The Story Never Ends

Chapter 244 - The War Begins

Chapter 244 - The War Begins

The Colossal Devil City, as it sounded, the walls were hundreds of feet tall with thick pillars supporting them. These walls were made up of some common types of stones that everyone could recognize, and they didn't look extraordinary as a result.

But the same couldn't be said for the pillars as they were cylindrical with figures of a humongous devil carved upon them. They had blue gems embedded on their sockets that shone light upon the lands in a mile radius.

There were four large gates in each direction where many devil commanders could be seen guarding. Not only on the gates, but they were on the top of the walls too.

Similar to the ones in the wasteland, they were radiating a strong sense of bloodlust and seemed quite scary. But the difference was that they were wielding good sets of weapons and wearing heavy armors.

A dozen cannons could also be seen on the top of the walls, making it difficult for one to distinguish whether this was a city or a fortress. Nonetheless, Davion didn't bother about this all as he was going to step over it anyways.

At this moment, the guards were leisurely doing their job as usual. Some weren't even bothering to and were simply snoring while leaning on the walls. This was because the attacks were getting less and less these days.

Nobody had the guts to challenge Devil Emperor Joziah as he was too strong. He could smash anyone with a single swipe of his palm. On top of that, the news of him breaking through was circulating at a rapid rate, spreading even more fear to the nearby devil emperors.

That's why a long-forgotten peace has eventually arrived in Colossal City. So, the city had become stable, and the guards were eventually getting lax as time passed. But it didn't last long as today the ground eventually started shaking, causing everyone to cry out in trepidation.

Especially, the guards were the first ones to panic. Even the guards who were dreaming were woken up by the commotion. They hurriedly wiped their drools on their mouths and stood up.

"What the hell happened?" They shouted.josei

"My God! It's an invasion coming from the east." Archers who were experts in scouting yelled with frightened voices.

"Damn! Who has the guts to attack us?"

"Aren't they seeking death?"

"Let us teach them a lesson."

They billowed in anger. However, cold water was poured over their heads when they couldn't even see the end of their enemies.

"Fuck! Ring the bells."

"Notify the kings to arrive here."

"The enemy is too huge."

They broke out in cold sweat. Even though they had a good high ground advantage in the walls here, it was going to be useless in front of such a large number of enemies. Especially, when he could already feel the presence of Devil Kings among them.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The bells rang, and the guards from the other parts of the walls swiftly gathered towards the eastern wall. This included the devil armies that were cultivating and training in their camps.


Many powerful auras jumped out from their tents and rushed to the sky as well. Indeed, they were all devil kings. Whereas the streets became empty in a couple of minutes as the citizens ducked into their houses. They all knew what the bells indicated.

Meanwhile, Davion was observing the so-called Colossal City with an amused expression.

"How is this even a city?" He couldn't help but exclaim.

"The devil world is full of chaos and war. If there is no such defense then the city would have long since been breached." Averi neared the chariot and answered.

"I see." He nodded.

"My Lord, are we going to strike right away?" She asked.

Davion was about to answer when he was interrupted by an arrogant voice coming from inside the walls.

"It's you guys from the wasteland. Why are you all here? If you won't give me a good explanation, you all can forget about escaping from here alive."

When they looked over, they saw that it was a middle-aged devil king draped in a red mantle with black armor inside.

"Senior Kingsley, it's you." Averi's face became ugly as she immediately the newcomer.

"Who's he?" Davion inquired in disdain. After all, everyone below the Devil Emperor Stage was equal to ants before him.

"Military commander and the one having the highest authority beside the Devil Emperor Joziah." She respectfully replied.

"Eh! Now I seeā€¦" Davion was about to reply but he was interrupted once again.

"Averi, you dare turn a blind eye to me?" Kingsley slashed his spear at her in a fit of rage, sending a wave of purple-colored devil essence.

"Humph!" Davion harrumphed coldly and the energy wave dissipated in mid-air while Kingsley backed a few steps unstably.

"Devil Emperor!" He cried out, causing all his nearby soldiers to shriek in terror.

"How can it be?" They couldn't believe it. The same went for Kingsley. How can the wastelands have the resources to give birth to a Devil Emperor?

"Alert the Emperor. Or everyone will be buried here alive." He ordered.

"There's no need for that." Davion stood up and from behind his back, a gigantic thousand feet tall phantom of a devil having bone spikes, six hands, long and thick tail that could slam away a mountain appeared in everyone's vision.

He unleashed an immense amount of pressure, resulting in everyone in the walls falling flat on the floor at once. As for his allies, they didn't feel a single thing. Nevertheless, they stopped proceeding forward and knelt on the ground, worshiping his phantom.

"Joziah, how long will you make me wait?" His thunderous voice reverberated in the city, causing everyone inside to tremble and bleed from their ears.

"How can he be this strong? We are at least a mile away from him." Kingsley, who was struggling to stand up thought. Even in Joziah's presence, he never felt so tiny and pitiful.

The time seemed to remain still as everyone waited for Joziah's response. The situation was so tense that nobody dared to breathe. But even after a couple of minutes, there was no response coming from inside.

Davion frowned seeing this. "Is he breaking through? Or did he get scared witnessing a trace of my strength?"

"Kingsley, where is the emperor?" The other devil kings were flustered.

"How do I know? He didn't say anything to me the last time I saw him." Kingsley shook his head.

"So, are we all going to fall here?" They were saddened and dismayed.

"That bastard is as sneaky as a thief. Also, I don't know what he is planning or doing at present. If this goes on, I won't be able to prove my strength." He racked his brains thinking of what to do next.

"Why don't you let your subordinates deal with them while you patiently wait for Joziah?" Siena, who had been silent for a while, suggested.

"Moreover, they have been scared shitless by you. I don't think they would be able to resist for long despite being more in numbers." She added.

"Let's do that." He had no other choice than to wait.

"But I can't be confident of letting them fight, knowing that they lack better weapons and armors." He turned towards his followers and sighed.

"I should lend them some help." He flicked his hand and a long golden bow appeared in his hand.

"Eh! Isn't this the higher-grade artifact of the Golden Lion Tribe?" Siena was surprised.

"Yes, it's Henrik's." He smiled in satisfaction as this bow was one of the best higher-grade spiritual weapons.

"Although I lack his arrows, I should be able to bring out most of its strength." He raised his right hand in the air and devil essence coalesced in it, manifesting a hundred feet long arrow, radiating destructive energy that nearly blew everyone's soul away.

"Run," Kingsley shouted, mustering all his strength. But it was futile since nobody could move.


The arrow cut through the air at a speed invisible to the naked eyes. But it abruptly lost half its momentum and struck the gate.

The eastern gate cracked, and it spread like spider waves all over the walls, destroying them in a jiffy. Only then, did the arrow brush past and crash onto the largest building in the center of the city.

It was a multi-storied pagoda-type building that looked the most luxurious among everything else and the place where the most devil essence was concentrated. He was sure that it was the place Joziah stayed.

"Emperor, save us!"

Wails of devils were heard from the piles of rubbles as seriously injured devils popped out one after another. They were full of injuries and were on their last breath. Kingsley and other devil kings were there too. But they were in a much better condition than the others.

"I will leave them to you all." He waved his hand and many devil weapons appeared in their hands, astonishing them greatly.

"My Lord, rest assured we will bring you good news." Averi and the others rushed straight towards Kingsley, attempting to kill him.

"My children follow them and wash away this place with blood.." Davion gave his command.

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