The Stars Beyond

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Anything Beneath Transcendent Is Trash

Chapter 140: Anything Beneath Transcendent Is Trash

The last line of Wu Yin's final message, intriguingly, related to him, hinting at a scripture she wished to be delivered to him. This realization left Wang Xuan engulfed in an overwhelming silence, a void filling his heart.

In the olden days, under the alias Wang Xiao, he had been the sole grandmaster in the domain of ancient arts, inheriting the title after the legendary Old Chen. His prodigious talents were unparalleled. Yet, in her premonition of impending doom, Wu Yin had made a point to mention the scripture for him, asking her kin to ensure it reached him.

"Proceed outside the canyon. I will search a bit more," Wang Xuan said, pressing forward alongside his trusty white horse. josei

He delved another twenty miles into the canyon's depths until an imposing, dark abyss blocked his path, shrouded in clouds and mist, signaling the canyon's deepest reaches. There was no way forward.

The evidence of an intense battle was apparent. The ground was littered with fragments of silvery scales and tufts of black fur. Large swaths of dried blood, although now desiccated, still emanated a terrifying aura of malice. Parts of the cliff had collapsed, spanning several hundred meters, with innumerable black cracks, each a couple of inches wide. The signs pointed unmistakably to a battle of the extraordinary.

Wang Xuan murmured, "Wu Yin..."

After being taken by the creature and missing for such a long span, how could she possibly still be alive? It seemed inevitable that she was gone. Had he not read her last words, perhaps the weight of it all wouldn't have borne down on him so heavily. But now, having seen her final message, Wang Xuan felt a tightness in his chest. He stood there, transfixed by the abyss, for what felt like an eternity.

Eventually, he turned away with a heavy heart.

The white horse remained silent, sensing an innate wariness of this place.

"I'm still too weak," Wang Xuan whispered into the enveloping darkness.

At its core, it was a matter of strength. He yearned to venture into the abyss, even if only to retrieve Wu Yin's remains. But his present abilities fell short, leaving him with a lingering feeling of frustration.

As Wang Xuan returned, Zhong Qing, Zheng Rui, and Grandmaster Yang Lin waited anxiously. The horrors they'd experienced that day would forever be seared into their memories. Watching familiar faces be hunted and slain by their own kind, witnessing beheadings, and seeing friends fall into pools of their own blood was like a nightmare they couldn't escape. And they, too, had narrowly escaped death, as if they'd taken a tour through the very depths of hell itself.

"Is Qinghan still alive?" Zheng Rui's voice broke the silence, a hint of guilt seeping through. He had witnessed Zhao Qinghan being snatched by the creature, and in that critical moment, he had faltered. The memory weighed heavily on him, leading him to wonder if given another chance, would he have mustered the courage to intervene?

"She's alive," Wang Xuan reassured him, briefly recounting what he could of his journey. His brave attempt to find them was met with genuine gratitude from everyone.

"Thank the young horse," Wang Xuan deflected, shaking his head. "Without it, I wouldn't have dared to come here."

The group was taken aback. This was a Grandmaster-level horse? The realization shifted their perspectives. Wang Xuan explained, "It was injured in the forest. Qinghan treated its wounds. After that, it refused to leave, perhaps out of gratitude."

The majestic horse snorted, a beam of white light emanating from its nostrils. It turned its head to Wang Xuan as if suggesting, "Could I leave now if I wanted?" Wang Xuan chose to ignore the horse's playful hint.

Exiting the canyon, they approached the area where the Qin family had once blocked their path. The pungent odor of blood was overpowering. The previous carnage had vanished, but in the woods, pairs of glowing green eyes lurked ominously. Evidently, the forest's predators had feasted on the fallen not long ago, leaving nothing behind.

"There's a creature approaching!" someone whispered in alarm.

Emerging from the shadows was a white-furred beast with the face of a feline, the muscular body of a primate, and upright posture. Fresh blood dripped from its mouth. It had already feasted on the deceased but seemed eager for more.

"It's a Tiger-Faced Ape! Possessing immense strength, it's a Grandmaster-level creature!" an experienced member of the expedition exclaimed, dread evident in his voice.

However, as the creature closed in, sensing the unparalleled power of the Grandmaster Ma, it immediately turned tail and fled. The atmosphere was momentarily pierced by a resounding thud.

In the moonlit forest, the white creature, Grandmaster Ma, unexpectedly lashed out, striking the fierce creature known as the Tiger-faced Ape. The ape yelped in pain, an arm broken by the force of the blow. It scrambled away without looking back, its once-menacing figure reduced to a fleeting shadow. The lurking eyes that gleamed green from the shadows soon extinguished their glow. In an instant, a cacophony of running creatures echoed, and then a hush fell over the woods. Everyone was taken aback by Grandmaster Ma's power.

"Those of you who are injured, mount up," Wang Xuan ordered, noting that three among them were limping. The injured members looked up with gratitude, moved by the gesture. Especially since the wealthy heirs, Zheng Rui and Zhong Qing, were walking despite their status.

Not long after, Wang Xuan noticed Zhong Qing was lagging. Teasing her, he asked if she too wanted a ride. Zhong Qing, who hadn't been physically hurt but was traumatized from a recent encounter with water snakes, was frustrated by Wang Xuan's offhand remarks. Wang Xuan, on the other hand, seemed lost in his thoughts, reflecting on the day's tumultuous events. He thought about the brutal beheadings of his acquaintances and how he, in a fit of rage, had taken the lives of over twenty men. He would have intervened again, given another chance. His heart harbored sympathy for the weak, but against those who committed heinous acts, it turned cold and ruthless.

"We must hurry," Wang Xuan finally broke his reverie. Worried about the advancing night, he scooped up Zhong Qing and placed her behind Grandmaster Ma's neck, much to her surprise. She was torn between indignation and gratitude; after all, this was the man who had saved her.

By midnight, they reached their destination without further incident, reuniting with Zhao Qingcan and Zhou Yun. The joyous mood was, however, slightly marred when Zhong Cheng remarked on his sister Zhong Qing's disheveled appearance. The comment earned him a playful scuffle. The camp was abuzz, a mixture of elation for the survivors and mourning for the lost. Zhou Yun sighed, his usually cheerful demeanor shadowed by sorrow. The bond between the Wu and Zhou families was strong. Wu Yin's death would be a grievous message to deliver back home.

In the dim light of the camp, Zhou Yun approached Wang Xuan with a somber expression, expressing his gratitude. "Wang," he began, his voice heavy with emotion, "I owe you for what you've done. When we get back to Xinxing, if you need anything, you know where to find me."

After getting a playful scolding from his sister, Zhong Cheng also approached Wang Xuan. "The Wang family members are truly remarkable," he commented, extending his gratitude. "Once we're back in Xinxing, I'll gift you a unique scripture. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

Many of those rescued had already showered Wang Xuan with thanks during their journey. Grandmaster Ma, the protective creature, was revered by many, almost seen as a divine being ensuring safety. Even in the dead of night, some brought fresh bundles of grass for the creature as a gesture of gratitude.

In hushed tones, Wang Xuan informed Zhao Qingcan about the Qin family's base. "Once we return to Xinxing, I suspect there will be a combined move against the Qin house," Zhao responded. But her brow furrowed in thought; the Qin family might not be the only ones with a stronghold. There must have been similar incidents in the past, but they never caused a significant stir in Xinxing.

The tranquility of the night was shattered when a crushing weight seemed to press upon them. The vast expanse of stars vanished, replaced by an eerie darkness. Above them, two blood-red moons hung ominously against the night sky, casting an eerie glow.

A gust of wind howled, whipping leaves and breaking branches. The chilling atmosphere was palpable. The twin moons began to move rapidly, eventually disappearing into the distance.

A chilling silence followed. "How can there be two blood moons?" someone whispered in horror. Wang Xuan, with a heavy voice, clarified, "It wasn't moons. It was a monstrous creature flying close to the ground, obscuring the celestial bodies."

Once more, Wang Xuan was reminded of how insignificant he felt in the grand scheme of things. He recalled Old Chen's words that in ancient times, even Grandmasters weren't considered true practitioners – they were just "amateurs." One had to attain a transcendent level to be truly on the path.

The creature that passed them resembled a giant bear with massive, dark wings. With a mere flap, it could unleash ferocious winds, making the ancient trees sway and leaves whirl in a tumultuous dance. It seemed to be in a hurry, just passing through their vicinity.

Wang Xuan, along with many others, had caught a fleeting glimpse of the creature's imposing silhouette, and an overwhelming sense of vulnerability had enveloped them. Facing such a behemoth, they realized they'd likely need an armada. After the creature passed, however, a serene silence blanketed the forest, replacing the previously heard disconcerting cries of unknown beasts. Embracing this momentary peace, the group soon drifted into a deep sleep.

As dawn broke, distant roars reminiscent of thunder resonated, and the horizon lit up with what seemed like explosions tearing through the forest. An intense skirmish was underway. Soon after, the cacophony subsided, only to be followed by two shadowy figures darting through the sky, their swift movements causing them to appear as if they were merely skimming over the treetops, escaping an unseen danger.

Their pursuer wasn't far behind - a misty white apparition that vaporized everything in its wake. Emerging from this mist was a creature both fascinating and terrifying: a rat, but on a scale far larger than any had seen. Cloaked in sleek, jet-black fur and stretching over two meters, its golden eyes gleamed with determination. Most striking was its mode of pursuit - it ran bipedally, with an agility that belied its size.

The chase culminated atop a mountain. Their landing was so forceful that the surrounding flora seemed to explode on impact. An epic battle began, with such ferocity that parts of the mountainside crumbled. It was clear: this was a clash of titans, beings of a realm far beyond the ordinary.

"Old Zhong!" Wang Xuan murmured, exchanging a knowing look with Zhao Qingcan. As she had predicted, Zhong Yong had never left but had been lurking in the shadows. His aura now suggested power beyond imagination, a transcendental strength. Yet, even more startling was another presence beside him, an elderly man emanating similar strength. That two such beings had been concealed amidst them was astonishing.

Zhou Yun, in disbelief, remarked, "Who would've thought Old Zhong, always so wary of mortality, would dare challenge such an adversary?" Panic then clouded his face. "We must leave," he urged, fearing the implications if the battle veered their way.

Heeding his advice, the group sprang into action, sprinting away to distance themselves from the brewing tempest led by the menacing, colossal rat.

"You've led me into a trap, Zhong Yong!" another elderly man yelled furiously.

"If you think I've betrayed you, Xiao Song, then stop following me. Let's part ways and save our own skins," Zhong Yong retorted.

Yet, despite his words, Zhong Yong darted off, and the elder, whom they addressed as "Little Song" despite his advanced age, pursued closely behind, evidently fearing the wrath of the giant rat if left alone.

"Isn't that the elder from the Song family? I thought he passed away two years ago. They even built a tombstone for him! How is he here in the secret realm, and how did he achieve such power?" Zhou Yun murmured, baffled.

Turning to Zhong Cheng, Zhou Yun added with an accusing tone, "Your family's Old Zhong really caused a mess this time. It's clear to me now that he won't rest until he obtains the heavenly herb."

Both Zhong Cheng and his younger counterpart frowned, choosing to ignore Zhou Yun's remarks.

"But seriously, even after transcending, Old Zhong's being chased by a mere rat. What on earth did he do to warrant such retribution?" Zhou Yun mused aloud, even as he continued to flee.

During all this chaos, Wang Xuan felt an even stronger urge to become more powerful. Only by increasing his strength could he venture deeper into the great canyon's abyss to search for Wu Yin. He'd never find peace unless he had a chance to see her one last time. He aspired to reach the transcendental realm.

Suddenly, the distinctive sound of rapid footsteps grew louder. It was none other than Old Zhong, recognizable by the long legs that were characteristic of the Zhong family, sprinting in their direction.

Zhou Yun exclaimed in panic, "By heavens! Not only is Old Zhong risking his own life, but he's also endangering his descendants! Is he trying to sacrifice all of us so he can eternally be revered in the annals of the Zhong family?"

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