The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 50 50

Chapter 50 50: Separation

"I understand, Elder. I was rash and let my desire to fight get the best of me. You are right. The escort of Princess Aurora is of utmost importance right now." Gabriel replied with compliance as he knew the gravity of the matter of his clan and they are in desperate need for Scarlet's return to the Ancestral Lands.

"En." The elder nodded. He looked at Scarlet and seemed like he was reminiscing something as he mumbled the words, "Your Majesties, the princess has been found, it's just unfortunate that...". The elders' expression turned gloomy as tears slowly crept through his eyes.

On the grounds​ of where Gardenford Restaurant once stood...

Dylan and company saw how the two appeared in a wormhole, how both men kneeled and treated Scarlet as their princess, how Scarlet fainted due to their​ appearance, and how they were able to easily cause Byron to retreat. Each one of these events caused them to feel how mysterious Scarlet is and how inferior they were in front of the overwhelming strength of these two

When Dylan saw the appearance of the two, he was truly shocked because they appeared using Spatial Transportation. From what he has read, only elite and unfathomable behemoth-level powers or individuals so strong that they are able to puncture space and travel on it are able to create Spatial Transportation Portals. From the conversation of the two male foxes, it seemed like they were from the latter.

Dylan also felt the vast distance between him and the two foxes above. He knew that the youth is only a bit weaker to Byron in terms of the boundlesssness of aura but the difference of the old man with Byron is like the distance of heaven and earth. The old man was so unfathomable that Dylan felt he could kill Byron with a single strike but because of his strength, the old man regarded Byron as nothing but an annoying fly.

Dylan knew that Byron fled not because of the strike that Gabriel delivered but because of the superior strength of the old man. He also knew that the reason why the old one did not pursue Byron was because he was too preoccupied with his reunion with Scarlet.

From the deep melancholy seen in his eyes, it seemed like a series of painful and tragic memories were being reminisced as he held Scarlet in his arms.

Although Dylan could not truly identify the true Cultivation Realm of these three, he was still able to infer as much due to his sensitivity to energy. Although Dylan's cultivation was destroyed and his Magnate Strength was sealed, his previous level of cultivation has significantly heightened his senses and physical capabilities. Thus, his sensitivity to energy is still functional to a certain extent.

Dylan now felt how weak he was in the face of such overwhelming power. He was just a drop of water in the vast sea of cultivators. He cursed himself for his weakness because of his weakness, Frank and Leila died, his employees were all injured and harmed, and Scarlet was forced to awaken her Ancestral Bloodline which lead to the arrival of her two clan members.

But when Dylan heard that the two strong men were going to take Scarlet and bring her back to their​ so called Ancestral Lands, Dylan immediately ran towards them and shouted.

"What do you mean take her away? Why are you going to take Scarlet away?!" Dylan was angered by the fact that Gabriel and the Elder were going to take Scarlet away. But deep inside, he was angered in his own self because he knew in his heart despite no matter what he did, these two men would disregard his plea. Why? Because he was weak.

In the world of cultvation, only those who have the power and status are able to reason with the strong. The weak has simply no position to make any type of appeal in this world. Like how Byron disregarded his victim's pleas and kill them with no remorse. Strength prevails over everything. Thus, the belief the winner is the king and the loser is the thief.

*And who are you supposed to be?" Gabriel asked and it was apparent in his face how he looked down on Dylan.

"I am Dylan Ford, the older brother of Scarlet!" Dylan replied as he did not lose out in disposition and openly introduced himself.

"Scarlet? Who is this Scarlet you are spouting on and on about?" Gabriel looked at Dylan with disdain.

"Are you perhaps refering to the princess, Princess Aurora?" The Elder inquired as he woke up from his daze and caught sight of Dylan.

"Regardless of her name, she will still be my sister!" Dylan protested.

"How presumptuous of you! How dare you label yourself as the brother of her highness! Do you want to die? I'll gladly help you do so!" Gabriel was furious when he saw how stubborn this pathetic human was. He released his strength and conjured the large head of his dark-flame fox. It was evident how Gabriel was ready to annihilate Dylan in a single move.

"You are nothing more than a cripple now! Both your cultivation and magnate Strength is disabled! I admire your guts for claiming you are our princess's elder brother! Even if you still had your cultivation and Magnate Strength, you are nothing but a waste in front of my talent!" Gabriel continued as he relentlessly insulted Dylan.

"No matter what I am and have become, I'm still her big brother. I don't care if she is the lost princess of your clan, the only thing I know is that she is my little sister and I am her big brother. We have been through to thick and thin and many hardships in life! Even if she had an amnesia and recovers from it, I'm sure she will still remember because the bond we made is not a bond that is easily broken!" Dylan defended adamantly. He stood loyal and true to his love and care for Scarlet because he knew that Scarlet would still remember the memories they shared.

"Big bro?" Scarlet's eyes slowly opened as she heard Dylan's cries. In Scarlet's mind, everything was dark and she was all alone. Occasionally, she would be able to see some fragments of her memories which would cause her great pain. Though she was uncertain why, those memories would make her cry and tighten her chest. But because of Dylan's speech, Scarlet found the way to return to reality and wake up from that nightmare.

The Elder who was holding Scarlet was surprised. He did not expect that Scarlet would wake up due to hearing Dylan's voice. Usually when a Mythical Sacred Beast awakens his/her Ancestral Bloodline, the person would be given temporary yet overwhelming boost in strength but the user will be in a coma after being subjected to such power.

Although Scarlet was unable to fully exhaust her Awakening, but she was just a hair away from doing so. Scarlet was also subjected to the torment brought by her horrible past which was the cause of her fainting and being unable to truly expend her Awakening.

That was why the Elder originally thought that it would at least take Scarlet a month to awaken from her coma to fully alleviate the stress brought upon by her tragic past and Awakening. He now felt that what Dylan said was true. The bond that they formed this past two years was able to create a strong bond that was already comparable to blood siblings.

"Who-who are you? Let me go. I want to go to Big bro!" Scarlet struggled to get away from the hands​ of this man but she was helpless to do so. The Elder still remained calm despite the anomaly that happened.

"It seems like what he said is true... I'm sorry, princess but I have to do this." The Elder apologized as he cliched her fingers and Scarlet immediately feel asleep.

"What did you do to Scarlet?!" Dylan was incensed when he saw this.

"How dare you talk to the Elder like that!" Gabriel appeared in front of Dylan and delivered a powerful fist that sent Dylan flying a few hundred meters.josei

"Don't worry. I just casted a sleep spell on princess so you don't have to worry." The Elder replied calmly to Dylan's question.

"Elder, shall I kill this man already? His pointless blabbering is already irritating enough!." Gabriel asked the Elder with a smile.

"I suggest that you should not touch that man any longer. Because if you do you might incur the wrath of our princess." The Elder advised the hot-blooded Gabriel.

"But, sir~" Gabriel tried to rebut.

" Stop it already. We will now leave." The Elder informed Gabriel.

"You're still going to take Scarlet?! Why? Did you ask for Scarlet's opinion whether she wants to leave or not?!" Dylan roared as he stoo

"Do you know why? Fine, I will answer your questions since you are the sacred princess' "big brother". The princess needs to be able to recover from the exhaustion of Bloodline Awakening and all the materials needed for recovery is in the Ancestral Lands of the Sacred Fox. The princess also needs to learn various Battle Techniques that are suitable for her constitution and resources needed for her cultivation advancement could be all found in the Ancestral Lands of the Sacred Fox. The power to protect the princess and to train the princess to become a supreme being is just a small matter for our clan. With the talent and the Bloodline Strength comparable to 10 Eight-tailed Demon Flame Dusk Fox, it could be said that our princess growth will just be a matter of time. I guess that you, Dylan Ford understands my point, right?" The Elder explained to Dylan.

"I..." Dylan could not refute at all because it was evident that all the resources and protection that Scarlet needs could be found with the Sacred Flame Fox Clan. Dylan knew that the Elder was aiming at his lack of strength, lack of resources, and lack of background and if Scarlet were to stay with him, she would only suffer attacks from all the greedy hands of human powers. So at the end of the day, it all came down to his weakness.

"It seems like you understand, right? So I think there's no need for us to debate about whether to take into account princess's opinion or not because the ultimatum of the matter, the Ancestral Lands is where the princess is supposed to be and the peak of the world is the stage where she will stand in the future... But, I will give you a chance, since the princess considers you as her brother, if you are able to reach the Saint Realm before the age of 40 and arrive at the Sacred Fox Country, I will allow you to see the princess and you are able to take my word for it as the First Elder of the Sacred Flame Fox Clan. But for now, we must take our leave." The Elder spoke with clarity and grace in his words as he led Gabriel to depart.

The Elder extended his hands and opened a Spatial Transportation Portal, he and Gabriel along with the unconscious Scarlet entered the portal and disappeared.

Leaving Dylan kneeling and cursing himself for his weakness. His employees tried to comfort him but the pain of being helpless and being powerless as your loved one was taken away right in front of you was excruciatingly heart-wrenching. His tears flowed as the dawn brought color to the world. The dawn only made Dylan remember Scarlet because Scarlet's favorite thing to do was watching the breaking of dawn. Memories flowed one after the other that made Dylan's heart cry in pain. For two years they did everything together and in just one night she was gone, he just couldn't accept it.

His employees accompanied him in his agony and comforted him. They felt the same as well because Scarlet was also a special kid for them because she would be the one to beautifully dance or sing when they are tired to make them laugh and happy. All of them felt really sad and heart-broken when they saw the two men brought Scarlet away. But they could just imagine the sadness and pain that Dylan was going through if they were already feeling like this for the few weeks they were together with Scarlet. That's why they knew that this was the time that Dylan would need them the most.

At the Space Warp...

"Elder, you really are devious for giving that man false hope. Reaching Saint Realm at the age of 40? That is nigh impossible to most cultivating humans and spirit beasts, much less a cripple like him! Hahahaha!' Gabriel could not help but laugh.

"Let's just wait and see what type of person is the human that Princess Aurora acknowledged as her big brother." The Elder said mysteriously.

"What do you mean, Elder?" Gabriel asked but the Elder did not reply or comment as they shuttled through space and brought Scarlet to their Ancestral Lands.

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