The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Drag Queen Returns

One week had passed since that party.

As I had expected, public opinion was leaning towards Hugo, and the government was devising countermeasures for that. A citizens’ assembly had been formed as well, and was led by Count Leicester Graham.

Of course, that was on my instructions. I kept in close contact with Leicester to make sure that he followed the script that I had written, and to ensure that I would be immediately apprised of any information obtained on Leicester’s side.

The current situation was also convenient for Leicester, so the possibility of him betraying me was low, and he was an idiot anyways. I couldn’t trust him an inch.

Even if he had no intention of betraying me, there was still a possibility that he would take selfish actions that were harmful to me. To prevent that from happening, it was necessary to keep track of his movements, at least until my objectives were met.

The source of the problem, the Justice Department, held a press conference, but only ended up turning public sentiment increasingly against them. Judicial injustice could destroy the foundations of society. Everyone knew the dangers of the protectors of the law disregarding the law.

Although it hadn’t been announced yet, it had already been decided that the current Minister would be dismissed, and the plan was to install the next Minister when Leicester was reinstated.

Hugo would probably be released only after they had settled such personnel decisions.

Although the truth had just been revealed and public opinion was calling for Hugo to be released, the government didn’t release Hugo immediately because they feared that he would join up with the citizens’ assembly.

Even if Hugo had no intention of doing so, if Hugo, who was currently the talk of the town, was used to incite public sentiment against the government, it could lead to any number of attacks against the government. The government, fearing that secret agents of other countries would take advantage of this, couldn’t release him immediately even if he was likely completely innocent.

At present, Hugo was being held in custody under the pretext of waiting for his retrial. The Justice Department's wrongdoings had been revealed, but Hugo's complete innocence had not yet been proven as the true culprit had not been caught.

However, with Hugo still in custody, the matter couldn’t be brought to a close. Thus, it wasn’t surprising that the government was thinking of resolving the problem quickly.

Consequently, the government tried to bring the situation under control by negotiating with Leicester, the representative of the citizens’ assembly, and promising him the post of Minister. If Leicester, the representative of the citizens’ assembly, were to become the new Minister and release Hugo under his authority, it would demonstrate that the new regime was clean. In other words, they could eliminate the distrust felt by the citizens. --That was their plan.

Inferring from the state of affairs within the government, Leicester would probably become the new Minister a month from now. The current Minister belonged to high nobility. Regardless of the reason, the government needed to make the necessary preparations before they could replace him, especially if they were going to judge him as a criminal. The government would not take any actions until those preparations were complete.

In other words, Hugo’s release would also be a month from now.

「--Of course, that’s only if I leave things alone and don’t do anything」

In the clan house's office, I said that while sitting in a chair. Everyone had gathered in the office. At my words, Kouga tilted his head.

「We know who the true culprit is, right? In that case, why don’t we just catch him and present him to the military police? If the true culprit is caught, everyone will acknowledge Hugo’s innocence. They’ll probably lose their reason for keeping him detained」

As Kouga said, the pretext for keeping Hugo in custody was that he was awaiting retrial, so he would be released if the true culprit was caught.


「Kouga is really stupid」

While leaning against the wall, Alma spoke mockingly.

「We’re able to force Leicester, who’s backed by Noel, in as the new Minister only because we’re keeping the identity of the true culprit a secret. If we handed over the true culprit and the case got completely resolved speedily, Hugo would be released, but we wouldn’t have been able to create the current situation. In other words, it would have been less beneficial to us」

「W, well, that's true, but……」

「This good-for-nothing. Start over as a sperm」

「Th, there’s no need to insult me, right!?」

As the two of them went at it again, I heaved a sigh.

「Certainly, our main purpose is to clear Hugo's name and make him our ally. But considering what’s to come, I want to take full advantage of everything I can」

「If we don’t free Hugo quickly, wouldn’t the government change their mind and assassinate him?」josei

When Leon asked worriedly, I shook my head.

「There will be no assassinations by the government. If he dies for whatever reason in prison, public sentiment would erupt and things would get out of hand. Besides, everyone who works in the prison that Hugo is detained in is under my influence. According to what they said, it appears that they're trying to win him over by waiting on him hand and foot. Hehehe, if it became public that he was treated inhumanely after being falsely accused, then they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves against attacks or criticisms. Although it’s a bit late, they probably want to win back his trust」

「Then it's fine, but……」

Leon was satisfied, but his expression remained gloomy.

「In that case, you're still carrying out『that strategy』, right?」

「Yes. The preparations have already been completed」

When I nodded, Leon grimaced.

「......Are you going to do it no matter what?」

「Yes. It's already been decided. Don't worry, it'll definitely turn out well」

「N, no, I'm not worried about whether or not it will turn out well, but in the first place, that strategy is far too…………Owwww, my stomach!」

Leon, who had began to suffer from stomach pains, hurriedly took some medicine from his medical pouch and drank it.

「What a faint-hearted guy」

「……Noel is just too stout-hearted」

As Kouga muttered in amazement, the sounds of horses could be heard from outside.

「Noel, you have a visitor」

Alma, who was looking out the window, grinned.

「Just as Noel predicted, Finocchio Bargini came」

Finocchio, who had arrived in his carriage, was received by the three of them, and shown into the office. Following my instructions, the three of them then waited outside the room. The only people in the room were Finocchio and me.

「……Long time no see, Noel. I’m glad to see that you’re looking well」

Finocchio, who was wearing garish purple clothes, smiled, but his eyes were cold and dark.

「You know why I’m here, don’t you?」

「Let’s see…… Isn't it to deepen our friendship?」

When I feigned ignorance, Finocchio snorted in displeasure.

「Don’t play the innocent with me. Snake, was it? It suits you perfectly. ……You’ve known about it for some time, right? The intimate relationship between my Family and the true culprit behind Hugo's case」

My face split into a wide smile.

「Andreas Hoger, the president of the Hoger merchant company」

That was the identity of the true culprit that we had ascertained at that party.

The Hoger merchant company was one of the largest conglomerates in the Empire, but its history was relatively short. It grew rapidly after the current president took over, and was even able to form an intimate relationship with the Luciano family, the ruler of the dark underbelly of the Empire.

After finding out that Andreas was the true culprit, I asked Loki to investigate him thoroughly once more. What he discovered as a result was the smuggling of Beast materials to other countries. Moreover, it wasn’t just the materials that were being smuggled to other countries, but the inventions and research information derived from them as well.

For the countries that had prospered because of the advent of the Magical Tools civilization, the benefits provided by the Beast materials were priceless. Therefore, the punishment for smuggling and leaking of information was severe. But it was also the truth that a lot of money could be made precisely because the punishment was severe.

In the first place, the wealthy person killed in Hugo's case was Andreas’ competitor. It was an obvious fact that the number of rivals would increase when a business expanded its operations. That wealthy person also had many business rivals other than Andreas.

However, the wealthy person in question appeared to have to caught wind of Andreas' crimes and was blackmailing him. That was a newly uncovered fact from the re-investigation into Andreas after he had been ascertained to be the true culprit.

「Andreas killed a rival that was in his way, and made Hugo take the fall for the crime. And the truth that should have been buried in darkness is now in my hands. For the Luciano family, who has an intimate relationship with Andreas, it's probably a problem that they want to deal with by any means necessary」

While looking Finocchio in the eye, I continued.

「Therefore, I knew from the start that you would come. After all, you have a strike against you for letting me go that time」

Finocchio gave a troubled laugh.

「Other than your face, you’re really not cute at all. So, everything is in the palm of your hand? ......But it’s exactly as you’ve said. I let you go, knowing full well that you would eventually bring disaster to the Family. I have to take responsibility for that」

Finocchio shook his head as if dismayed, then his expression changed.

「Andreas is an important client of our Family. So long as he is in trouble, I cannot let it pass. So, choose, Noel. Either wash your hands of this case or be killed by me. Your answer can only be one of the two」

Suddenly, I felt something wrong with my body. Magic power that didn’t belong to me was being poured into my body. The scene where Finocchio had gouged out my heart flashed across my mind.

Punishment Skill: Judgment

An instant-death Skill specialized against people that Finocchio, a Punisher, an A Rank Job of the Scout series, had used on me before. If I rejected Finocchio’s requests twice in a row, my heart would be forcibly gouged out.

The reason why Finocchio's magic power was being poured into me was probably because he had activated that Skill. In the past, I hadn't even detected anything unusual, but it was different now that I had ranked up. However, I suppose I still wasn’t at the level where I could resist it.

「That’s unsettling. I'm so scared that I'm going to pee myself」

「Stop the stupid jokes. I’m not in the mood for that」

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Finocchio's ice-cold expression.

「What happened to the Mad Pierrot character? Your expression is just like a hospital receptionist’s. You don’t look like you’re having fun at all, you know?」

「Even though I lead an insolent and self-centered life, I’ll fulfill the role that I must fulfill. ……I wonder if that’s what it means to be a man」

Finocchio glared at me as he spoke in a low voice that was almost a growl.

「Indeed, that makes sense. As expected from Finocchio Bargini. You’re different from small fry like Albert. You're a real man」

I couldn’t bring myself to hate this drag queen after all. In fact, I even found him likable.

「Finocchio, I'm different from that time. If you’re really thinking of killing me, you’ll die. With one shout from me, the three people waiting outside will rush in all at once」

「I’m sure they would. You’ve gathered a wonderful group of allies. Even if I’m A Rank, I won’t get away with it if I fought the four of you. But, so what? Do you think that this Finocchio is afraid of dying? Huhh!?」

「No way! You’re a real man. I know that you won’t hesitate to give up your life if necessary. But don’t you think that it’s foolish for us to kill each other like this? Is Andreas someone who is worth putting your life on the line for?」

When I asked, Finocchio shook his head.

「I’m not putting my life on the line for Andreas. It’s for the Family. Too bad, Noel. Such cheap words won’t reach me. Now, it’s time for you to give me your answer. Yes or no」

「For the Family, huh? What fierce loyalty. But you're mistaken, Finocchio. If you really have the interest of the Family at heart, you should cut Andreas off」

「Using your forte, your verbal skills? Like I said, such words--」

With my hand, I forestalled Finocchio, who had pulled himself up, and took out a dossier of documents from my desk drawer. Then, I handed it to Finocchio.

「What's this? …………Huhh!? A battle tournament targeted at Seekers!? Wait, what the heck is this!?」

Looking at the cover of the dossier, Finocchio shouted in surprise.

「The plan is exactly as you’ve read. I will hold a battle tournament in the imperial capital. It's not an underground tournament where only second-rate participants gather. It will be the first official Seeker battle tournament in the Empire. You’re probably aware of its value, right?」

「I, I’m aware. A Seeker’s main occupation is hunting Beasts. A battle tournament itself is a plan that has been tried before, but there were no participants as everyone was afraid of damaging their bodies. Therefore, if you manage to hold one, the resulting economic impact will be tremendous as it’ll be the first of its kind. B, but it's impossible! There’s no way anyone will participate!」

「It’ll be fine as long as I adjust the rules properly. The details are summarized in the documents, so please read them carefully later. Besides, an extraordinary big-shot has already declared himself a participant. He is that Sieg Feinstein, sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, and one of the very few EX Ranks in the imperial capital」

I showed him the letter of intent signed by Sieg.

「Sieg Feinstein!? S, seriously? ……You can’t be serious. Wait, ehhh…… H, how did you manage to persuade that strongest Seeker? Un, unbelievable……」

I smiled at the stunned Finocchio.

「How is it? Doesn’t it seem like my plan has a real chance of coming to fruition?」

「No, but…… something like this……」

「Supposing that it’s what you want, I can let you take part in the plan. No, I’ll leave it to you to manage everything. And you should make it a regular event. I wonder how much money you will get when that happens? At the very least, it will likely be an amount of money that will completely outstrip the amount that can be gotten from your relationship with Andreas. Even if all the money from past to future is added up, it won’t even come close」

「Th, that's……」

I piled on the pressure on the wavering Finocchio.

「Finocchio, using that money, become the new Head of the Luciano family. You'll rule the Luciano family」

「Huhh!? Wh, what did you say!?」

「Whoa, there’s no need to be surprised, right? You're a direct affiliate of the Luciano family. You may indeed be no match for the sub-leader of the main Family, but you're one of the candidates to be the heir. There shouldn’t be any problems even if you become the new Head of the Luciano family, isn’t that right?」

「Th, that's right, but…… I also have circumstances of my own to consider……」

「So indecisive……」

I got up, walked up to Finocchio, and looked up at his face. Our respective positions were exactly the same as that time.

「My King is only me. I won't be tied down by anyone」

「Y, you……」

「Finocchio, become the Head of the Luciano family and rule the underworld of the Empire. And I’ll become the 1st Star in Regalia, and become the man with the most prestige and authority in normal society. In other words, if we work hand in hand, this Empire will effectively be ours」

Finocchio’s face turned pale, and he took a step back.

「......Are you planning on usurping the throne?」

「Don't get me wrong. I'm not interested in the Emperor's chair. All I want is the position of the strongest that everyone will acknowledge. Didn't you also say it? --『If the man who made me yield in a battle of courage meets his end before reaching the peak, I’ll never forgive him』. This is precisely the path to the peak」

Finocchio took another step back when I returned to him what he had said, word for word.

「Even so, the things that you're saying are preposterous…… You’re not right in the head……」

「Finocchio, two steps」

「H, huhh?」

「At that time, you took one step back. It’s two steps this time. How far are you going to back down next time? Is a man like you always going to end up getting cold feet in this way?」

「Y, you, you stupid brat! Saying whatever you please!!!」

Finocchio was enraged and brimming with killing intent. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to behead me this very instant. But I didn't flinch, and kept my eyes unwaveringly fixed on his.

「Choose, Finocchio Bargini. No, Mad Pierrot. Will you die for Andreas, or will you reach the peak with me? Your answer can only be one of the two. --Come on, choose! Tell me your answer as a man!!!」

「Gu, guhhh…………」

Finocchio’s face twisted, looking mortified.

But I was confident. --That he had fallen.

Inside the carriage, which was on its way back, Finocchio was at the height of anger.

「So infuriating, so infuriating, he’s so infuriating~~~!!!」

The underling sighed as Finocchio stamped his feet in frustration inside the carriage.

「Mistress, please stop rampaging inside the carriage. It’s immodest」

「Shut up! I got it, okay!? But it can't be helped because he so infuriating, you know!? That stupid brat that I can’t tell whether he has a pecker or not called this Finocchio worthless! What the heck do you mean, tell me your answer as a man!? Die, go to hell!!!」

「And then you put up a front and ended up accepting, didn’t you? You only have yourself to blame」

「Shut up, idiot!!! Idiot~!!! There’s no way that I can back down after he said things like that, right!? That's right! I said it! I said that I would cooperate!! It’s bad!? Of course I know that it's bad!! It’s all my fault!!! Oh~~~ Dammit!!!」

Finocchio was tearing out his hair out while biting his handkerchief.

「Guyaa~~~!!! Why do I, Finocchio Bargini, have to be treated like a convenient woman~~~!!!???」

「Mistress, like I’ve said, it’s--」

「You! If you say any more than that, I'll seriously beat the shit out of you!!!」

Finocchio glared at the underling with murder in his eyes, then sighed like his soul was escaping.

「……How should I explain this to Papa(Head), I wonder……」

「It should be fine if we keep quiet about it, right? Today’s visit was on our own accord anyways」

「I, I can’t possibly do something like that. For one thing, Papa knows that Noel and me are acquaintances, so I’ll get called out even if I keep quiet about it. Think of something!」

The battle tournament that Noel was planning was certainly attractive, but it was nothing more than a plan at this juncture. It probably wasn’t reason enough to persuade the Head of the main Family.

「In that case, how about holing up at home for the time being? Just lie that you aren’t getting involved with Noel’s case because you’re not feeling well」

「What’s the point of telling such a transparent lie……」

「It’s to buy time. It’s that Snake we’re talking about, so he should have the means of crushing Andreas in place already. Once he does that, even if Mistress didn’t persuade the Head, this case would be settled. And if it was settled without you having to tell anyone about the battle tournament, wouldn’t you be able to monopolize it?」

「B, but, but even if we don’t do anything, the other Families will still target Noel, right?」

When Finocchio tilted his head, the underling smiled cruelly.

「For the assassins from other Families, let’s say that they were killed by Snake, then secretly dispose of their bodies」


Finocchio placed his hand on his cheek and frowned.

「What’s this? Dear me! Isn’t that somewhat frightening? Things like killing people of the same organization…… It's barbaric. I'm scared. What should I do? Something like that is unforgivable」

Finocchio’s words were in the negative, but his heart wasn’t in it, and he sounded completely indifferent. However, his eyes had narrowed in delight.

「Mistress, it should be fine as long as no one finds out. As long as no one finds out」

「Jeez! Bad boy! What kind of parent would bring up a child like this!? I don't know anything! Even if an assassin from another Family dies, it’s surely an accident! An accident! So it’s not my fault~!」

Holding back his laughter, Finocchio looked out the window. The passing scenery should have been the same as it always had been every single day, but for some reason, it looked like it was shining brilliantly today.

「If we work hand in hand, huh…… You’ve become able to say such things, haven’t you?」

If you don’t see a man for three days, was how the saying went, but Noel had undoubtedly grown rapidly. At a speed that greatly surpassed Finocchio’s expectations, a new King was seeing the light of day.

「……It’s what I hoped for. I’ll dance in the palm of your hand」

But while Finocchio had acknowledged him, Noel’s battle was not over yet. It wasn’t just the Luciano Family who had Andreas’ back.

A more horrifying, enigmatic evil was lurking.

「How will you, who is walking the path to hegemony, fight, I wonder? With that『King of Flies』……」

Might be a coincidence, but the last chapter’s title was pretty much a play on the Japanese title for the movie “The Great Gatsby” and this chapter’s is actually “Okama Returns”, a play on “Batman Returns” lol. Btw, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but okama doesn't necessarily mean drag queen(though drag queen=okama). I called Finocchio one because of his description as wearing heavy make-up and pompous clothes. And with that said, I’m SO looking forward to seeing his character design! And he appears fairly early in the story too!

But that sure explained why there had been no repercussions at all from the Luciano Family. Indeed, behind every great man is…… a purple-loving middle-aged okama?! Also, as the heads of Yakuza Families have the role as "parent" to the underlings, Finocchio was essentially making a self-deprecating joke when criticizing the parent that had raised his underling. (^ ^)

Only half of the saying mentioned is there, but one of the possible meanings is: If you don’t see a man for three days, he would have grown by leaps and bounds. The second half of this saying has several variations in Japanese, some talk about growth, some talk about respect, and the reason why it’s so inexact is because this saying was actually adapted from Chinese, and from the fictional series “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.

Leon is becoming the stomach-pains-from-stress character lol, but what is “that strategy”? Do we have more shenanigans from Noel coming even though there’s only 3 chapters left in this Part? Stay tuned!

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