The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1095 - 1095, World of the Strong

Chapter 1095 - 1095, World of the Strong

Chapter 1095, World of the Strong

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


The huge eye squinted and Heaven Sealing Sea Ao gasped as he shouted, “Old dragon’s full-powered Dragon Breath Pill? W-why would he give it to you, Heavenly Sovereign’s successor?”

“Ha-ha-ha, he’d never trust me if I really was Heavenly Sovereign’s successor. But there’s a difference between being a successor and learning his ultimate skill. I agreed to help him and he shields me. Like you said, they’re all after something and not noble like you. As for now…”

Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone cruelly, ready to throw the Dragon Breath Pill.

Sea Ao was shaken up, scrambling to flee. He rushed to close his mouth and stammered, “Now hold on, let’s talk about this. Don’t…”

“Talking only works among equals. But you, sir, are too strong!” Zhuo Fan didn’t fall for his stalling so he could escape.

So Zhuo Fan threw the fireball without qualms, shouting coldly, “Here’s my gift, senior Sea Ao, for looking after my children. Also, senior Dragon Ancestor sent his regards. May you eat well and stay healthy, ha-ha-ha…”

The Dragon Breath Pill crushed any barrier in place as it swirled straight into Sea Ao’s gaping abyss.


Everything was dyed orange as the flames unleashed a sea of flames.

Dragon ancestor’s full-powered Dragon Breath Pill went off in Sea Ao’s mouth and the raging torrents of heat and fire shot in every direction. The terrible flames melted all ice in an instant, turning the sea into steam before it as well was erased in the scorching heat.

Sea Ao’s fangs broke off then and there, ruined. The fire made its way deeper and into his body, every nook and cranny, engulfing his organs in boiling lava.

Only when all his being was saturated with fire did it leak out, sending plumes of blood high in the sky in a mist of red.

His body was now in dire straits as tons of blood spewed out of his mouth. His proud visage now paled greatly, his scales black, singed or burned.

With one strike, Zhuo Fan was close to taking his life.

As Sea Ao was on the same level as dragon ancestor, taking such a blow had serious consequences. Only this time, it was even worse. The only way dragon ancestor could reduce Sea Ao to such a state was by risking his own life in battle.

It all came down to how cautious they were of each other. When fighting, they always kept their senses sharp.

While Zhuo Fan was fairly easy to look down on, being a puny human and all, working in his favor. He used his own weakness to his advantage, making the other show the perfect target to strike by opening his piehole. josei

This was something no being in the world, and in their right mind, would make such a monumental mistake. The inners would always be weaker than a thick skin. If left with no choice, taking dragon ancestor’s full-blown attack on his body was much better, at least it would leave a bruise or a cut. As for taking it out with his mushy insides, that was positively life-threatening.

Then again, who could blame Sea Ao if in his shoes? Zhuo Fan was just too weak to even tickle his stomach if he detonated inside. Who’d ever saw it coming that he’d deliver dragon ancestor’s attack instead of himself into the maw of the beast? It was no different than dragon ancestor breathing fire down his gullet.

In a duel of peers, why would one expose their weakness? To die?

Zhuo Fan hit him more than good this time, practically destroying him, since that was the plan all along.

Using Dragon Breath Pill from the start would hardly make Sea Ao even twitch, only making him angry instead.

The best course was to be a patient hunter for the right moment to strike, as he did.

His plan involved using two Dragon Breath Pill, one on the face to pry the jaws open and the second down the hatch. It was like a boon from heaven itself how the guy simply offered himself from the start.

That was why Zhuo Fan even drove the nail in by saying he lost, since he exposed his weakness.

He-he, and now Sea Ao was paying the full price for it.

Heaven Sealing Sea Ao roared in pain, tearing up even. He swore on his life that such disgraceful defeat had never happened to him in his long, long life. He never suffer so much ever. Yet the day finally came that a bug from the mortal domain did him good. He, the overlord of the sea, a sacred beast.

He was enraged, he lost all his honor, and howled with bloodlust, “You little shitty bastard! You’re not getting out of here alive!”

“Ha-ha-ha, senior Sea Ao, do you think you’re in any position to make threats?” Zhuo Fan mocked as he watched the black scales fall off, the maimed body, and smelled the burn coming out from that blood spurting from him.

With another spray of blood in tons, the sea took darker shade of red. Heaven Sealing Sea Ao, glared at Zhuo Fan, “Don’t get cocky, bastard, I haven’t keeled over just yet! Wounded as I am, it’s still more than enough to deal with the likes of you. Die!”

Heaven Sealing Sea Ao reached with his claw to slap Zhuo Fan out of existence.


All Sea Ao did in the end was break an iceberg into ice cubes.

Zhuo Fan flashed on the singed and wounded claw, sporting a smug and evil grin, “Ha-ha-ha, senior Sea Ao, I see you don’t feel like talking. The feeling is quite mutual, I asure you. I have no intent of settling this peacefully, our debt is far from over!”

Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone and waved his longsword. The black flames on it roiled as he then shoved the pointy end into the claw.


The deadly black flames and the sharp edge of the sacred weapon went through the tough scale without a hitch, letting out booms after booms.

“This is for young Sanzi!”

Even more wounded, Sea Ao wailed. He slammed with the other claw, but Zhuo Fan was long gone, now appearing on a shoulder. He slashed this time and the black thunderflame licked the scales and blew many away. That earned another howl from the sacred beast.

“This is for Qiao’er!”

Pitiless, Zhuo Fan lashed out all over the huge body and leaving gapping bloody wounds in his wake.

Zhuo Fan was not about to let this bastard toy with his own daughter and had her suffer in vain.

“Senior Sea Ao, you’re hanging by a thread at this point and can hardly muster the strength to seal me at tis point. Your huge body now became a burden. Now I ask you what you asked me, what can you do to me? Ha-ha-ha…”

Zhuo Fan cackled, buzzing around the huge Sea Ao like an annoying flea, slashing and poking at every chance. Sea Ao was powerless to swat him, reduced to roaring and crying in pain.

He was a proud sacred beast, among the best in the Sacred Domain. Even the Sovereigns were weary of him. His stride must’ve come to an end since now even he ended up toyed by a nobody. It was a disgrace!

No matter how humiliating it felt, he could do nothing for he was on the verge of dying. And that was due to Zhuo Fan’s grace too, or he could’ve just throw another Dragon Breath Pill and be done with Heaven Sealing Sea Ao. He would be the first in the mortal domain to kill a sacred beast.

His name would go down in history!



Zhuo Fan laughed like mad while Sea Ao cried out in pain. Thanks to the early searing heat wave and the endless rumbling, the four sealed experts were thawed.

The Invincible Sword gripped the Sundering Sword and suddenly coughed blood with ice and fire.

The Sword Kings had it worse, spurting a couple more times. They turned worried towards him, “Patriarch, are you alright?”

“I’m fine, just a serious wound.”

The Invincible Sword took a deep breath and spewed blood with flame and ice again, “What happened anyway?”

The trio shrugged in confusion, right as the sympony of wails and laugher reached their unfiltered ears.

Curiosity got the best of them and now they were witnessing a most bizarre play that left them dumbstruck. Before them was a battle of the strongest…

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