The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 809

Chapter 809: Take Her and Run

Chapter 809: Take Her and Run

Proofreader: Papatonks


Lian’er saw her brother having experienced torture under the crown prince and her heart was in pain, with tears in her eyes.

Tuoba Liufeng cried out, “Sister, what are you doing here? Run!”

“Humph, why else would she be here if not to plead for you?”

The crown prince grinned, “Laying your hands on a member of the imperial family is punishable by death! No matter who pleads for you in court, I have the final say if you get to be released! I can even have the Tuoba family removed from the Quanrong Empire. Ha-ha-ha, Tuoba Liufeng, everyone says you’re a brilliant warrior, a wise young commander, so why were you so impulsive to hit me? That punch has shattered the future of your entire family!”

Tuoba Liufeng shook and spat, “Crown Prince, I had no intention of doing anything but you went too far when you tried to force yourself on my sister… “

“Force? She’s my concubine to begin with! What business does her brother have in this? Humph!”

The crown prince cut him off and turned to the girl with a twisted smile, “Lian’er, you’re my concubine. Fulfill your duty and, ha-ha-ha, I’ll forget about this, letting this brother-in-law keep his life. When I ascend the throne, the Touba family will rise again to its former glory. Refuse and well…”

The crown prince threatened, “It won’t be just your brother’s life on the line. Your father, and your family’s eight servants will follow him to his grave. I vow there won’t remain even a Touba dog alive after I’m through with you!”

Shuddering, Lian’er paled from dread.

Tuoba Liufeng cursed in hatred, “Crown Prince, take it out on me if you’re a man. Leave my family out of this! Lian’er, don’t listen to his twisted words! Your life will be ruined if you agree. Father and I will never agree to marry this…”

“That’s enough, brother.”

Lian’er shouted, looking frail as she spoke, “Your Highness, let him go. I’ll do all you ask…”

The crown prince had a winning smirk. Tuoba Liufeng cried out, “No!”

Lian’er’s crystal tears began rolling down her cheeks as the despair took her…

“Your Highness, sixth prince is here with a strange youth. He requests an audience.” A guard came to report.

The crown prince flicked him away in annoyance. “That idiotic little brother of mine has the worst timing. I won’t see him. Tell him to scram. Today’s my most glorious day. I’m not in the mood to cater to his whims.”

“I’ll notify sixth prince at once!” The guard left.

The crown prince drew closer to Lian’er with a disgusting leer in his eyes. His hands shook and his mouth watered in anticipation of having his fill of this fine lady’s exquisite curves, “Lian’er, I finally have you. This is heaven on earth, ha-ha-ha…”

“Then my brother…” Lian’er muttered.

The crown prince sneered and waved, “After we seal the deal, he’ll be my brother-in-law. I won’t go hard on him. Ha-ha-ha…”

“Great, that’s great…” Lian’er nodded in despair, her eyes losing their light. Tuoba Liufeng’s eyes burned with hatred and humiliation.

A man like him actually needed his sister to save him.


The sudden huge explosion rattled everyone’s composure. The crown prince cried out, “What’s going on here?”


A guard flew over in panic, “Your Highness, sixth prince’s guest is forcing his way over.”

“What? Does brother plan on rebelling to fight his way into my home?” The crown prince was fuming, “What are you doing standing around for? Take the men and capture them! Tie him up and bring him here. I’ll have imperial father sort him out. For god’s sake, imperial father spoils him too much. He even dares to barge into my home!”

The guard was hesitant, “Your Highness, sixth prince’s guest is too strong. We can’t even hold him back! All the men we send over are dead. I barely made it out alive to report to you and urge you to flee. They’re almost upon us…”


His words were cut short by the rumbling explosion from behind, sending a fierce gust of dust all around.

When it settled, two men waltzed out of fresh ruins around them. To make it worse, the joking manner they carried themselves with made it look like they weren’t just walking all over the crown prince’s lavish home, or what was left of it.

“Sixth prince, is this the way?”

“Sir Zhuo, just up ahead, yes. Last time I saw the amazing scene in crown prince’s manor right around here, the still pond.”

Sixth prince was all smiles as he led the way, “It’s truly a wonder. I wanted this manor too, but elder brother just wouldn’t budge. Not even imperial father would help me, saying crown prince’s manor is too important to give to me. That is not proper.”

Zhuo Fan nodded, “True, this ain’t just about the manor, but the name of the crown prince. If the crown prince’s stuff gets shared to everyone, won’t that make him useless? So no matter how much the emperor dots on you, he still won’t do something so absurd as to affect the imperial family’s image.”

“That does make sense actually.” josei

Sixth prince nodded, then became confused again, “Doesn’t that mean barging in like that will affect elder brother’s image just as well? He is crown prince after all, so ruining his manor is a bit…”

Zhuo Fan glanced at him, “Why should I care?”

Sixth prince jerked and his eyes glittered, “Cool~”

The two enjoyed the short stroll to the pavilion, looking about like they were window shopping, anywhere but at the host of this now ruined manor.

It didn’t get more disrespectful than this.

The crown prince exploded in fury, “Sixth prince, what the hell? Are you revolting? Why did you barge your way in here?”

“That’s totally not it, elder brother. My idol came so I had to play the kind host. Since you have a marvelous natural attraction here, I just brought him over for a look-see.”

“Look your ass!”

The crown prince had had it, roaring, “This is the crown prince’s manor! Yet you destroyed it regardless just for that damn flimsy reason? You’re outrageous!”

Zhuo Fan and the sixth prince didn’t pay him any mind. Zhuo Fan was still looking around the place with a frown, “There’s nothing special about this place as well. Where’s that wonder you talked about? “

“That lake over there, it’s a real rarity. I promise it won’t disappoint, Sir Zhuo, he-he-he…” Sixth prince stuck to him like glue as he flattered.

The crown prince was outraged at the blatant disregard.

Lian’er’s dead eyes picked up Zhuo Fan looking everywhere and her hope renewed, “Zhuo Fan… y-you’re Zhuo Fan?”

“Yeah, you…”

Zhuo Fan had to focus for a second to really place where he had seen her before. “Oh, Tuoba Tieshan’s daughter, Lian’er. It’s been a while, how have you been?”

With a weak smile, Lian’er sighed in response.

Zhuo Fan shrugged and walked next to the lake, ignoring all the extra people around, “It’s not at all what I need. Oh well, I knew it was a long shot even when I came here. Sigh, so where exactly is this amazing scenery, sixth prince?”

“Sir Zhuo, it’s the lake.” The prince skipped before him and pointed. Zhuo Fan scanned the place, still ignoring everyone else.

Lian’er felt pain in her heart. Why was it that he was always so disregarding to everyone when she saw him?

But this had to be why the people he did notice would forever be in his mind.

Lian’er’s features softened gazing at his inquisitive look.

Ignoring the rare gentleness on his concubine’s face, the crown prince shook from the humiliation and anger, “Call all the venerables in this manor. I want this obnoxious fool to meet a swift end! Let him know the price of ruining my home!”

“Yes, sir!”

The guard bowed and left at once. Zhuo Fan didn’t know this, still looking at the lake.

The hogtied Tuoba Liufeng saw this and shouted, “Zhuo Fan, Crown Prince is calling reinforcements. Take my sister and run! Never come back to Quanrong!”

“Eh, who’s he now?” Zhuo Fan turned to where the voice came from…

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