraft flitted about in the skies. The mid-to-low altitudes were occupied by hover cars, all adhering to designated lanes and routes.

The pace of life in the New World was frenetic. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, and fast modes of transportation were the norm.

Wang Xuan didn't head straight to the local branch of the Dingwu Organization in the city. As a special advisor, he had a degree of autonomy. A quick notification of his presence would suffice for now.

He had come with a singular purpose this time: to explore the mysterious land and did not wish to be delayed in unrelated endeavors.

The central area of Yuan City had a distinct industrial atmosphere. Each skyscraper's rooftop was occupied by a parked spaceship. Many organizational branches had set up their offices here.

A bit farther out were the bustling commercial districts. Beyond that, residential areas dominated, where even the towering buildings were adorned with greenery. Rooftops were transformed into gardens, and balconies were spacious, lined with plants.

Naturally, these residential areas also had their own shopping districts. Though not as busy as the central commercial areas, they balanced activity with tranquility, making for a pleasant living environment.

Wang Xuan's first order of business was to find accommodations, then gather information on the mysterious area, hoping to enter discreetly.

However, he felt a bit out of place. Both the hover cars and airships required biometric identification, but he hadn't registered any of his information.

A young lady approached him, strikingly beautiful. Her ear-length hair gave her a refreshing look, and when she smiled, her beautiful eyes curved like crescents, revealing a set of immaculate teeth.

"Do you need assistance, sir?" she asked cheerfully.

Soon, Wang Xuan realized she offered her services for a fee. She could act as a guide, introduce him to the city, help him find accommodations, and more. Charging a hundred Novadollars an hour, her services were on the pricier side.

Being new to the New World and unfamiliar with everything, Wang Xuan recognized the value of having a guide.

"Though registering your biometrics allows you to use short-distance transportation for free, most people in the New World highly value their privacy. They usually use intelligent communication devices for payments and transport. It's straightforward, all you need to do is..."

The young lady was warm and attentive. She guided Wang Xuan in purchasing a New World intelligent communication device. Essentially, it was a mobile phone, but far more advanced than those on the old land. It could project holographic images and enable face-to-face conversations.

"You can rest assured, as long as you haven't violated the law or posed a threat to society, your device won't be located or tracked in the interest of preserving your privacy," she assured him.

Wang Xuan would have to be naive to believe that. Back on the old land, during the era of big data, every trace of an individual's activity was precisely captured. Casual real-life conversations would immediately prompt WaterBaoNet to send shopping suggestions related to the topic.

He surmised that on New World, due to strong public objections, service providers claimed not to infringe on citizens' privacy. However, the actual scenario didn't need much speculation. Yet, he felt it was much better than having to provide direct biometric information like iris scans.

Along the way, he had an engaging conversation with the young lady and gathered much information about the New World. Although her service wasn't cheap, it was undoubtedly worth it.

The full name of the New World was "New Hope World." When people first explored and settled on this planet, they had immense aspirations and hopes for the future, hence the name.

In no time, the lovely lady helped Wang Xuan find accommodations, introduced him to the nearby smart mall, and assisted him in purchasing some daily necessities.

"Xiao Zhao, what's your full name? Do you have a business card or contact info? I might need your services again in the future," Wang Xuan inquired.

Her cheerful demeanor and meticulous attention to detail made her service indispensable, especially given Wang Xuan's unfamiliarity with the city.

"My full name is Zhao Shi 1025. Here's my card. It was a pleasure serving you," she responded, bowed slightly, and departed gracefully.

Wang Xuan was perplexed.

Having just arrived in a new environment, he didn't want to employ his psychic field around a young lady, fearing he might unintentionally see something he shouldn't. However, it seemed he had overlooked something crucial.

Extending his psychic field, he observed the retreating figure of the young lady, noticing the intricate components and chips inside her body. She was an android.

Their lively conversation, and she wasn't even human. Wang Xuan stood rooted to the spot, lost in thought for quite some time.

His chosen residence had a fantastic environment with a green cover of about 70%. The aroma of various flowers from the garden wafted through the air. Tall trees with dense foliage lined the paths. Nearby, there was a pavilion, a water feature, and a bridge, giving the place a garden-like ambiance.

"Happy, come down!" A little girl, around four years old, looked up and waved at an apartment on the eleventh floor, where a palm-sized, snow-white kitten perched.

Then, unexpectedly, the little cat began to dive downward.

Wang Xuan's first instinct was to rush forward to save it. However, to his amazement, the palm-sized beautiful cat spread its fluffy wings and began to glide down gracefully.

As it approached the little girl, it flapped its wings energetically, adjusting its landing trajectory and eventually settling gently into her arms, eliciting giggles from the girl.

Wang Xuan was taken aback - it was a new species to him. josei

The little girl had strikingly beautiful large eyes with a rare shade of pale purple, and even her hair had a subtle purple hue.

Suddenly, she clutched her chest, her face turning ghostly pale. Unable to hold onto the winged cat any longer, she placed it on the lawn and painfully crouched down.

"Little girl, are you okay? Where are your parents? Do you need help?" Wang Xuan hurried over, preparing to dial the emergency number of the New World.

Cradling her chest, the little girl shook her head, murmuring, "It's okay. It's an old ailment of mine – the Five Declines of Heaven and Man. I just need to rest a bit."

Wang Xuan was taken aback. That illness sounded terrifying!

The little girl glanced up at him and whispered, "I am an indigenous inhabitant of the New World."

This revelation further surprised Wang Xuan. He realized he knew very little about this new world and needed to invest time in understanding it better.

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