The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Taste of Whiskey

Note: Walter's POV until the middle of the chapter. It’s Noel’s POV after that

「Here, this is your share」

Noel placed the leather pouch containing 70 gold coins — 7 million Fil on the table.

It appeared that the remainder of the money from selling Lloyd and Tania was transferred into Noel’s bank account on the morning of the following day. Walter had been called to a bar for normal people on the outskirts of the imperial capital by Noel to receive his share. He stared at the leather pouch on the table.

Certainly, they had recovered the money. But he wasn’t happy in the least. Whatever the reason might have been, it was money obtained from selling allies.

Having said that, he wasn’t chivalrous enough to spurn it. Walter silently kept the leather pouch in his bag and took a swig of whiskey, an imperial capital specialty.

Walter felt like he couldn’t do anything without drinking. However, he didn’t feel like he was getting drunk, no matter how much he drank. In fact, he had been drinking at home even before he was called by Noel, but his mind had remained clear the entire time.

Walter could no longer tell the taste of this whiskey, which had been his favorite. All the same, he clutched the whiskey as if he couldn’t be without it.

「……What are you planning to do from now on?」

When Walter asked him, Noel answered matter-of-factly.

「First, to fill the hole left by those two. After that, training until the new party clicks and works well together, and if there are no problems in particular, to resume our activities like before」

「Do you think you can fill the hole?」

「Well, it probably won’t be easy. Outstanding talents will already have their own allies. Even if we try to headhunt them, no one likes a half-broken party. So we’ll probably have no choice but to continue recruiting patiently. Until the hole is filled, we can’t go into Abysses, so even if it’s just the two of us, we must find work that–—」

「I’m not asking you about that!」

Walter yelled, knocking the chair over as he stood up.

「There’s no one that can replace Lloyd and Tania! We were Blue Beyond with the four of us! No matter how capable, there’s no substitute for them! Hey, Noel! Is that not true!? Hey!?」

「That’s wrong」

Noel declared without changing his expression.

「To be sure, Lloyd and Tania were outstanding, but not so much that they were irreplaceable. Even though they had talent, they were only C Rank in the end. In this imperial capital, they were a dime a dozen」

「I’ve told you, that’s not what I’m talking about–」

「No, that’s exactly it. Being a Seeker is not child’s play. Making decisions based on feelings and sentiments is the height of stupidity」


Walter had no answer. He was aware that he wasn’t able to make a calm judgment. But, was he really wrong?

「Hmpt, ridiculous」

Noel snorted and had a cruel smile on his lips.

「In the end, you’re just hurt from having seen Tania’s true nature, right? Don’t go overboard with your sentimentality. That person is just that kind of woman」


「Oh, did I make you angry? You must be a rare kind of loyal dog to like taking that kind of shit-talking abuse. In that case, just go buy Tania yourself. That way, she’ll forever be your Tania. You’ll have your happily ever after」


Walter grabbed Noel by his shirt and raised his fist.

But in the end, he couldn’t swing it.

「Why…… Why are you……」

Despite almost being hit by Walter, Noel had the same composed expression as he usually did. Almost as if he was willing to be hit.

No, that was probably it. The emotions swirling around in Walter’s chest that had nowhere to go. Noel was trying to take it.

——If it’ll make you feel better, I can let you punch me once.

Walter couldn’t help realizing Noel’s unspoken true intentions.

「Why… why, why…」

Walter let go and sat back on his chair helplessly.

Noel is younger by 2 years and is at an age where he still hasn’t grown to his full height, so why is he able to conduct himself like this? Just what’s the difference between him and me?

What a small man he would be, compared to Noel. It was so sad that his sobs would have escaped if he didn’t have the whiskey.

「……There’s no way new allies can be found. Where in the world are the idiots who would want to form a party with those who sold their allies into slavery?」

Walter complained almost in a pout, but Noel shook his head.

「Certainly, cowardly people will hate us. But those who are really outstanding should understand that there were mitigating circumstances. Rather, they should evaluate us highly for properly punishing misconduct within the party, instead of letting it pass」

「But most people are repulsed by us. ……Everyone is cowardly after all」

「There’s no point in caring about the rabble. What we really need to be afraid of, rather than creating enemies, is that we can’t find allies. And in order to attract allies, we need to clarify our policy. ——Up-and-coming heel. Hmpt, isn’t that not bad at all? It’s easier to understand than the rabble you can find anywhere」

Noel asserted in a confident tone.

Walter felt that what he had said made sense. After all, Seekers were essentially rough people. No one would follow a weak person. As Noel said, it might be better to be feared as a heel.

「……You’re really strong」

Thinking back, he had been like this since they met. Always calm and never making mistakes. So much so that Walter couldn’t even feel jealous and was impressed instead.

「Unlike me…… I’m…… weak……」

Once it was put into words, it felt natural. It felt like the pride that he had been defiantly defending had melted like ice. It was a calming feeling. That might be the reason. Walter felt like he understood what he should do.

「Are you going to quit being a Seeker?」

As he was wondering how to tell Noel that he had hit the nail on the head, Noel continued.

「Certainly, you lack mental strength. However, there were many battles that we could not have survived without you. No matter what you say, I know your strength. Better than anyone」


「Walter, let’s start fresh once more. Replacing party members is something that isn’t unusual. Once again, you and me, let’s rebuild Blue Beyond. To me, you are necessary」josei

Truthfully, Walter was happy.

He often quarreled with Noel, and had thrown out many words that he didn’t really mean. But he also knew better than anyone that Noel was an amazing Seeker.

Normally, a Buffer was weak. Their buffs were powerful, but the buffer himself had almost no fighting ability.

As a result, there would be a need for someone to constantly protect the Buffer, which limited the party’s movements. In that case, by replacing the Buffer with another Job, the party could then move more flexibly and that increased the chances of winning.

Generally, that was how Buffers were evaluated.

It was story that was often heard in the bar. New Seekers, who lacked knowledge about other Jobs, letting a Buffer join their party, then starting to feel that the Buffer was a burden, and then kicking the Buffer out in the end.

But Noel was different.

Noel, who was a Talker, still lacked combat capabilities. Nonetheless, Walter had never once thought of Noel as useless. Even if his fighting ability was low, he always protected himself, and if anything, he could handle the enemies’ attacks so well that Walter always felt safe attacking while leaving his back to Noel.

One of the reasons for that, was probably because he had received a special education from his grandfather, who was a hero. But more than that, it was because Noel himself had been continuing to work hard tirelessly.

Not limiting himself to only buffs just because he was a Buffer, Noel’s fighting style of extensively searching for ways to contribute to the battle wasn’t something that was easy to imitate, even if you understood what he was doing.

Also, Noel underwent harsh training every day, training that was so hard that most Seekers would throw in the towel before they even did half of his menu. Walter didn’t slack off on training either, but he had no confidence that he could do Noel’s menu every day while also doing Seeker work.

Although it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that a Buffer was the weakest, Noel’s unwavering will was the reason why he had caught the eye of many Seekers, including Walter.

To be needed by such an amazing Seeker, there was no way he didn’t feel happy. Walter held back his tears and conveyed his resolve.

「Sorry, I’m going to quit being a Seeker…… I’m really sorry……」

Walter paid up what he owed at his lodgings and withdrew all of his money in the bank. He also sold all of his equipment and items. The money he had on hand, including the amount collected by Noel, was 9,110,000 Fil.

It was a middling amount, but it was appropriate for him now. If anything, it was more than enough money, considering that it was the result of only one year of hard work.

Walter hadn’t decided what to do after returning to his hometown, but with the 9,110,000 Fil, he had many options. It might not be bad to start a caravan-escorting business using his experience as a Seeker, or better yet, it might be good to make a drastic change of directions and become a bar owner.

He couldn’t make it as a Seeker, but the possibilities before him were endless. There was no longer a need to feel desperate. He could enjoy his life from now on.

Walter knew he should be thinking like that. And yet, his lingering attachment to the imperial capital didn’t fade away.

What would happen to Lloyd and Tania? Could I work at a proper job if all I know how to do, is listen to instructions while I fought?

Running through Walter’s head were such thoughts, thoughts that no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t find answers for. It was when he was waiting for the departure of the stagecoach heading for his hometown in a melancholic mood.


When Walter looked back at the sound of that greeting, he saw Noel.

「What? Did you come to see me off?」

「Yeah, that was my intention」

「Hmm. Well, thanks」

That’s a surprise. To think that this guy would do something like this.

「It’s a farewell gift. Take it」

What Noel handed him, was the imperial capital specialty, Walter’s favorite whiskey.

「You’re giving this to me?」

「You won’t have many chances to drink this back in your hometown, right?」

「Ye, yeah. That’s true……」

「Then I’ve finished what I came to do, so I’m going back. Be well, Walter」

Just like he said, Noel left without looking back. Walter, stunned, watched his back grow smaller, and then squinted at the whiskey in his hand.

「Good grief, I can’t tell at all, whether this guy is compassionate or heartless……」

Though he was mystified, it wasn’t a bad feeling. The dark thoughts that he had from before had just disappeared, and for some reason, he just felt like laughing.

「……Did you know? The person Tania truly loved, was you」

However, there was no space beside Noel for Tania to stand. What Noel wanted, was not a partner in love, but a strong and capable ally.

She knew she would be rejected if she ever voiced her feelings. And while consulting Lloyd about her love problems, the two of them became lovers.

If it was Walter, and not Lloyd, who was consulted, would Tania have chosen Walter? That was impossible to tell. But even then, he would still have been only a substitute for Noel.

「It’s just like you said, Noel. People who can replace us are a dime a dozen. The only one who is different, is you. Only you are special」

Looking purely at talent, Lloyd and Tania, and even Walter were more talented.

But even if this time’s incident had not occurred, the one who would reach the very peak of all Seekers would definitely have been only Noel.

「You were a control tower that we weren’t worthy of」

Walter uncapped the whiskey and took a sip.

「Good luck, Noel. You must definitely become the strongest Seeker. You were……the best friend(comrade)」

The taste of the whiskey, which was as delicious as ever, wet Walter’s cheeks.

「I’m starting everything from square one, aren’t I?」

With Walter quitting, Blue Beyond was as good as dissolved. I could still use its reputation, but its value had almost disappeared.

But, I wasn’t anxious. In the first place, I was the one who had created Blue Beyond. I was the one who gathered those three people and formed the party. So I simply had to do the same thing again.

Of course, I would have to reflect and learn from the mistakes from this time’s incident. It was not good to let others be the leader after all. I had initially thought that it would be fine to leave it to Lloyd, but that notion was a mistake. If I was the leader, this kind of petty incident would definitely not have happened, nor would I have let it.

There was no meaning in indulging in what-ifs, but I deeply regretted letting such outstanding talents go to waste. I could make any number of excuses, like I was naive or that I was inexperienced, but what was gone would never return.

I would do better next time. I won’t make the same mistakes again.


I stopped in a deserted alley.

「Isn’t it about time you came out?」

As if my words were an invitation, four men appeared. They were familiar faces —— it was the unshaven man’s party. They had been following me and had drawn their weapons when they came out.

「Even though you’ve already received your reward, was there something else you needed?」

At my question, the unshaven man gave a vulgar smile.

「Looks like you’ve been forsaken by Walter. Serves you right, and now you’re all alone」

In other words, they thought that now would be a good time to take revenge for being mocked. Fools. They’re so foolish that I can’t even laugh. These people are so retarded, they make me feel nauseous.

「Just one question」


「Why didn’t you gather more people? I’m sure you have acquaintances outside of your party, right?」

「For someone like you, four of us is plenty. It doesn’t matter even if you know some Yakuza. I’ll make sure to tear up that pretty face of yours and leave you floating in a canal」

Four is plenty, huh. To put it another way, that means that they know that they can’t beat me one-on-one.

While they derided me for being the weakest, to be unable to fight me unless they’re in a group, they have such splendid pride. They’re so cool that if I were them, I would kill myself.

To make matters worse, they had unfortunately miscalculated.

「With you guys’ strength, you can’t win even if you gather ten times your number」

「The likes of a Talker shouldn’t run your mouth. I’ll make you regret that complacency of yours」

You can smirk triumphantly all you want, but the ones being complacent are you guys.

The unshaven man is most likely thinking that I’ll rely on Stun Howl. As a countermeasure, his ally, the Mage, must have used a Skill that prevents debuffs. I can tell quite clearly that he’s being complacent by thinking that he can win as long as he can defend against Stun Howl.

What a bunch of fools. I’ll teach your bodies which of us will be the one to regret it.

「Kukuku, don’t act tough. Even you guys know that you can’t win against me, am I right? That’s why I’ll give you guys a handicap. I’ll fight you with my eyes closed」

「What did you say!?」

「Come on, what’s wrong? Hurry up and come get me, you bunch of small fry」

When I closed my eyes like I said and beckoned at them, the unshaven man’s party all roared with rage unanimously.

「He’s messing with us! Kill him!」

The instant the men’s judgment had been dulled by my provocations, I took out a flash grenade from my coat and threw it in front of them.

「Wha!? Gyaaa!!」

The strong flash of light burned the eyes of everyone but me, who had my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and delivered a right straight into each person’s chest.

「Guuu!? ……uuu」

It was only one hit, but that one hit knocked everyone out. By delivering a blunt impact into the area directly over the heart, I could disrupt the heart’s rhythm and cause them to lose consciousness.

「I won’t kill you because we’re in the middle of the city. Instead—–」

I drew my knife and cut off the right ear of everyone, who were all unconscious.

「Could you help me advertise using that ear? Let people know what happens when someone messes with me」

Leaving the unshaven man’s party, who had all become more good-looking, I headed for the exit of the alley.

Along the way, I found something unusual.

「A snake’s shedded skin」

Unlike outside the city, it wasn’t something that could be seen very often within the city. It had probably been brought in as a pet or for food, escaped from somewhere and now lived in the sewer.

「……So, in order to evolve, it needed to shed its skin」

Snakes have to shed their old scales to get stronger scales. It’s the same for Blue Beyond as well. The old scales are gone. I’ll obtain new, stronger scales from now on.

「Blue Beyond is born again. Today, on this day」

Well.. It's sad… but author already set it up in chapter 4 that Walter will leave.

Still, the thing with the taste of the whiskey only coming back at the end, then the old-school double meaning: written as comrade, read as friend, and finally the end scene where Walter sheds manly tears without it being explicitly written…

That 3 hit combo really brought the onion chopping ninjas again.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And thanks to one of the commenters on my site, I was informed that the name of the star(?) of the previous chapter, Finocchio, is an Italian slang for a gay man. It’s derogatory though so please don’t use it. (ーー;)

(edit) There used to be a bio for Noel here, but it's been removed as that's what the author of WN did. I'm just noting it here because I'm pretty sure I referred to this bio somewhere and people may wonder what I was talking about lol.

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