The Stars Beyond

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Ascendent Ferryman

Chapter 149: Ascendent Ferryman

In this place, where the Transcendent Divine Bamboo was evident, Wang Xuan, despite his agonizing pain, couldn't help but draw conclusions. The bamboo seemed paramount in this transcendent realm. Why else would he encounter two bamboo boats, both wrapped in mystery? Moreover, in the pre-Qin era, the most powerful and enigmatic scriptures were inscribed on such bamboo.

Pain overtook him, cutting short his musings. He felt as if his body was being ripped apart, and his blood painted him a deep shade of crimson. The monsters and demons behind him desperately tried to pull him towards the platforms.

"Can anyone tell me where I am?" he shouted. josei

Beside the coast, beneath the countless platforms, were beings too many to count, their voices rising and falling in a chaotic melody. Yet, none turned or responded to his plea.

Frowning in pain and frustration, Wang Xuan could not help but think, wasn't there a single kind soul in this tumultuous place? Doubts clouded his mind. Was this reality or illusion? Touching his wounded flesh, feeling the blood seep out, it all seemed undeniably real.

Resolute, Wang Xuan headed towards the platform with the Golden Winged Roc, hoping to glean some understanding of this perplexing situation. As he moved forward, monstrous roars echoed from behind. Most of the creatures eventually released him, fading into nothingness. But a loud cry of a bird of prey rang out, and glancing down at its shadow on the ground, Wang Xuan recognized it as a roc.

"Excuse me, sir," Wang Xuan greeted, hoping to gain some insights.

Yet, those around acted as if he was invisible, blatantly ignoring him.

Growing desperate, Wang Xuan tapped a frail-looking man on the shoulder, hoping to engage him. Unexpectedly, the man disintegrated into a shower of light and vanished. Startled, Wang Xuan stepped back, accidentally bumping into a woman who similarly fragmented into shimmering motes, evaporating into the surroundings.

He gasped in shock, "Who are these beings? Untouchable, so delicate..."

Had he taken a life? Or were these not genuine life forms at all?

Amidst the mystery, the frail man and woman who had disintegrated remained strangely serene, their faces devoid of pain or anguish.

Suddenly, from the grand platform above, the Golden Winged Roc ensconced within a brilliant aureole opened its eyes. The world seemed to stand still; a deafening silence spread, swallowing every sound. The Roc's gaze met Wang Xuan's briefly before its eyes closed once again. A faint, almost ethereal voice resonated, "Do you choose the path of the Golden Winged Roc?"

Wang Xuan felt a surge of warmth in his hands, which began radiating intense energy. Astonishingly, the energy morphed into shimmering golden wings. Concurrently, other anomalies on his body like the red feathers, snake tail, and multi-arms began to fade, replaced by golden feathers.

Was he undergoing a transformation into the Roc? Thankfully, it seemed more of an ephemeral projection than a genuine change.

"I refuse!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, shaking his head vehemently.

While the Roc was a revered, powerful creature in legends, Wang Xuan's heart yearned to remain human, not become some mythical beast. Retreating, he heard the desperate cries of a bird from behind. The shadow of a large avian on the ground screeched and thrashed.

The transformative pull ceased, and Wang Xuan's body reverted to its previous bleeding state. Observing the scene before him, he noted multitudes beneath the platform undergoing metamorphoses into avian forms. Yet, amidst loud bangs, many exploded, reduced to blood and scattered remnants. Of the hundreds, only a few soared into the sky as golden birds, resembling the majestic Roc in their essence.

They were transcendent beings with the bloodline of the Roc, not yet fully transformed but setting the course for a future as the Golden Winged Roc. Among the successful few was a human.

Wang Xuan mused, "Do some myths speak of humans turning into mythical creatures?"

It appeared that not only beasts but humans too had the choice to tread this transformative path.

"Both the successful and the fallen ones wear ancient attire. These scenes must be remnants from years long past," Wang Xuan deduced. Recollecting the words of some young individuals, he remembered the term "passed" associated with this place.

"Echoes of the past?" Wang Xuan whispered to himself.

These old events, though from a distant past, still held a potent force here. He believed that had he consented to the transformation, he might have genuinely become one of those mythical creatures.

Amid the eerie silence, a resonant cry echoed from the fierce bird behind Wang Xuan. In a startling instant, it disintegrated, leaving no trace of its existence.

Yet, before he could find solace, the haunting shadows of countless demons emerged. The ones that had momentarily disappeared now returned with renewed vigor, clawing relentlessly at him, subjecting him to agonizing pain and fresh wounds.

Determined, Wang Xuan approached the second majestic platform. As he'd hoped, the mass of demons began to recede, leaving behind just a singular, roaring shadow.

From the summit of the platform, a voice echoed from a colossal, enigmatic figure veiled in haze. "Will you embrace the path of the Thousand-Armed True God?" As the words faded, Wang Xuan found himself sprouting an innumerable set of arms, their frenzied motions leaving him disoriented.

"No!" He asserted forcefully, swiftly retreating. As he looked below, he noticed various entities undergoing similar transformations. Yet, of them all, only seven completed this metamorphosis. Among them was an elderly monk with eighteen arms, cloaked in a radiant mist, drifting serenely away.

Could the legends of multi-armed deities from Buddhist tales have roots in such a phenomenon? Wang Xuan pondered, awestruck.

The platform's base was a grim scene. Those unsuccessful in their transformations met a brutal end, erupting in bursts and staining the ground with their remnants. Despite being tales from ancient epochs, the raw violence unnerved Wang Xuan. These were mighty beings, their potentials untold, yet they had met such a gruesome fate.

Once the cacophonous cry of the Thousand-Armed demon subsided, its looming shadow dissolved entirely.

Empowered, Wang Xuan transitioned from one platform to another, steadfastly declining each beckoning call. With every refusal, the number of pursuing demon shadows lessened.

"Would you consider our lineage? The elite beings of the mortal realm can metamorphose into human forms, or manifest their original essence. The choice is yours," a voice enticed from a splendid platform. The origin, a demon immersed in a violet glow, appeared to discern Wang Xuan's fondness for his human form.

"I decline!" Wang Xuan responded unwaveringly, leading to the fading of another trailing demon shadow.

Then, atop a platform, stood a man radiating celestial grace. Surrounded by an ethereal aura, he embodied the essence of a sage. "Do you desire the path of the human... demon?" he inquired softly, studying Wang Xuan intently.

A hybrid between human and demon was not truly human after all.

At that moment, Wang Xuan sensed a profound change within himself. Though his outward appearance remained unchanged, a tumultuous energy resonated from within.

He gasped. The Human-Demon Hybrid might appear human on the surface, but their internal composition was vastly different. However, this was merely an evolution of energy; his physical form remained unaltered.

From then on, Wang Xuan's choice became unwavering. He rejected each beckoning, regardless of their humanoid appearance, seeing them as nothing but demonic entities. Even when the so-called Human-Immortal race emerged, Wang Xuan observed that their internal structure bore no relation to humans.

As he journeyed past hundreds of grand platforms, he encountered numerous beings from ancient myths and legends. Yet, he declined every single one. Eventually, no demonic shadow trailed him. Looking down at himself, covered in blood, Wang Xuan saw that he had retained his human form.

"This is the secret path of demons," he whispered to himself, rejecting its allure.

Suddenly, he detected a medicinal scent emanating from his own blood. Was it the expelled medicinal properties of the Blood Grapes he had consumed? Such a surprising revelation, that it could be purged in this manner!

While countless platforms remained, the once-teeming creatures below had vanished. The entire coast fell silent. The vast ocean also settled, its raging waves now tranquil. A boat, crafted from the Transcendent Divine Bamboo, approached the shore.

"Board the boat!" A voice commanded.

Startled, Wang Xuan looked up sharply. Atop the golden bamboo boat sat a man, dressed in a rustic cloak, holding a fishing rod made from the Transcendent Divine Bamboo, gazing away from the shore.

The man hadn't spoken aloud; his intentions were conveyed through a psychic medium.

"Why should I board the boat?" Wang Xuan queried.

"Have you not rejected the paths of the elite 'True Forms'?" The man seemed genuinely surprised.

Wang Xuan quickly grasped his meaning. By 'True Forms', the man referred to beings like the Golden Winged Roc, Human Immortals, and other mighty entities.

"If you're not choosing the path of the elite True Forms, being an outsider, your only option is to embrace the human path. Will you not board?" The cloaked man still hadn't turned to face him.

Feeling a sting of betrayal, Wang Xuan believed he'd been deceived by the extraterrestrials. It now seemed evident that this was indeed the demonic secret path.

In a hushed tone, he questioned, "If I'm already human, do I still need to board?"

Uncertainty gripped him. What if this man was a formidable demon, ready to devour him? Everything he had experienced today was beyond comprehension.

The enigmatic man remained composed, not even glancing back as he said, “Both humans and otherworldly beings can follow the path of the demon's ‘True Form’ or choose to become human. Being human, you might still have that option.”

There was a trace of doubt in his voice that Wang Xuan couldn't ignore. Gathering his courage, Wang Xuan decided to approach the boat. After all, he had already encountered a myriad of supernatural beings; what else could surprise him?

However, as he neared, the man's expression twisted in evident distaste. “In my time ferrying souls, whether they be human or demon, they've always carried the scent of orchids or a divine aura. Even the weakest, those just commencing their spiritual paths, have never smelled as... off as you.”

Feeling affronted, Wang Xuan bristled. True, he hadn't bathed after his harrowing escape from the serpent, but the man’s frankness bordered on rudeness.

A moment later, the man’s tone changed from disdain to puzzlement. “Hold on. You're not a spiritual cultivator, but merely a mortal. How did you enter this realm and remain alive?”

It became evident that the man's words were telepathically transmitted, bypassing the need for speech.

Wang Xuan, piecing things together, realized that the man's mention of beginning a spiritual journey referred to entering the domain of the transcendent – a mere initiation in ancient traditions.

The man, appearing contemplative, said, "Your aura carries a potent resonance with the Inner Realm. No wonder." He then motioned Wang Xuan to board, adding, "Your ancestral guardians have guided you to the Inner Realm multiple times."

After a moment of introspection, the man’s gaze sharpened. "Tell me, did you happen to secure an artifact from the Inner Realm?"

Curiosity piqued, Wang Xuan asked, "What artifact are you referring to?"

“It's the remnants of a legendary master who met an untimely end. In their final moments, they merged an aspect of the Inner Realm with a tangible relic, creating a distinctive treasure,” the man elucidated.

A realization dawned on Wang Xuan, “So, it’s like a condensed version of the Inner Realm?”

The man nodded affirmatively. As he turned around fully, Wang Xuan was taken aback. Instead of a person, all he saw was an ethereal mist swirling within an empty cloak.

"You seem surprised." The mist within the cloak animatedly shifted, forming the semblance of a male visage.

With a sigh, he said, "Countless ages have elapsed. There's no true living being here. It's all to uphold an ancient pact. These extraordinary powers are in control, ferrying souls and guarding this sacred place. I'm just a fragment of such power."

Their conversation deepened, and the man gradually adopted contemporary phrasing. "Given that, I can guide you to a trade. Many would surely covet a relic from the Inner Realm."

As he spoke, a gentle luminance surrounded him, and the bamboo boat gracefully began its journey across the vast sea.

"Who will I be trading with?" Wang Xuan inquired with a furrowed brow, finding the ferryman enigmatic.

"We're almost there," the ferryman responded. The bamboo boat, in a streak of light, glided seamlessly across the boundless sea, finally halting at its mysterious depths.

The ferryman's gaze flitted momentarily over the short sword Wang Xuan had with him. "That dagger seems intriguing. Would you consider trading it with me?"

Despite the ferryman's casual tone, Wang Xuan felt an instinctual pull that the dagger might be of far greater value than what was being suggested.

"I'd rather not, for now," he declined.

The ferryman simply nodded. "According to an ancient pact, I've brought you here to engage in a trade with them."

"Where are these people?" Wang Xuan questioned, seeing no one around.

"Patience," counseled the ferryman. With a deft motion, he waved a fishing rod crafted from transcendent bamboo. He then cast the line with a powerful flick towards the moonlit night sky.

Baffled, Wang Xuan wondered if the man intended to fish in thin air. He then realized the line and hook never descended, seemingly suspended somewhere unseen.

After a short while, a luminescent halo emerged mid-air. Wang Xuan gasped, witnessing an ethereal curtain upon which shadows of celestial beings seemed to dance.

How did the ferryman cast beyond this veil? What level of power did he possess? Surely he was of the transcendental tier!

"Someone is very interested in a trade with you," the ferryman intoned.

Although Wang Xuan had a myriad of questions swirling in his mind, he suppressed his curiosity. He was wary of interactions with ancient beings, rumored to have left profound legacies. But now, the ferryman seemed to have bridged a connection with these celestials, offering him a chance for a fabled exchange.

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