The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1046 - 1046, Weird Order

Chapter 1046 - 1046, Weird Order

Chapter 1046, Weird Order

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Why you…”

Bu Xingyun’s eyes were bloodshot but Ling Yuntian’s glare made him flinch back. The latter turned to Zhuo Fan with a bow, “Sir Zhuo, please. Allow me to introduce you to the current affairs before you pass your instructions. Ha-ha-ha, the frontlines are strong, with east and west…”

“That won’t be necessary.””

Zhuo Fan held up his hand, his eyes flashing, “Sect Leader Ling, I already said that Baili Jingwei is a politician, his attention is not on the frontlines so we don’t need to give them any either.”

[Ignore the frontlines?]

Murong Xue winced, never hearing this kind of reason before, and defied his logic, “As the Grand Marshal, you refuse other’s advice, you ignore the battlefield, so how then do you intend to fight, how do you intend to command? I may not be versed in the art of war, I have seen my fair share of leaders and their armies, but never one to give blind orders like you. Who do you think you are, divinity?”

“Behold and witness my… divinity, ha-ha-ha!”

Zhuo Fan shrugged, leaning into the tutor chair as he ordered, “Have all lands, beside northern lands, withdraw all troops. Give up the borders and fall back to the center. Like Double Dragon Manor for western lands, the other lands must have their own main base. They have three days to gather in their respective bases!”


Everyone went wide eyed, Ling Yuntian’s hand still gesturing at the map shaking from fright.

“S-Sir Zhuo, come again? All lands are to fall back to their bases? That will leave the enemy free rein to march into our homes and we’ll have a harder time fighting back. That’s like giving the lands to the enemy. Sir Zhuo, please…”

“You don’t trust me?”

Zhuo Fan scanned their eyes, mocking, “Fight it yourself then, and leave me out of it.”

“Uh, no no no, Sir Zhuo, we only find this order a bit ridiculous. We just don’t know what sir is aiming for by doing this…”

Ling Yuntian saw the others looking bleak as well.

Zhuo Fan smirked, “Didn’t I tell you? When I make a move, you won’t see its truths. Isn’t this obstruction of duty? You are to relay my order at once. Any delay from your part will lead to defeat and disaster, which is on you.”

Zhuo Fan rolled his eyes and exasperatedly placed one leg over the other, taking his time to relish the song he was humming.

The war and anything were of no concern to him.

But that did not apply to the rest of the frantic leaders here, who were a distressed and nervous wreck.

Zhuo Fan’s foresight and insight were unquestionable. Stealing Heaven Sealing Sword from them, helping Shangguan clan retrieve Soaring Sword and fighting Baili Jingwei spoke for themselves.

Then there was now, Zhuo Fan throwing out a random order with no rhyme nor reason, no different from suicide, and expecting them to just accept it.

By following this over, they thought, would lead to the fall of the three lands in under a month. And by denying it, the lands might hold their ground for a year or so, at best.

[Just what secrets does his order hold?]

The oldies looked at each other, stumped, filled with hesitation.

“Sect Leader Ling, brother, I told you this guy’s head is filled with rotten plans. Don’t be fooled. He’s making every land commit suicide!” Murong Xue’s decisive tone cut the awkward mood, using this chance to get back at Zhuo Fan and expose his foul deeds.

The others frowned, eyeing the casual Zhuo Fan undecided still. Zhuo Fan smirked, “The only reason you bowed and scraped for my help was to get you out of this crisis, no? Since you’re going to die anyway, you’re afraid of going a couple days earlier? Humph, bunch of ninnies!”


Ling Yuntian had enough of worrying and ordered, “Notify all lands to fall back! Abandon the frontlines and return to their bases. They have three days!”

“Yes, sir!”

The man flew away to pass his words.

The others panicked, “Sect Leader Ling…”

“Anything is better than nothing. Do any of you have a better idea?” Ling Yuntian sighed and said, “Sir Zhuo, we’ve followed your wishes. What do we do next?”

Zhuo Fan smiled, “Wait. The next step comes after three days.” josei

“In three days we’ll see the effect?” Ling Yuntian startled him and everyone else.

Zhuo Fan nodded, “Yep, haste makes waste. Lighten up, the lands won’t perish in three days. Also, since you trust me, I will cooperate on my side as well.”

Zhuo Fan turned serious and gestured for a merchant guard to lend him his ear, “You can go back and report to Wu Randong at once and restore the company in the central area, no, in every other land than northern lands that is at war.”

“So soon? But with the lands at war…”

“It’s only war that offers us unique opportunities. While the factions fight, we may still be walking in shadows, but we will expand greatly from it as well. Once dust settles, the chance will be missed as well!” Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed, “Pay particular attention to the central area and move fast and hard. I want Baili Jingwei’s worst nightmare to come alive before his eyes. He won’t be able to stop it then, ha-ha-ha…”

The man nodded and bowed, “I obey, sir!”

He took the other caravan guards and left. Watching them go with such haste, Ling Yuntian was bemused, “Sir Zhuo, they…”

“I had our own men work in tandem with your movements. Devil Mountain may be a hidden sect and doesn’t involve itself in mortal affairs, but it still holds sway among mortals. I had them make contact and help you stir some trouble for our dear friend Baili Jingwei.”


Ling Yuntian lit up with joy and bowed, “I am most honored to have the great Devil Mountain offer assistance. Thank you sir for everything.”

The others were also happy, happy they made the right choice in putting Zhuo Fan in the lead of the alliance’s army. He even got his sect involved, which was a cause for celebration.

Zhuo Fan was modest, “It’s nothing, just a few mortal forces. Though my sect is hidden and away from mortal affairs, ha-ha-ha…”

[It’s not to help you by any means, just expanding my power while I’m at it. I’m not a soup kitchen so I don’t work for free, ha-ha!]

Zhuo Fan rolled his eyes, while Murong Xue stared intently at him, like looking at a criminal.

[Your game won’t work, not while I’m watching your every move!]

In western lands, Alliance Leader Luo Yunhai with Zhuge Changfeng, Leng Wuchang and You Ming were in the commanding tent discussing plans with a sigh.

“People, it’s been three long days of analysis and scouting. Do you have any idea how to fight the enemy?” Luo Yunhai looked haggard as he turned to his aides.

The three shook their heads in helplessness.

You Ming was the most versed in military and pointed at the enemy camp on the map, “The enemy is Zither Sword King, of no military background and knows nothing about leading soldiers. Their ranks aren’t tight either. Anyone else would’ve had an easy time fighting them, but they have the advantage in power. Their twenty million men are most experts, with Zither Sword King the strongest of them all, able to fight thousands. No matter what tactic, what maneuver, what trap we use, their power will mow us down with a frontal assault each time.”

You Ming glanced at Leng Wuchang.

“Don’t look at me. Since you can’t figure it out, you think I can? My opponent ain’t any weaker than yours.”

Leng Wuchang sighed and shook his head, “All strategy is based on overt and covert tactics. Overt regards formations, while covert hide intentions to a sinister outcome. However, while Zither Sword King leads the army, a practitioner, the strategist is none other than the best official in the central area, Baili Jingwei. He is skilled in overt and covert alike. It’s impossible to grasp any weakness to exploit. I have taken a look at the situation and Baili Jingwei has made his deployment unbreakable. The only chance I can gather is from the rear.”


“Yes, he is attacking the four lands with an army each so the lands would have no time for anything else, a master stroke. The four lands can no longer take care of each other in this case. But it’s also because of this that he leaves his back open. We need to make a commotion in his rear and will force him to withdraw in panic.”

Leng Wuchang spoke solemnly, pointing at the map, “However, all paths out of the four lands are blocked. Who will reach his rear? That’s why the only weakness can’t be leveraged. Baili Jingwei’s armies march with all their might upon us, trapping us and leaving us no room to win.”

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