The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Befriending a Master?

Wu Baiyu fell to the ground and passed out.

There was silence in the hall.

Whether it was the Jin family’s crowd or Li Xiaomo, they were all dumbfounded, they were looking at Fang Yu at this point.

What they had just witnessed was far too shocking.

At this moment, no one noticed that the broken pieces of the Ghost Mask that had fallen at Fang Yu’s feet actually emitted a burst of black Qi.

These black qi condensed into a ball in the air again, rushing towards a middle-aged man standing next to him.

The man’s face changed dramatically and he let out a scream.

But as soon as his voice was uttered, this wisp of black smoke entered through the top of his head.

Then, the man’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes became strangely white.

A moment later, he let out a scream, his body twisted and suddenly stiffened in place.

Blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears at the same time……

It’s bleeding! Die a violent death!

Seeing this, the others present were shrieking and trembling with fear!

Fang Yu didn’t expect that after shattering the mask, this grievous spirit would actually be able to coalesce again.

After the man’s violent death, this grievous spirit came out of the man’s head and flew to another person again!

This unjust spirit is frantically searching for a suitable body! It needed to get a body that could withstand the power of its soul!

But the vast majority of those present were mortals who simply couldn’t withstand the power of this unjust spirit.

As soon as it entered their bodies, the original soul of their flesh would be torn apart. And their flesh would instantly lose its life force due to the unjust spirit’s overly powerful power.

The hall was screaming, and everyone was afraid of becoming the next target of this unjust spirit.

Fang Yu stared at the unjust souls scurrying in the air and was about to strike.

But then, as if it had discovered something, the unjust spirit rushed towards a little girl.

In the next second, it burrowed through the little girl’s head!

“Jia Ru!” Jin De Yuan, who was pale next to him, shouted.

The little girl was about five or six years old, very cute, with a pair of large, watery eyes and black eyeballs that dripped around.

At this time she looked dazed, looking up at her father who was almost crying.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?” She opened her mouth to ask.


Fang Yu’s eyes changed slightly as he looked at the little girl.

After that thousand year old spirit of injustice entered the little girl’s body, the little girl is actually fine?

The younger you are, the more fragile your soul is, and the more so your body.

According to common sense, when the spirit of the thousand-year injustice entered the little girl’s body, the girl’s soul would instantly dissipate and her body would explode.

But she didn’t react at all?


Fang Yu looked at the little girl, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He quickly stepped forward and pressed his hand on the little girl’s head.

A creepy scream once again sounded from the little girl’s body.

Jin De Yuan, who was on the side, looked at Fang Yu nervously, trembling all over.

Fang Yu’s hand slowly lifted upwards.

That unjust soul, was forcefully pulled out of the little girl’s body by Fang Yu!

The black smoke that the unjust souls turned into appeared under Fang Yu’s palm, twisting unceasingly, trying to break free of Fang Yu’s restraints.

“Don’t try to run away this time.” Fang Yu turned his hand back and fiercely ignited pale red True Qi in his hand.


A burning sound sounded, accompanied by a miserable scream.

This thousand year old wronged soul was burned in Fang Yu’s hands, sending up a burst of white smoke……

Only after a dozen seconds did the screams that resounded through the hall disappear.

This thousand year old spirit of injustice, completely scattered, never to be reborn in eternity.

The little girl looked up at Fang Yu, her eyes still dazed.

Jin De Yuan, who was on the side, saw that his daughter was fine, and excitedly hugged her up, while gratefully saying to Fang Yu, “Thank you, Master……”

Fang Yu ignored Jin De Yuan and instead walked over to Wu Baiyu who had fallen a short distance away, crouched down and slapped Wu Baiyu’s face, waking up the unconscious Wu Baiyu.

Wu Baiyu saw Fang Yu in front of her.

There was only fear in his eyes.

“I heard that you have many demon beast inner pills in your hands.” Fang Yu said.

Wu Baiyu’s face changed slightly, then his eyes brightened with hope, nodded repeatedly and said, “I have twenty-three Demon Beast Nectar…… only in my hand, if you let me live, I’ll give you all the Demon Beast Nectar.”

“Deal.” Fang Yu smiled.

Wu Baiyu was incomparably pained, after all, these twenty-three demon beast inner pills, he had planned to sell them to the auction house and make at least tens of millions of dollars, but now he could only hand them over for nothing.

But in front of life, money was nothing at all.

As long as he could save his life, sooner or later he would get that money back on Fang Yu and make him pay for what he had done today!

Thinking so, Wu Baiyu was in a much better mood.

He took out a storage pouch from his waist, and when he circulated his True Qi, he took out a wooden box, which contained twenty-three Demon Beast Inner Pills.

Fang Yu received the wooden box and opened it, his eyes brightened.

Although they were all low grade Demon Beast Inner Pills of two or three stages, they were more than enough.

At the same time, Fang Yu also noticed the storage bag in Wu Baiyu’s hand.

He hadn’t seen this for a long time.

Three thousand years ago, storage bags were considered the most elementary magic treasures, and almost every monk had one in his hand.

But nowadays, storage bags had also become rare and precious, quite rare.

“Give me this storage bag as well.” Fang Yu said.

Wu Baiyu’s face changed.

This storage bag was a priceless treasure in his heart, which he had spent a huge amount of manpower and resources to obtain from a Western merchant.

But as soon as he came into contact with Fang Yu’s icy gaze, the thought in his heart was gone.

He knew that now he was not qualified to bargain with Fang Yu.

“……No problem.” With a decrepit face, Wu Baiyu handed over the storage bag to Fang Yu as well.

“Good.” Fang Yu received the storage bag with a smile.

In Wu Baiyu’s heart, however, he was incomparably resentful.

Once he returned to the clan, he would make sure to have the clan leader bring the great elders with him and come together to seek revenge on Fang Yu!

Everything he lost today, he wants it all back!

At this time, Fang Yu put his right hand on the top of Wu Baiyu’s head.

“What do you want!?” Wu Baiyu’s face changed dramatically and said.

“Don’t worry, if I say I won’t kill you, I won’t kill you. However, there is still no less punishment.” Fang Yu said indifferently, a red mane appearing in his hand.

Wu Baiyu only felt the cultivation in his body, slowly disappearing.

His realm, from half-step Ancestor, slowly descended to Innate Tenth Stage, Eight Stage, Five Stage, and a paragraph …… straight to complete disappearance!

His dantian became empty, and the results he had cultivated for decades were gone!

“This, what is this means……”

Wu Baiyu’s face was bloodless, and he only felt blackness before his eyes, almost fainting.

Fang Yu stood up, glanced at Wu Baiyu, and said, “Go back and tell your clan members not to provoke me again, or else I don’t mind going to the southwest and wiping out your nest.”


Li Xiaomo was still sitting on the ground, staring blankly at Fang Yu who walked in front of him.

“Good harvest today, I am going back.” Fang Yu said.

“…… Oh.” Li Xiaomo stood up, but her legs were still a little soft, stumbled and almost fell over, quickly hugged Fang Yu’s arms.

“Are you that scared?” Fang Yu looked at Li Xiaomo and said.

Li Xiaomo quickly let go of Fang Yu’s arm, her cheeks reddened slightly, and said, “Yes, I’m sorry, Mr. Fang……”

Seeing that Fang Yu was about to leave, Jin De Yuan hurriedly brought the little girl to Fang Yu and gave him a curtsy bow.

The other Jin family members, following behind Jin De Yuan, bowed to Fang Yu together.

Without Fang Yu, with so many of them present today, the odds were stacked against them!

“Thank you Master for your help, or my daughter’s little life would have been in danger……”josei

He bowed first to Fang Yu, and then to Li Xiaomo.

“Miss Knight, thank you for bringing this master, our Jin family has nothing to repay ……”

Li Xiaomo was busy waving her hand, she had told Jin De Yuan that she would come to the Jin family, but the purpose was only to buy the twenty or so Demon Beast Inner Pills in Wu Baiyu’s hands.

That things would develop to this point, she hadn’t expected it at all.

Fang Yu looked at the little girl and said, “Her talent is outstanding, and her physique is even one in a million innate spirits, I suggest you send her to cultivate the martial art, with her physique, the future is unlimited.”

Jin De Yuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Fang Yu, excitedly unable to speak clearly, “Da, Master …… you, is what you said true?”

“Hmm.” Fang Yu nodded his head.

Jin De Yuan immediately knelt down and shouted to the little girl beside him, “Jia Ru, kneel down and worship your master!”

Fang Yu frowned slightly and was about to speak.

“Master, please take my daughter as your disciple! Our Jin family is willing to submit to you, as long as you have something to command ……” Jin De Yuan kowtowed to Fang Yu.

Jin Jia Ru, who was on the side, followed suit and also knelt down to Fang Yu.

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