The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1092 - 1092, Welsher

Chapter 1092 - 1092, Welsher

Chapter 1092, Welsher

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


Everything shook around Baili Yutian, making him grip the divine sword harder while looking on edge as he scanned all around him for anything suspicious.

It had been thousands of years since the last time he felt like a prey, like he entered a hunter’s domain. This was exactly what he felt from the sea demon, making him both nervous and excited, but most of all, thrilled.

[This is too damn nerve-wrecking!]

While he relished in the challenge, the Sword Kings weren’t so quick to agree.

[Just how absurd this sea demon is to make such a scene? Too much and that’ll mean we’re just throwing our lives away.]

Wiping their sweaty brows, the Sword Kings felt for the first time like they were in the eyes of a hunter, making their blood run cold.

[This is too damn dangerous!]

Qiao’er had a deep frown, still overwhelmed by Sea Ao’s choice to the point she blocked off what happened around her.


The intense rumbling only got Baili Yutian to be more tense.

With one more explosion that wrecked the skies, followed by a deluge of snow and ice on top of them.

Baili Yutian’s heart jumped and rushed to dodge one particular hunk of ice while using the Sundering Sword to fend off the snowstorm.

The Sword Kings and the Invincible Sword alike stood in absent shock to find the devastating Sundering Sword unable to break the hail of ice, only making it rebound off the blade. At best, the ice got split only when meeting the Sundering Sword’s edge.

[T-this can’t be happening!]

Baili Yutian gasped, while the Sword Kings looked on in disbelief.

The ice contained the sea demon’s sealing power, yet among them four, only the divine sword had the strength to crack it open.

They had trouble handling so little of the sea demon’s power, but what about when he came at them at full strength?

The Invincible Sword felt they not only stirred the hornet nest, but all nests.

The danger zones were known for a very good reason.

[This fight may very well be my last, ha-ha-ha…]

Baili Yutian shook his head, his eyes shining with the will to die. They were blinded by what was before them, despairing just by seeing the sea demon’s casual show of force.


Another rumble pierced their ears just then. The frozen sea cracked all over and crumbled, crushing the countless bodies trapped in its surface.

Something the size of an island burst from the ice, looking like a shell that let out a chilling aura. An old weathered face came out next, with two eyes the size of mountains, one shining yellow and the other looked dull, with a clear wound in it.

That scar was Sword Sovereign’s handiwork.

The absurdly huge creature towered hundreds of meters over them, howling at the skies. Heaven Sealing Sea Ao’s frightening power made even Baili Yutian shiver, making him feel tiny and worthless.

[This is the sea demon, the lord of the North Sea!]

“P-Patriarch, maybe should we ask for leniency?”

Baili Yuyun’s face twitched, looking pained. He looked at the creature outsizing him a thousand times over and said, “This thing is different from that 9th level imperial beast. We have no chance!”

Baili Yutian’s face sank.

[You think? Do I look so blind to need your input?]

Tilting his head way up until it became uncomfortable, to fully appreciate this huge Sea Ao in all its glory, he gulped as a chill crawled up his spine.

The Invincible Sword, the best in the lands, had never thought possible the day would come that just a mere aura would send fear in his bones.

Baili Yutian glanced at Zhuo Fan’s block of ice, now believing the kid’s words.

[Sir Zhuo, you’re right. The lands are just a speck compared to the great world. I’m not that strong after all. I… am weak!]

The Invincible Sword regarded the Sea Ao again and focused. He lifted the Sundering Sword and charged for the demon’s head.


The Sword Kings cried out behind. Invincible Sword had made his mind, focused completely on fighting as he roared, “I admit that I am very weak, but my will of being strong hasn’t changed. Sea demon, show me a peak expert’s power!”

Hu~ josei

The Invincible Sword psyched himself up yet Sea Ao’s reaction was to flare its nostrils, sending a chilling air at him.

The Invincible Sword seized on the spot, unable to move.

With a thump, a clear block of ice slammed the ground, containing the Invincible Sword with the Sundering Sword in his most heroic pose. Not even Sundering Sword could fight off the cold, slowly halting its ringing.


The sound rang through the Sword Kings’ minds, numbing them. They looked at the Sea Ao with dull gazes and pale faces.

Their patriarch, the Invincible Sword, was done in from a mere exhale.

[W-what the hell kind of monster is this?]

Faces twitching, the trio crumbled on the ice in shock. Despair had their hearts in a tight grip, even hoping the Sea Ao saw them as nothing but extras and let them go out of the kindness of his heart.

Sea Ao, however, hated humans with a passion, and that wouldn’t change anytime soon.

“Hi-hi-hi, that’s what humans are!”

Showing a condescending smile, Sea Ao shook its large head and cackled, “Picking on weak and fearing the strong, a race without honor. Where had their earlier fire gone to? Look at them, nothing but whiny dogs looking for clemency. Disgusting!”

Sea Ao’s voice released a wave of cold.

The Sword Kings turned to flee, but the cold swept them in an instant, leaving behind three more sculptures.

Five more vivid ice sculptures had now joined the endless others and, unfortunately, might have the same sordid end as well, in pieces.

Qiao’er’s heart was wrecked with anxiety.

Sea Ao chuckled, “Little Thunder Phoenix, now do you see humanity’s ignorance? Now choose, will it be your human father, or your Qilin brother?”

Sea Ao dove back into the sea, enjoying himself as he pointed out the Zhuo Fan sculpture and unconscious Gu Santong.

Qiao’er looked left and right, unable to make a decision, “Father would’ve definitely save brother, because that’s why we came here in the first place. But my brother wouldn’t want father to be in danger. How is this a choice?”

“He-he-he, you’re overthinking it.”

Se Ao snickered, “Humans forget kindness and are adept in betrayal. This man admitted to using you two. What’s so hard about casting him out? You’re only tools to him. Why would he care for some tools? Sacrificing yourself for him is not worth it!”

Qiao’er sank in a long silence, but then she nodded, “I’ve made up my mind. I want to save brother!”

“Ha-ha-ha, good choice. Humans can’t be trusted and should be abandoned…”


Sea Ao laughed, but Qiao’er cut him off with conviction, “Not abandoned, but chosen. I know father would choose brother, so I won’t disappoint him.”

The cackle stopped, with the Sea Ao giving her the cold eye, “You’re saying you’re choosing the human?”

Qiao’er flicked her hand, “I’ve made my choice, so save brother! This is what my father and I both agree on. Father’s spirit would be gratified. Just how father saw mother losing her mind over him, he would be torn with guilt knowing he lived while brother died, a fate worse than death!”

“Bull! Those vile and dishonorable humans can’t feel guilt!”

Sea Ao roared, with Qiao’er pointing at his nose and shouting back, “I made my choice. Are you going to do it or not? Are you a welsher? So humans are bad like you say, but aren’t you the disgrace of sacred beasts for not keeping your promise?”

Sea Ao squinted and cracked a smile, revealing a deep chill, “Using humans as reverse psychology, good one, little Thunder Phoenix. Having come to this, if I don’t agree…”

“What will change?”

Sea Ao mocked and opened its maw to bite on the ice.

Just that where he bit, young Sanzi lay.

Sea Ao ate young Sanzi in one gulp.

Qiao’er was too stunned to react…

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