The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 108 Ava

Chapter 108 Ava

As they got closer and closer to the entrance of what seemed to look like the VIP Suite, the person who had guided them all this way, once again bowed as she uttered.

"I will let you meet the people inside, the auction should start in around thirty minutes. Use this time wisely."

'Use my time wisely, huh?' thought Aiden as he continued climbing the final stairs before arriving in front of the entrance of the VIP Suite.

The guide who had said that probably meant that they should use those thirty minutes to make some connections to other families as Aiden clearly looked like he needed some.

As he crossed the entrance with Emma right beside him, a couple of people had their eyes drawn to them as they didn't understand how such a thing was possible.

A gorgeous woman with great curves was being accompanied by someone who didn't even seem like he took care of himself.

Sure, Aiden was handsome since he had put points in his Charm Stat, but that wouldn't change everything, he still needed to dress well and take care of himself if he wanted people to find him beautiful.

"Why is a homeless person here?" exclaimed someone with clear disdain toward Aiden.

In fact, most of them had the same look on their faces while watching Aiden, as if Aiden wasn't fitting in.

'Do I look that bad?' asked Aiden to himself as he didn't think that his current appearance was that bad.

Wanting to make sure, he bent down a little as he reached Emma's ears whispering into them.

"Do I look bad? Why is everyone looking at me that way?" whispered Aiden to Emma, making sure that no one except him could hear him.

Hearing him take the initiative in starting a conversation, Emma was obviously shocked as she immediately answered him excitedly, also whispering.

"Yes, don't worry, they're just jealous," said Emma as she didn't want Aiden to feel bad or something like that.

In fact, she didn't think that his current appearance was bad at all, he looked quite pretty, well... that was her opinion.

Hearing this, Aiden nodded as he wasn't 100% sure if he could trust what Emma had just said as everyone kept looking at him with disdain.

However, he noticed that the looks that Emma was receiving were the complete opposite as many looked at her with lust in their eyes.

But, Emma simply ignored those looks as she was already used to it as many people in the Everheart family would also give them to her.

That was also one of the reasons why she liked Aiden so much, he never once looked at her body with lust in his eyes.

When they had first met, she had lied about that to get him kicked out of the Everheart family, but after learning a little more about him, she knew that he would never do such a thing.

Then, as everyone was looking at Emma with eyes full of lust, Aiden didn't know why but he didn't like it.


He wasn't sure as he had made sure to keep his distance from her, not wanting to develop feelings after the night that they had spent together.

After discovering that he wasn't strong enough, he had pushed her away thinking that he wouldn't feel anything about her anymore as he didn't even talk to her for the past month, well... almost.

Noticing that no one was approaching them, Emma and Aiden decided that they shouldn't go and meet others as it wouldn't amount to anything either way.

Everyone in this room looked as fake as one might be, showing their fake smiles to everyone.

The only thing that they would get out of talking to someone in this room was knowing from which family they came from.

Aiden also didn't want to go and meet people who were supposed to be important as he didn't know if a person from the Nightshade family could be here with him in this room.

As they sat down, Aiden once again started a conversation with Emma as he just couldn't hold himself back anymore, those glares were starting to get on his nerves.

"Doesn't it make you mad?" asked Aiden in a low tone of voice making sure that only she could hear him, talking about the glares she was receiving.

Emma cracked a little smile hearing him say that.

"Do I smell jealousy?" she asked as she found it funny that Aiden was even caring as he hadn't cared about her for the past month.

But, it seemed like those glares were starting to piss him off so much that he couldn't ignore her anymore.

"Jealousy? Why would I be jealous? I'm just asking as I don't think that I could be reacting the way you currently are," said Aiden, whispering, still in complete denial about being jealous.

"Oh, I see, well... I'm just used to it," answered Emma still smiling widely as she now realized that he still cared about her, well... even if it wasn't much she still liked this sensation.

Then, their conversation ended that way as minutes passed by with no one even attempting to approach them at all.

It looked like Aiden was too much for those nobles inside this room.I think you should take a look at

After 30 minutes of complete silence between Aiden and Emma, the person who had guided them up here was now appearing on the stage with a big smile on her face.

This time, she was wearing different clothes which highlighted her features quite well. 

She had curves just like Emma and Mia, it was probably useful in that line of work as many people were in awe because of her appearance.

But, they weren't in awe simply because of that, the tail which was coming from her ass, indicated what race she was from.

Aiden who earlier had no idea, now, he knew.

She was a succubus.

A succubus is a demon who uses her charm to seduce others and do her bidding. But that isn't their main ability as they are known to be quite good in bed.

Seeing her using her looks to her advantage, Aiden thought about the first person he had met when coming here, Ava.

Ava, the person that he had first met in this world, after his transmigration.

And he still remembered what she said to him when leaving the first trial. She had said that they should meet once again at the tournament.

But Aiden didn't know whether she was part of an important family or not. He knew that she wasn't part of one of the founding families because considering her personality she probably would have revealed it to everyone.

But then, thinking about her, Aiden thought about how she knew that he was a Nightshade.

He remembered that he had revealed it in the first trial and thinking back to that moment, he had to admit that it was quite a stupid move, he didn't even know her, so why did he do such a thing?

He didn't quite remember, but he could guess that he had probably revealed it without thinking much about it, as he didn't know the importance of the founding families at the time.

There was also the fact that he wasn't wearing his mask at the moment, deep inside him, he hoped that she wasn't in this room.

He started looking around a little and didn't notice anyone that looked like her, it seemed that he was safe, for the time being at least.

Emma, who was right beside Aiden, noticed that he was quite focused on the succubus that was currently putting on a show.

'Does he like those types of people?' she thought, as she had noticed some glances while going upstairs.

But then she dismissed those thoughts, as Aiden was probably focused because of the auction and not because of the succubus that was currently wearing revealing clothes.

She knew that he wasn't like that in the first place, as he didn't even spare a glance at her when his mind was set.

Then, she came out of her thoughts, as the first item of the auction was coming out.

"As you all know, we will start with the cheapest items and we will then raise the prices little by little," she said as she purposely moved around in a way that made her boobs juggle.

She really was great at using her body, guess that's why she was a succubus.

Aiden wondered what the first item was going to be as he glanced downward toward the stage, expecting it to be a weapon or something like that.


"Are you ready?" she said as her hand was on the white cloth which was clearly hiding the first item of this auction.

Then, the crowd which was under Aiden, all shouted, "Yes!"

In the VIP Suite, the reactions were quite different though.

"Look at those mongrels, they're happy right now because they'll be able to buy those items," said one of the people in the VIP Suite with clear disdain.

"You're right, they're getting excited over the worst items of the auction, ahaha, how stupid," commented another person.

'Why do they all possess such a big ego?' thought Aiden as he couldn't understand why the people in this room were so full of themselves.

They were in the VIP Suite, and they probably had a good background, but who cares about all that?

Sure, it can help you in the short term. But as you get older, your family won't support you as they are doing now, only strength will be able to make you achieve great things.

"Stupid..." mindlessly said Aiden.

Everyone in the room heard that and turned toward him.

"Stupid? Are you talking about us?" asked one of them.

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