The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 866

Chapter 866: Play

Chapter 866: Play

Proofreader: Papatonks

[A hundred?!]

Shangguan Yulin’s face twitched in anger as he snapped, “In your dreams! Do you have any idea who I am? I am the best genius in Shangguan clan, of ultimate honor! Why the hell would I bow to you?”

“Ha-ha-ha, kid has some spunk.”

Zhuo Fan mocked from the shadows, “I know everything about you, how many you are and where you’re hiding. I’m not scared of Shangguan Feixiong, let alone a kid like you. Humph, having you kowtow is my way of appreciating you. But since you don’t want to… “

Zhuo Fan paused for effect.


A huge dragon tail lashed at his cheek, leaving a red welt with blood seeping from his mouth.

There were even some teeth mixed with the blood, clattering to the ground.

Pain assaulted his senses, with half his face double the other.

Shangguan Yulin shuddered, his eyes tearing, his mouth shivering, “W-what are you doing? Why did you hit me?”

“Humph, you have the nerve to ask why?”

Zhuo Fan snickered, “I’ve always been conceited, looking down on every youth who wanted to learn from me. Now that I found a good seed, you actually dare refuse me?”


Another tail lash struck the other cheek and relieving him of a few more teeth.

Lips quivering, Shangguan Yulin’s heart was against it, “I, Shangguan Yulin, appreciate your care, but I can’t accept it. I’m part of the Shangguan clan, I…”

Bam! josei

Zhuo Fan kept lashing his face with glee, “Cut the crap. I want you. You should be honored, but instead you turn me down. Of course I’ll hit you, ha-ha-ha…”


A dozen lashes later, Shangguan Yulin was seeing stars, tears falling like a river.

[What did I do to deserve this? All I wanted was to get the Gu guy here and cripple him.]

[But I didn’t even get to do that as I stumbled into the devil who wants me as his disciple.]

He knew he was amazing, from all the seniors wanting him as well, but he was born from a great and righteous clan. How could he fall so low as to become a demon’s disciple?

[I don’t even know what his status is in his faction. Won’t I lose out trading glory for being some commander’s disciple? If I go from eastern lands’ best clan’s future inheritor to some nobody devil’s disciple, who do I blame then?]

Not like he had a choice. The devil had him trapped and leashed. He wasn’t long for this world if he kept this up.

“Senior, tell me your request and I will brave hell or high water in achieving it. Please release…”

“No, I want you as a disciple. Refuse and I’ll just kill you, ha-ha-ha…”

Shangguan Yulin cried bitter tears over his swollen face, pleading for his life. Zhuo Fan laughed at his expense, shouting and demanding instead.

Shangguan Yulin’s heart was in despair.

[Why am I so amazing to earn the attention of this devil? Fame has its price and now I have to pay for my greatness.]

As Shangguan Yulin’s face was being flung from side to side, he had the time for a flight of fancy, actually taking pride in it.

In the end, Shangguan Yulin couldn’t take it anymore and sighed, forcing himself to say, “Fine, since senior cherishes me so, I will concede.”


The lashes came still. Zhuo Fan didn’t seem to hear over the loud smacks.

“Hey, senior! I give up. Why are you still hitting me?” With his face swollen bigger than an overripe melon, Shangguan Yulin cried out as the strikes continued to fall on his numb face.

Zhuo Fan finally reacted, “Hmm, did you say something. My ears aren’t as sharp as they used to…”

[Screw you!]

Shangguan Yulin lashed out in his mind.

[You clearly heard since you replied. Goddamn playing with me!]

But as a hostage, he had to play his part and hung his head.

Since he said his ears were bad, then he’d have to speak louder, obviously, “Master, I pay respects to you. Please stop!”

“What, you want me as your master? Ha-ha-ha, that’s great…”


With not a single intention of stopping the dragon tail lashing, actually growing in strength instead, Zhuo Fan himself joined the punishment with his Qilin arm, sending heavy punches to his gut until blood spurted from his mouth.

Face twitching constantly, Shangguan Yulin wailed, “Master, I wish to be under you so why do you still strike me?”

“Oh, your master is a great demonic cultivator and loves thrashing people from joy.”

Zhuo Fan toyed with him, “With such an amazing talent so eager to be learning for me, the excitement got to me. Since there’s no one around, I’ll use you to calm my overstimulated heart.”

Shangguan Yulin’s face was twitching like there was no tomorrow.

[Geezer, I get you want to pummel me, so why make up such lame excuses?]

Though sensible enough not to voice it.

[This coot is insane! If he thrashes people when excited, what about in anger? Will he flay them alive?]

Anywho, he’d rather not test that theory, “Master, don’t hit me. You might beat me to death too if you’re too excited.”

“Oh, hmmm.”

Zhuo Fan sneered inside, “Oh, being in my domain you couldn’t sense that the guy you hit woke up a while ago and left. That left only you to beat up.”


Shangguan Yulin shuddered in anger. He wanted to ruin Zhuo Fan but instead the punk got away while he instead ended up suffering at the hand of this freak.

[What did I ever do to deserve this?]

Shangguan Yulin howled, “Master, how could you let him go?”

“He’s too weak. What was I supposed to do with him? But you, you’re going to wear my mantle, ha-ha-ha…” Zhuo Fan laughed and gave two slaps and another overexcited punch to Shangguan Yulin’s chest, caving it in, “It always gets my blood going just thinking about it. I just have to punch something!”


Blood and gore spurted from Shangguan Yulin’s mouth. He paled like paper and his face swelled up more, if that was even possible.

Shangguan Yulin’s face twitched again, out of habit perhaps, as he wailed and pleaded, “Master, do you want me as a disciple or one to toy around with? You’re going to end up killing me…”

“Oh, oops, I just can’t control myself in all the excitement, he-he-he…”

Zhuo Fan coughed, “I’m sure you know by now that all demonic cultivators have their peculiar hobbies. I’ve had mine for far too long now, or I would have gotten a disciple ages ago.”

[With such love taps, all your disciples would end up dead.]

With the flogging finally ended, Shangguan Yulin sighed, slumping weakly with hatred.

[God damn lunatic!]

Zhuo Fan let him off seeing him so worn out, but his play had yet to finish, “That only leaves a hundred kowtows and that should do for ceremony.”

“Kowtows… still?”

Shangguan Yulin was so bitter, he hardly spoke.

Zhuo Fan raged, “You won’t? Does that mean you don’t want to be my disciple? Then…”

“I’m doing it, look…”

Shangguan Yulin waved his hands around, frantic.

But before he could start, he asked, “Master, they say three bows to the elders and four to those who passed. Shouldn’t it be just three then? Why would sir want a hundred then?”

“Oh, nice thinking.”

Zhuo Fan grinned, “The three are for me, of course, while the rest are for your late departed senior brothers. To watch over you so you won’t follow in their footsteps. One for each one should appease their spirits.”

[You drove 97 disciples to death already?]

Shangguan Yulin eyes rolled in his head, blanking out from fear.

The black domain faded and Zhuo Fan revealed his mocking smile, his grin turning devious as he watched his puppet…

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