The Stars Beyond

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Evolution Of The Golden Body Technique

Chapter 135: Evolution Of The Golden Body Technique

Was it an inadvertent revelation that he had prior knowledge of the situation? Zhao Qinghan, clinging to Wang Xuan's back, felt her body stiffen in response to this unexpected revelation. josei

"You definitely aren't!" Wang Xuan quickly attempted to rectify his statement, but he soon realized that further explanations would only dig him into a deeper hole. This was a topic best left untouched, especially now that their priority was escaping the looming threat.

The colossal, otherworldly creature atop the distant mountain seemed to have sensed their presence and was relentlessly pursuing them.

"These spiritually-attuned creatures are truly terrifying; they can detect us!" Wang Xuan's expression darkened as he spoke.

In the background, ancient trees shattered, and the massive crocodile's pursuit left a trail of destruction. Thorny underbrush was obliterated, and sturdy trees were snapped like twigs. The situation grew increasingly dire.

Wang Xuan had an epiphany; the young crocodiles they encountered earlier were indeed just juveniles, as he had inadvertently deduced.

"Am I some kind of magnet for unusual creatures?" he pondered. He knew that this wasn't mere happenstance. The secret realm was teeming with diverse and extraordinary creatures, and it seemed he was attracting them all.

"It's getting closer!" Zhao Qinghan, her grip firm on Wang Xuan's back, observed the terrifying silhouette of the creature on the distant mountain peak. Its presence was overwhelmingly oppressive.

In their desperate bid to escape, Wang Xuan knew that outrunning this colossal and formidable pursuer was their only chance for survival.

The colossal crocodile left a trail of chaos in its wake, effortlessly tearing apart a colossal mountain tortoise, standing three stories tall. The sight of blood splattering across the forest painted an unsettling image.

This mountain tortoise boasted incredible defensive capabilities, impervious even to Grandmasters. Yet, in the face of the colossal crocodile, it proved utterly defenseless, disintegrating into pieces in a matter of seconds.

Wang Xuan was drenched in cold sweat, coming to terms with the staggering disparity. Despite his Master status, within the confines of the hidden realm, he was little more than an infant compared to certain extraordinary creatures. The gap was simply insurmountable.

If they were discovered and caught by the colossal crocodile, there would be little doubt about their fate. A single swipe of its tail would render them a gruesome concoction of flesh and bone.

As they sprinted for their lives, Wang Xuan contemplated the possibility of turning the tables. Could he master the Golden Body Technique to its ninth or tenth level, allowing him to confront the colossal crocodile and turn it into minced meat?

Fortunately, though the colossal crocodile relentlessly pursued them, it failed to pinpoint their exact location. It would periodically veer off course, only to correct its path later.

Wang Xuan took a daring leap from a high vantage point, covering over a mile in one go. Behind them, the cliff edge from which he had descended exploded as the colossal crocodile revealed its menacing form.

Numerous rocks tumbled into the nearby forest, sending startled beasts of all kinds fleeing in a panic.

Thankfully, as it drew perilously close this time, the colossal crocodile once again strayed from their path.

"Could it be after the crocodile meat?" Wang Xuan pondered aloud.

"Crocodile meat!" Zhao Qinghan chimed in, sharing his concerns. Despite the specialized collection bags designed to mask their scent, there was no guarantee the colossal crocodile wouldn't still detect them to some extent.

Wang Xuan moved with incredible agility, easily overtaking a large feline creature that measured over two meters in length. He swiftly subdued the creature, deftly binding the crocodile meat to its body, and then continued his breakneck sprint.

Zhao Qinghan's world spun around her. While she had previously acknowledged Wang Xuan's impressive speed, she hadn't truly comprehended the extent of his abilities until now. Watching him catch up to a large feline creature that resembled a tiger or leopard made her realize that he possessed extraordinary talents.

Wang Xuan remained silent, pouring all his energy into the escape. He pushed his physical limits, crashing through thorny thickets and shrubs with abandon.

Despite his remarkable strength, having cultivated the Golden Body Technique to the pinnacle of the sixth level, he was drenched in sweat and felt the weight of fatigue. His heart pounded like a drum, its thunderous beats echoing loudly. Zhao Qinghan, lying on his back, could vividly feel the powerful pulsations. Within his youthful physique coursed a remarkable vitality.

Wang Xuan's sweat poured down like rain as he refused to stop or glance back. The recent close encounter with death was etched in his mind, driving him to disregard everything else in favor of escape.

At times, Wang Xuan leaped off low cliffs, the impact making Zhao Qinghan feel as if the world was turning upside down. Yet her classmate seemed undeterred. He shattered the ground beneath his feet, quickly regaining his balance even after the occasional stumble, and kept running.

Clutching Wang Xuan's neck tightly, Zhao Qinghan dared not let go, fearing she might be flung away. The rush of wind in her ears was exhilarating. She realized that the faster Wang Xuan ran, the more invigorated he seemed, as though his stamina would never diminish.

Wang Xuan traversed mountains, crossed streams, and leaped off cliffs, all while showing no signs of fatigue. Meanwhile, Zhao Qinghan, whose expertise lay in mental cultivation, experienced a sensation akin to motion sickness as she clung to him.

As they made their escape, Wang Xuan experienced several harrowing tumbles down steep inclines. After what felt like an eternity, he finally began to slow his pace, the absence of the giant crocodile's bone-chilling roars suggesting that they might have successfully evaded their pursuer.

With some distance between them and the relentless predator, Wang Xuan came to a halt, panting heavily. "I think we've managed to shake it off," he gasped.

Zhao Qinghan swiftly climbed down from his back, relieving him of her weight. The intense physical exertion had left Wang Xuan's clothes alternately soaked by the lake's waters and dried by the wind, only to be drenched once again by his own perspiration.

Despite his exhaustion, Wang Xuan couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He hadn't had the chance to taste the crocodile meat, a missed opportunity for a unique culinary experience.

Zhao Qinghan, glancing down at her damp attire, sensed the awkwardness of the situation. Her clothes too had succumbed to the same fate, but she chose to pretend not to notice, discreetly tidying herself up.

Before long, Wang Xuan, who was known for his fastidiousness, discovered a crystal-clear spring nearby. Without a second thought, he waded into the water fully clothed, using the opportunity to cleanse himself. "Aren't you going to wash up?" he inquired upon his return.

Zhao Qinghan shot him a wry smile, acknowledging the irony of cleanliness in their current predicament. Soon, she too made her way to the spring, her soaked garments clinging to her like a second skin.

"It's time to divide the spoils, or perhaps, the treasures," Wang Xuan declared, momentarily diverting his attention from her glistening figure. In this perilous wilderness, their top priority was enhancing their strength.

Seating herself nearby, Zhao Qinghan hugged her knees, determined to maintain her composure despite the lingering tension in the air.

Wang Xuan's face radiated an exuberant smile as he eagerly consumed the vibrant petals of the spiritual lotus. The elation of their incredible discovery had him almost slipping up in referring to Zhao Qinghan with a more affectionate nickname than he intended. He had previously downgraded her, and now, the words "Big Zhao" were at the tip of his tongue. Swiftly, he halted himself, recognizing the potential complications of such an affectionate moniker.

Returning to the urgency of their situation, Wang Xuan urged, "Let's consume these swiftly before too much time elapses; otherwise, we risk losing some of the medicinal properties."

Zhao Qinghan gathered her damp, resplendent locks and offered a composed smile. Her already fair and delicate complexion now shimmered with a soft radiance, accentuated by the glistening water droplets. She replied, "You go ahead. If it proves highly beneficial to you, consume them all. In this perilous wilderness, your immediate strength gain is of paramount importance."

"Am I the type to hoard everything for myself? Come on!" Wang Xuan insisted, extending the lotus towards her.

Shaking her head, her wet tresses adorned with transparent droplets, Zhao Qinghan declined. Even though her elegant face bore the marks of recent exertion, she resembled a water nymph emerging from a serene pool.

"I'll be safer if your strength is bolstered. So, don't hesitate, Xiao Wang," she said earnestly, her decision unwavering.

Her resolute nature didn't allow for dawdling over decisions. However, as she leaned forward to push away the offered lotus, there was a fleeting break in her usual composure. She quickly righted herself, mindful of her drenched clothes, ensuring her graceful contours remained concealed. Her words fell silent.

Wang Xuan responded with a warm smile, his countenance beaming. Understanding her wishes, he didn't press the matter any further. Instead, he wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity, consuming the spiritual lotus with a hearty appetite. Then, closing his eyes, he immersed himself in quiet contemplation.

The spiritual lotus continued to work its wonders as Wang Xuan's mental faculties stirred and his spiritual domain expanded. Its effects exceeded his initial expectations.

Originally, Wang Xuan possessed only a partial and incomplete mental domain. However, the spiritual lotus activated his innate spiritual energy, amplifying his mental strength and allowing his spiritual domain to develop more fully.

Sitting in a meditative position, Wang Xuan focused on the intricate text of "Elemental Forge of the Divine," a scripture he had learned from Qin Hong during their previous encounter. With each passing moment, his spiritual domain became more solidified, and his mental power grew stronger, laying a solid foundation for advancing into the coveted "Enlightenment" stage within the realm of the extraordinary.

After this profound experience, he decided to consume the second spiritual lotus. However, he stopped halfway through devouring half of the delicate flower. The effects had diminished significantly, and his mental domain had achieved a remarkable state of stability, showing no further discernible changes.

Wang Xuan placed the half-eaten flower down and noticed that Zhao Qinghan was looking at him with an unusual expression—a mixture of surprise and realization.

"What's wrong?" he asked, not sure what might have gone awry.

"Your face... it's peeling," Zhao Qinghan remarked.

Startled, Wang Xuan touched his face, and he immediately understood. While he had been focusing on his mental domain, his body had undergone a slow transformation. His Golden Body Technique, having reached the pinnacle of the sixth stage, was now slowly transitioning to the seventh stage. After practicing the Golden Body Technique for so long, every cell in his body remembered the technique. With the nourishment from the spiritual lotus, the Golden Body Technique was advancing alongside his physical form.

"How did you start shedding your skin?" Zhao Qinghan noticed that Wang Xuan wasn't only experiencing peeling on his face but also on his neck and hands.

Wang Xuan realized that he had unintentionally revealed some of his secrets. Zhao Qinghan was exceptionally perceptive and was likely forming various accurate speculations.

"The sun in this remote area is quite intense," he replied calmly while subtly adjusting his posture, allowing the Golden Body Technique to fully unfold. He could feel his strength increasing substantially.

Zhao Qinghan continued to stare at him, her curiosity piqued. She couldn't help but think that Wang Xuan's excuse was quite the fabrication. After all, his new complexion was incredibly smooth. She secretly yearned to touch it, thinking that this technique would be perfect for her.

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