The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 76 Sparring With Emma [Part 2]

Chapter 76 Sparring With Emma [Part 2]

Entering the room, the tension seemed to be rising as both Emma and Aiden started looking at each other.

"I don't think we need to set up a reward for the winner, our word is enough," she said believing that Aiden was a man of his word.

He didn't seem like the type of guy to trick others after all.

From a single glance, it was quite obvious that he was simple minded not able to think too far ahead.

But that was far from the truth.

The reason why he looked simple and dumb was his constant emotionless face that made him look this way.

"Sure, but can we kill each other in here?" asked Aiden as he had seen earlier a message that said that they couldn't die at all in here.

"This place is a little special, as you probably know it's a reward from the higher trials and it's quite valuable as it lets the people inside of it do life and death battles without the risk of actually dying."josei

"So, be happy that you won't actually experience death by my hands?" she said as her kind of friendly from earlier completely vanished from her.

She seemed fully focused on the task ahead of her, she only had one thought inside her mind and it was to win against him.

Winning might not seem like a big deal to Aiden but it was to her as it would determine who is the strongest in the Everheart family. 

She needed to know only her but everyone inside of the family that she was the most talented youngster and that some random kid from the Slums couldn't dethrone her.

"So, are we doing this?" she said as she was now battle-focused.

Aiden was concentrated as much as her but he simply wanted a good fight between the two of them.

On one hand, he wanted to learn more about her. 

Her class, her skills, her talent, all those things interested Aiden deeply.

The second thing that interested him was how strong a talented young awakener actually was as he hadn't been able to compare himself to anyone since he had arrived in Nova.

He also hadn't been able to have a real fight where he would have to use his skills.

It was now time to prove to himself that he had talent and that his second chance at life wasn't for nothing.

'Let's do this,' said Aiden to himself encouraging himself as he nodded toward Emma.

Then, Emma seemed to press something in her system as a countdown appeared right in front of Aiden.




[The sparring has now started.]

As that messaged appeared the white room in which they were completely changed as they were now in a completely different area, there were trees all around them almost as if they were inside of a forest.

The length of the room also changed as it got a lot bigger creating a real arena where both of them could fight to the death, well to fake death.

As Aiden read the last message, he immediately launched forward toward Emma not giving her any time to prepare herself.

But she didn't need time to prepare as she was already since the beginning.

She quickly started going away from Aiden as she got out a weapon out of nowhere.

'Where did that bow come from?' thought Aiden as he just couldn't understand what happened.I think you should take a look at

But he didn't have time to concentrate on that, it seemed like Emma was a archer or some type of long-range class.

'Perfect, an assassin like me shouldn't have a problem taking her out,' thought Aiden as it was common knowledge that long-range attackers were naturally weak against close-range people.

This knowledge was obviously known to both Aiden and Emma.

'Shit he has a dagger, what the hell is my luck,' she thought instantly seeing the red and black dagger Aiden was using.

Then after gaining some distance with Aiden, Emma decided to gain some height using the environment as her advantage as she jumped up a tree.

This jump of hers was obviously way higher than a normal person could achieve. 

She was awakened after all.

Then, as she landed on a branch of the tree, she charged an arrow inside her bow.

The arrow changed color as she kept pulling it back.

It started as a green color until it became yellow and then completely red.

When the arrow turned in a red color, Emma instantly released it toward Aiden.

The arrow flew at a speed that wasn't humanly possible to react to, but Aiden wasn't normal either.

He wasn't the number ranked in the Parkour Challenge for nothing.

He naturally dodged it as he went to his left hiding behind a tree.


It seemed like the arrow had hit its mark, the tree where Aiden was hiding.

Her prediction of where Aiden would go was simply incredible and this precision was surely only attained with a lot of practice.

But as Aiden thought that he was safe, the tree which he was hiding behind started poking at him a little.

Feeling some pressure in his lower back, he quickly looked behind him and what he saw shocked him.

The arrow which Emma had shot wasn't normal at all, it had gone through the whole tree.

Yes, it had slowed only poking Aiden a little but it was still a massive achievement.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom The red arrow was probably the cause of this but Aiden couldn't be sure of what she had done to it.

But his first thought was obviously that it was a skill of her as pure strength simply couldn't have such a result.

His quick analysis told him that it was a skill that accentuated the speed and penetration of the arrow she was using.

If she was able to use it a lot then it will surely become a problem.

Knowing that he had no other choice when seeing that skill. He decided to take this fight seriously as a red aura seemed to come off his body.

He had activated [Mind of an Assassin].

Hurt her.

Kill her.

None of that mattered anymore.

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