The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Differences in the Party

The 5 million Fil reward was distributed as follows.

First, 2 million Fil went towards our party funds. This was a fund for expanding our future activities. It also served as insurance in case something went wrong.

Next, 2 million Fil went towards the party’s operating costs. This was the money required for replenishing items, buying and repairing equipment.

After the continuous battles against the Lesser Vampires, Lloyd and Walter’s equipment had become unusable, so they needed to be repaired. My Silver-chan — Silver Flame’s bullets also had to be replenished.

Even if we went to the arms store that we frequented and charged us on the cheap, it would likely still cost us 2 million Fil.

And finally, what everyone was waiting for, it was split into our individual shares.

「It’s only this much…」

Walter’s shoulders sagged and his high spirits from before disappeared like a mirage.

All that was left for each of us was 250,000 Fil. It was about a month’s living expenses.

It was definitely not a small amount, and was decidedly more than the usual amount, but for someone who had gotten carried away about the 5 million earlier, he couldn’t help but be dissatisfied with the amount that was left.

Tania also had a cold expression as she looked at the two gold coins and five large silver coins on her palm.

I didn’t say, 『That’s why we should have negotiated to increase the reward』. It would have made me feel better to say it, but it would also have made the three of them feel bad.

「Now now, don’t get so depressed」

Lloyd said with a troubled smile.

「Each person’s share is small, but the party funds are steadily increasing. Besides, if we also take on a big request next time, we can earn the same amount again, right?」

Certainly, it was as Lloyd said. However, he was also mistaken on one point.

「Lloyd, a desirable request like the one we had this time is rare. It’s not something that we’ll come by often. Above all, it wasn’t a request that we received from the country, but a request that was passed around to us by another clan. If they hadn’t run into trouble, they would have completed such an attractive request by themselves」

「Right…… That’s true……」

In the first place, requests for the cleansing of Abysses were all managed by the country, and they normally only gave such requests to clans. In other words, that meant that only Seekers who belonged in a clan could get involved with Abysses.

However, even for Seekers who weren’t in a clan, there was a way to receive Abyss-related requests.

That was because it was common for clans to outsource the requests that they had accepted from the country, but couldn’t get around to completing. This was the result of the clan assessment system that gave a higher evaluation the more requests a clan accepted per year.

The request for the subjugation of the Lesser Vampires that we received was also one of the leftovers from a clan.

At any rate, Abyss-related work made money. Above all, it led to achievements as a Seeker.

That was how Seekers like us, who refused to join clans, were able to make money by going around the various clans to look for subcontracted requests that seemed good.

That was how I had planned to save money and eventually create my own clan.

However, clans did not outsource the requests for free. An expensive brokerage fee would be charged. Because the clan also owned the rights to the Beasts that were defeated, we would only get exploited if we accepted the request without negotiating.

Negotiations were therefore very important, but it was also true that if we overdid it when we pushed for what we deserved, we would be considered a nuisance and would get passed over for the good requests.

In other words, considering the growth of our party, I felt that it was now a good time for it.

「Lloyd, how much is there in our party funds at the moment?」

「Huh? ……Let me see, including the amount from this job, it adds up to 12,800,000 Fil」

Lloyd, our leader, was the one managing the party funds. Certainly, that figure matched the amount in my head.

「In that case, let’s create a clan using that 12.8 million Fil」


Lloyd was surprised. The other two also raised their voices.

「……Noel, I think you’re aware, but in order to create a clan, we have to pay 20 million Fil to the country, right?」

The country wasn’t trying to milk Seekers for money by asking for this 20 million Fil fee. Rather, it was collateral for when they failed to fulfill a request within the specified time.

Abysses expanded as time passed. Therefore, it needed to be cleansed as soon as possible, and failing the request would result in the danger level increasing.

Because of the system in which the reward for the new, more difficult request would be covered using the collateral of the clan that failed, it was necessary to pay at least 20 million Fil in advance.

「I understand that. But in the past year, we’ve become stronger. And we’re also reasonably well-known. It isn’t profitable to keep on subcontracting in spite of that」

「Well, I understand how you feel, but…」

「That’s why I’ll put up the remaining 7.2 million Fil」


The three of them were shocked again. With their eyes like saucers, it was a bigger reaction than earlier. That was probably natural considering that I had said that I was going to pay the huge sum of 7.2 million Fil personally.

As a matter of fact, it wasn’t an amount I could put up without reserve. That was because there was only a little left of the fortune that I had inherited from Grandfather.

After that incident, the money I had given to the servants to get them back on their feet, and all the costs that I had to bear before I became a Seeker, combined to be quite a large sum.

In particular, following the teachings of Grandfather, I was had a strong fixation on my equipment because the quality of the equipment was directly related to my survival rate.

It wasn’t just Silver Flame, my black long coat, which was protective gear, was also an outstanding high-class item. Made from the heart muscle fibers of a Black Dragon, a Beast of depth eight, this coat had high durability and various resistances.

In addition, Skill-books that I could learn Skills from and so forth, I bought all sorts of high-class items when I started out as a Seeker.

「Of course, you’ll have to repay me once the clan is on track. It’s not like I want to give this money away because even for me, when I think about the future, my true intention is that I want to use it in moderation. However, rather than continuing to work as subcontractors, quickly creating our own clan should be more profitable」

Besides, if I put the three of them in my debt here, the matter of me becoming the leader would likely be accepted smoothly. I did feel that it was underhanded, but it was for the sake of fulfilling my ambitions.

「What about the base? In order for the creation of a clan to be approved, we’ll need to have a building within the imperial capital that can serve as its base. The land prices within the imperial capital are high. Even if we rent, the monthly rent will be by no means negligible」

「Don’t worry, I know a place that we can rent cheaply」

「Really? No, but…」

Perhaps she couldn’t bear to see Lloyd be troubled, Tania cut into the conversation.

「Noel, I know that you’re serious, but you mustn’t be impatient. As we are now, even if we forcibly create a clan, I don’t think we can manage it properly」


「Why, you say……we’re still novices, you know? Our Jobs are C Rank and we’re also young. I’m seventeen, Lloyd and Walter are eighteen, and you’re sixteen. We may be adults in terms of our age, but in society, we’re still children. No matter how strong we are, we can’t possibly do well」


「No, like I said…」

I stopped Tania, who was trying to persuade me.

What Tania said wasn’t wrong. But it also wasn’t right. It was a run-of-the-mill opinion. An opinion that neither helped nor hurt, was useless.

「In that case, when is the best time for it? How many years will it take until you become sure that you can manage it properly? What assurances do you have of success? As long as we don’t create a clan, no matter how much time passes, we’ll remain beginners at clan management, you know?」


「At the very least, while working as a Seeker, I studied about clans all the time. I have all of the necessary knowledge. But I don’t believe that we can succeed with that alone. What’s needed is the genuine experience that can only be gotten from actually managing a clan. That’s not something that we can acquire in our lives if we stay at a standstill」

「U, uh……」

Tania tried to argue, but it seemed like she was at a loss. Unable to bear it, she glanced at Lloyd for help. What a close couple.

「……Noel has a point there. We can’t gain experience unless we actually give it a go. But the Abyss-related jobs, which are the most profitable, are managed by the country. If the country makes light of us because of our youth, won’t we be unable to get jobs even if we create a clan?」

「It’s the opposite, Lloyd. We’ll get the good jobs precisely because we’re young」

「What do you mean?」

「We’re young and good-looking. That’s very important」

「I don’t quite understand what you’re saying though……」

Lloyd tilted his head. The other two were the same. They looked like they didn’t understand anything. I looked over these three people again.

The leader and Swordsman, Lloyd.josei

A lady’s man characterized by his burning red hair. His attractive face stood out from the crowd of rough Seekers. He was tall, had a lean but well-trained body, and his every move was dignified and elegant.

Because of that, he was a Seeker who was popular with women. If I remembered correctly, he was ranked eighth in the『Men you’d like to hook up with in the imperial capital』rankings despite being a newcomer.

The Healer, Tania.

A beautiful woman with a gentle features, and shiny, well-maintained long blonde hair. She was mild-mannered and likable. Coupled with the Job of Healer, just by smiling quietly, men felt from her the divinity of a holy maiden.

Also, ample breasts. They were big enough to be seen even when wearing loose robes, so most men had their gaze riveted there. She was also a Seeker popular with the opposite sex.

The Warrior, Walter.

He was tall and muscular. He was the type to not care too much about his appearance, and even his short black hair was crudely cut by himself, but his face was well chiseled and he exuded a wild appeal.

However, in Walter’s case, rather than the opposite sex, he was more popular with those of the same sex. Those kinds that sweatily competed muscles with him and even some perverts that were aiming for his ass.

Finally, me, the Talker, Noel.

I had inherited the appearance of my mother, who had been praised as a beauty, so I was easy on the eyes. Thank you Mum, for giving me a handsome face.

「The country encourages people to be Seekers」

The three of them leaned closer as I continued talking.

「In other words, it wants a large number of its citizens to become Seekers. Now, if we were youths who have dreams of being Seekers, what type of Seeker would we come to admire? Naturally, those that are strong. After that, irreproachable conduct? Yeah, I suppose there’s that too. But what’s more important than those, is glamour that can be seen at a glance」

「I see…… So that’s what you meant……」

Lloyd seemed to have realized what I was trying to say. He smiled wryly while stroking his chin.

「That’s right, we look glamorous by being young and good looking. After all, famous Seekers are idols. If a person is not only strong, but also young and good looking, it’ll probably be easy for the country to prop that person up like a billboard」

「In other words, we’ll be given preferential treatment because we’re young and good looking?」

Walter asked, looking quite sober. I nodded.

Even Grandfather, who was still well-known as Over Death nowadays, was tough looking, but definitely not ugly. His fashion sense was good and his face became affable when he smiled. According to him, Grandmother loved his smile.

Well, that’s a trivial story.

「Of course, in order to be given preferential treatment, real ability is also important. But clans that are actually successful are, more often than not, blessed with beautiful-looking members」

「I won’t deny that that aspect of being a Seeker exists. My aspirations were brought about by my admiration for a certain Healer after all. But……I can’t put it into words well, but……I can’t come to like that way of doing things that feels like I’m selling myself by doing that……」

It appeared that Tania understood, but was unable to accept it.

「Are the other two of you also of the same opinion?」

「I’m in favor of it」

Walter was the one who had approved. He crossed his arms and laughed boldly.

「I’ve gotten quite tired of subcontracting work too. Let’s quickly create a clan. If I can earn more money than ever before, then I can drink as much good liquor as I want and even sleep with as many good women as I like. Ha, isn’t it nothing but good things?」

「Hang on, Walter! Don’t joke around when we’re having a serious conversation!」

Tania turned up her eyebrows but Walter wasn’t kidding and was unabashed about it.

「I’m serious, Tania. Status, fame, money, what’s wrong with wanting such things? Even you, though there is a difference in degree, are something like that to me」

「Th, that’s……」

「Or, what? Will you be my woman instead? If that’s the case—」


Lloyd hit the table with a furious expression. Someone was making a pass at his woman right in front of his eyes. No matter how elegant and well-mannered he was, it was natural for him to get angry.

「I’m kidding, it’s a joke. Don’t get angry, Leader」

Lloyd sighed at Walter’s flippant tone.

As I thought, there shouldn’t be romance within the party. Like what had just happened, it would only become a source of trouble. Tania also became completely quiet because she was feeling awkward.

Even so, to think that Tania was a woman Walter wanted more than status, fame and money. Despite his appearance, he was a pure-hearted romantic.

「But I’m serious about the matter of the clan though」

Neither Lloyd nor Tania argued with Walter.

「With that, it’s two to one. Lloyd, tell us what you think as the leader」

「It’s complicated…… No matter what, you want to create a clan immediately?」

「Sorry, but for this alone, I’ve no intention of compromising. If you say that you really want to defer this to some undetermined point in the future, then return my share of the party funds. I’ll quit the party」

When I made that clear, not just Lloyd, everyone had a startled expression.

「……Noel, no matter how you put it, isn’t that unreasonable?」

「I won’t deny that I’m being unreasonable. However, rather than running in place meaninglessly, I believe that I should take a separate path even if I’m reviled by all of you. I should have said it as well when we formed the party. That I have a dream. A dream of becoming a Seeker that surpasses the esteemed Over Death」

「A dream, huh……」

Lloyd thought it over for a while, and eventually, he spoke slowly.

「Understood. Let’s create a clan」

「Lloyd, are you serious!?」

Lloyd’s decision triggered an outburst from Tania. She must have thought that he wouldn’t agree.

「In any case, we’ll have to create a clan sooner or later」

「B, but……」

Lloyd smiled gently at Tania who was refusing to back down.

That’s strange…… There was no concrete reason for it, but I couldn’t help but be bothered by that exchange.



「My decision as the leader is as I’ve said. You have no complaints with it, I assume?」

「Yeah, I'm glad that you understand. So, when do we go over the details?」

「……How about at lunch, the day after tomorrow? Let’s talk after we’ve gotten the alcohol and fatigue out of our systems」

「Got it, lunch, the day after tomorrow. I’ll go to your lodgings」

With that, the celebration, which had ran on a little longer than usual, dispersed in a somber mood.

And, that was Blue Beyond’s final celebration.

(//∇//) Seriously, that last sentence in Walter’s description… I tried so hard but I couldn’t find a way to phrase it that I was satisfied with so I ended up giving it to you straight. (*´-`)

Ooo, that last line, foreshadowing!! Are good times coming to an end? The story is finally getting into gear. (ᵔᴥᵔ)

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