The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1073 - 1073, Trick

Chapter 1073 - 1073, Trick

Chapter 1073, Trick

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Hurry it up, faster! Are you snails? Get a move on!”

Bali Yuyu was like a shrew with a whip, driving the herd while roaring at the top of her lungs.

The guys were doing their best at running, while also having to endure the hag’s incessant complaints.

Ouyang Changqing was the first to cave. He was the best disciple in Sea Bright Sect, after all, how could he suffer such indignity?

Alas, not even he could muster the courage to really tell her off, not since she was a Sword King on equal level as his dad, “Uh, sister, we’re wounded. Could you take it just a bit slower? Try to under-“

“You understand!”

Bali Yuyu snapped harder, spraying while saying, “Your weakness got you those wounds. You couldn’t even hold your own against ten brats, just what the hell have you been doing all these years? A bunch of rejects, rabble, worms…”

Bali Yuyu had turned even more obnoxious, if that was even possible, not taking a break in her insults and criticisms.

Ouyang Changqing made himself small and shook, never to open his mouth again despite the shame he felt.

[You think yapping helped anyone? That it’s that easy to fight Baili Jingtian, a freak? Just how long did it take to get to the stage of a Sword King anyway? Then look at our ages, could we compare?]

[Humph, witch!]

“Worms, trash… ugh…”

Bali Yuyu’s curses were still as savage, telling it to everyone. Whether encouragement or whipping, all was good so long as they hurried the hell up.

Fifteen minutes wasn’t long nor short. But a Sword King could catch up to them in no time at all. What would she do then, if one did find them?

If she ended up fighting them, that would be betraying her clan, becoming an outcast forever. While ignoring the kids would be a death sentence, Zhuo Fan included, the only one she couldn’t accept to see dead.

This was the cause behind her anxiety. It only worked to drive her temper higher and take it out on them in the form of a nasty witch.

Only this witch ended up mute the second she looked in Zhuo Fan’s icy eyes while passing by. Only to resume her heckling once she turned to the rest.

Everyone else’s admiration for him only grew.

[Zhuo Fan not just poached Invincible Sword’s men, but even has a Sword King at his beck and call. Awesome!]

[Is it really just looks though?]

Ouyang Changqing’s hand flashed and took out a hand mirror, his sharp features reflecting in it.

[I’m certainly not behind that department, so why is sister…]


Then came Bali Yuyu’s slap out of nowhere, shocking him silly, “What is a grown man looking at his face for? You’re worse than a woman! Get to stepping!”

Ouyang Changqing’s face sank, his shoulders sagged, and his head hung as he played the good doggie.

The other snickered and Zhuo Fan shook his head.

[This guy sure is a clown.]


Bali Yuyu froze just then, her face darkening.

Zhuo Fan frowned, looking back to shout at her, “Yuyu, send these two off!”

Zhuo Fan hinted at Chu Qingcheng and Shui Ruohua.

“What about you?” Bali Yuyu got his meaning, only making her worry more.

Zhuo Fan shook his head, “Qingcheng is the one I can never let go. And I trust no one else more with Qingcheng than senior sister Shui. You must take them and I’ll be at ease. I’ll then go to North Sea where they’ll have a hard time finding me.”

Chu Qingcheng’s dull gaze entered Bali Yuyu’s sight with a complicated feeling. She turned to Zhuo Fan in hesitation.

“Yuyu, you turned your back on Baili Yutian to save me. I am truly touched. I am sorry for telling you that I didn’t need you. Now I do need you, to take my wife to safety.”

Zhuo Fan stared into her eyes as he spoke, “You know that staying won’t help blocking the three of them anyway. Moreover, do you really want to wear the stigma of a traitor? You came to help me and don’t want to see you suffer for it. It’s best if you don’t meet with them. Take the girls, I have my own means of surviving. Don’t you trust me after all we’ve been through?”

Bali Yuyu gnashed her teeth then grabbed Chu Qingcheng and Shui Ruohua. She shot straight for the teleportation array.

Her voiced echoed from behind, “Make sure you don’t die, rascal!”

“Hey, why is sister leaving?”

Ouyang Changqing blinked, asking Zhuo Fan what was going on.

Zhuo Fan smiled, “You can’t sense it since you’re wounded. We felt three strong presences rushing over. They must be three Sword Kings. She helped me due to our friendship, but in the dark. She can’t be found out by the others so I had her take the girls to safety.”

“Uh, brother Zhuo, what about us?” Ouyang Changqing started, his eyes big as saucers.

Zhuo Fan mocked as he pointed at himself with smug confidence, “Don’t you have me?”

“You? You can fight a Sword King?”

“Myself? No, but I came more than prepared on this trip up north. I even have ways to deal with that coot, Invincible Sword.”

Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed, turning back and looking with up with a fierce face, “Not to mention, their target is me. There’s no escape now.”


Three figures appeared in the sky, the power of the Sword Kings enveloping them all and making them shiver.

Only Zhuo Fan was still calm, with a mocking grin on his face.

“I heard Baili’s five Sword Kings are each amazing. I’ve met Thunder Sword King and Frigid Rain Sword King, then you must be Tempest Sword King, Cloud Sword King and Infernal Sword King!”

“Ha-ha-ha, Sir Zhuo, it’s been a while. We were all getting along so well but now it seems that you became our target. How things change, ha-ha-ha…”

They cupped their hands to Zhuo Fan and laughed, though their eyes glittered, seeing him only as a glittering jewel. josei

“Sir Zhuo, we heard that Frigid Rain Sword King might be here and we also just sensed her trace. How come she isn’t?”

Zhuo Fan showed his pearly whites, sporting an evil face, “Who, that dumb broad? Ha-ha-ha, she was as much of a conceited moron as you are, trying to take my head. Humph, she fled after I got her good. I’m only standing here and not going after her to end her because I sensed you were coming.”


The trio cried in shock, “You mean you wounded Frigid Rain Sword King? No way! You’re just a Soul Harmony…”

Zhuo Fan mocked them, “And it was Bali Yuyu who told you that, I reckon? Ha-ha-ha, and you believed her?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” The trio shook and frowned.

With a sly smirk on his face, Zhuo Fan squinted, “Baili Yutian pestered Bali Yuyu into helping me, but it was to read me, isn’t it? You think I couldn’t tell such an obvious trick? Humph, so why then would I show up all my cards to her? I bet you don’t even know that your brats are almost all dead, with only the last one saved in time by Frigid Rain Sword King and Thunder Sword King. Not much of a save though, since I didn’t care about him anyway and didn’t hunt him down. For not even two Sword Kings could stop me from killing my prey! Humph, I am a Devil Mountain disciple, and don’t you forget it!”

The aura of a king oozed out of Zhuo Fan and, despite being below the Genesis Stage – everyone felt a shiver.

Even the Sword Kings couldn’t stave off the chill.

[Are Devil Mountain disciples that incredible? Does Frigid Rain Sword King’s report only contain things he wanted to tell?]

Then they had to be extra cautious around him, especially since he gave a heavy wound to a Sword King.

Against the great credit the trio was about to earn with ease, they started to hesitate.

Zhuo Fan was, of course, only bluffing and made himself bigger than he was, something the trio were totally oblivious of, scared by his blustering…

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