The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 94 Reaper Mask

Chapter 94 Reaper Mask

"Do you like it? It's for the tournament," said Maelis showing what she had in her hand to Aiden clearly.

Aiden simply couldn't believe his eyes as he didn't think that he would see it again.

"What? You don't like it?" asked Maelis seeing that Aiden didn't move or say anything as if frozen.

Aiden still didn't answer as his mind was in clear turmoil, asking himself how this was even remotely possible.

'Why is that here? How is that possible?' he thought looking at the object Maelis had in her hands.

'It looks exactly like back then.'

Then, as he was thinking and thinking, he got hit on the forehead.

Being hit, he suddenly came out of his thinking process and saw that Maelis was the one who had done so.

"Why did you do that?" he said placing his hands on his forehead.

"You weren't moving, I thought you had died standing still," laughing a little as she said that.

"But are you fine? Is it not cool, I thought that it would be perfect for the tournament since you wanted to participate in secret without people knowing who you are," she said, confused, noticing Aiden's shock on his face.

"No, no, it's great, it's just that I didn't expect to see it again," said Aiden as he whispered the last words of his sentence making them inaudible for Maelis to hear.

"You didn't expect what?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing don't worry about it."

After all, he didn't want Maelis to know that he had already seen what she had in her hands in his past life.

And it wasn't any random item, she held one of his most prized possession.

His mask.

His mask that had the face of a reaper on it.

"I also thought of a nickname for you at the tournament, can you guess it?" added Maelis, happy that Aiden was so interested in that surprise of hers.

'The Reaper,' thought Aiden answering her question in his mind.

"The Reaper, isn't it great? It even matches your personality a little."

When Aiden heard her confirm that the nickname she had chosen was indeed the Reaper, he was truly flabbergasted.

He just couldn't believe that everything that happened was simple coincidence.

Why did he reincarnate in a body that had the same as him in his past life?

Why was the system helping him?

Why didn't he receive a class like everyone else when awakening?

Just what was making him so different from everyone else, he needed to find out as he just couldn't continue living in the dark about this situation.

But, the real problem was that even if he thought about it for an entire day, he would still be stuck in the same place.

He had no way of knowing the answers to those questions, the only hope he had resided in the other reward that he was supposed to receive.I think you should take a look at


Information from the mercenary that Maelis had talked about.

Aiden really hoped that this man would have an idea about some of the things that had happened to him.

But he still knew that he wasn't going to be able to say all his secrets to an unknown person.

He wouldn't be able to ask all the questions he had on his mind as he would need to discover some of them by himself, but the mercenary's answer couldn't hurt pointing him in the right direction.

Then, he got hit again on his forehead.

"Are you sure you're alright?" said Maelis as she noticed that he wasn't very present mentally seemingly away, thinking about who knows what.

"Y-yes, it's fine, and what about my other reward, you know about the mercenary?" asked Aiden as he really wanted to know this time.

"Never mind that don't you want to try to put the mask on?" said Maelis trying to change the subject for no apparent reason.

Aiden was getting impatient as some anger appeared in his tone. "No I don't want to put it on, I need answers."

Anger was clearly taking over him as the sudden appearance of his mask had flustered him quite a bit. 

He needed to know why and he couldn't wait anymore, he didn't want to entertain her anymore.

"What's gotten into you?" she asked noticing a sudden mood swing out of him.

"About the mercenary, I still don't have any news about him coming here soon. We contacted him, but we have no idea when he might come," said Maelis, knowing that Aiden was going to be sad learning that.

But, she thought that Aiden was going to be sad or disappointed.

However, the reaction that he was showing as of right now was out of the scope of what she expected.

His face was showing clear anger, unlike anything she had seen before out of Aiden. He usually had a cool and collected mind, but that wasn't the case at the moment.

'Why? Why can't I know?' he thought as he clenched his fists.josei

His anger was normal. He had been thrown into an unknown world with no idea of where he was and what would happen.

He also noticed some weirds things about the world that surrounded him, but when he saw the mask that he had used in his previous life, it was too much.

It was like a switch had turned within him, everything looked connected as if his arrival in this world was planned since the beginning.

However, as usual, he couldn't prove any of this.

"Can't you make him come faster?" asked Aiden regaining some of his calm.

"Unfortunately, no I can't as I already told you, mercenaries are free and do as they wish. Who knows when he might arrive?" said Maelis careful in how she revealed the information as Aiden's mind at the moment seemed... fragile.

Aiden hearing this nodded, took his armor, and left her room without a single word.

He was disappointed, but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it.

He was too weak, he needed to become stronger.

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