The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: some problems

The next day, Jun Changxiao led Lu Qianqian, Li Qingyang and the others to Qingyang City. 

Xiao Zuiji followed them, the Type 88 carried on his back and wrapped in black cloth, giving off a very mysterious feeling. 

“A sniper must constantly pay attention to their surroundings, they cannot relax in the slightest,” Jun Changxiao lectured. 


Xiao Zuiji was absolutely vigilant on the way.

Even if a hare ran through a patch of thick grass, he would still spot it almost immediately.

He had accepted the occupation of a sniper, but lacked the bullets to conduct training. 

Talent was no doubt important, but to truly achieve the ability to hit the target without fail, he needed real bullets and more practice.

After several hours.

The group arrived in Qingyang City. 

As they arrived, they captured the attention of the people. Those ridiculing and loathing looks had been replaced by respect and awe. 

These days, regarding the Ironbone Sect’s performance, it had already gained the approval of the masses. 

It was just as Jun Changxiao said: people liked to follow others. When you were weak, anyone felt like they could trample upon you. Yet when you were strong, they were willing to kneel and lick your feet. 

“Where to verify sect rank?”

“In the southern part of the city.”

Along the streets of the southern part, Jun Changxiao led his disciples to a stop before the building with a ‘Sect Certification Pavilion’ hanging on it.

“The Ironbone Sect is here?”

“Are they here to verify sect rank?”

“Although Sect Head Jun defeated the Long Sabre Gate’s leader in the Grievances Stage, individual strength is not enough. The disciples must also be strong to pass promotion.”

“The Sect Certification Pavilion and the Hundred Sects Alliance had some cooperation. Since the Ironbone Sect left the alliance, I fear they will find it difficult to be promoted.”

Hearing the discussion, Jun Changxiao frowned. If the Certification Pavilion and the alliance really have some cooperation, then there will definitely be obstacles during the process.

Sure enough. 

After he entered the pavilion and said the sect name, the deacon indifferently said, “According to the regulations, you must show the Hundred Sect Alliance’s certificate for verification.”


Su Xiaomo pounded the table, angrily saying, “We’re already here, can’t you just approve it? What is the need for some certificate?”

The deacon calmly replied, “This is the Sect Certification Pavilion, it is a fair and righteous organization of Falling Star Continent. Sect Head Jun, please have your disciple be respectful.”

What a good ‘fair and righteous’. 

If Jun Changxiao cared less about his status as a sect leader, he would have pulled out the Records of the Grand Historian to beat this man ruthlessly. 

“Without the certificate, it cannot be approved?” he tranquilly asked. 

The deacon said, “If a fifth-grade or higher sect puts forth a recommendation, it can be approved. Naturally, a lowly sect that hasn’t even joined the Hundred Sects Alliance like your Ironbone Sect will not be recommended by a major sect. Therefore, please go back to whence you came.”

“Fuck!” Li Fei could not bear it any longer and also smacked the table. “You fucking say we’re low status again, and you best believe this daddy will kick you to death!”

The disciples of the Ironbone Sect, other than the ones with special backgrounds or identities, were mostly from poor families. They were already angry from being individually shamed, but if the sect was also humiliated, they would definitely explode with profanity. 

The deacon clasped his hands together, sneering, “What’s wrong? Your Ironbone Sect will cause trouble in the Certification Pavilion?”

Jun Changxiao hinted for the angry disciples to calm down. He then said, “This Lord wants to ask, what is the condition for being promoted to eighth-grade?”

The deacon looked at the Ironbone Sect disciples like he was looking at dung beetles. “Five Martial Apprentice disciples, five Meridian Opening Stage Twelve disciples.”

Jun Changxiao understood and said, “Farewell.”

Watching the Ironbone Sect leave, the deacon was disdainful. “Withdrew from the Hundred Sects Alliance, but still dares to verify sect rank? Is this guy stupid?”

“Sect Head, that guy was intentionally making things hard for our Ironbone Sect!”

Once out of the Certification Pavilion, Su Xiaomo clenched his teeth and said. 

“If you don’t want to certify, then don’t certify, but he fucking ridiculed us!” Tian Qi was so angry he was trembling. 

Li Qingyang calmly said, “The Sect Certification Pavilion and the Hundred Sects Alliance have some relations. If we want to certify our sect promotion, we can only go to another commandery.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Jun Changxiao said. 

Visiting Qingyang City was to buy more bullets, certifying the promotion was just on the way. 

Since the opposite party had deliberately made it hard for them, the worst that could happen was that they didn’t get certified. In any case, the sect had the qualifications to be eighth-grade.

“Sect Head Jun!”

At this moment, someone loudly called to him from a distance. 

Jun Changxiao turned around to look and was surprised. “Elder Ma?”


The newcomer was Azure Mountain Sect’s Elder Ma. Based on the man’s aura, he had obviously recently broken through to Martial Ancestor.

Elder Ma had been stuck at the peak of Martial Master for a very long time. Jun Changxiao’s cultivation pointers two months ago had enlightened him, allowing him to smoothly take that final step.

Elder Ma stopped before him, gratefully bowing. “I am indebted to Sect Head Jun for his previous pointers, which have allowed this old man to enter Martial Ancestor.”

Martial Ancestor?

Li Qingyang and the others were suddenly filled with envy and respect. 

In Qingyang Commanders, Martial Masters were already at the level of experts; Martial Ancestors were without a doubt existences as distant as the Heavens.josei

Jun Changxiao modestly said, “Elder Ma was momentarily lost. So long as the problem was solved, even without this Jun, he could easily enter a higher realm.”

Elder Ma was filled with appreciation. 

During the Hundred Sects Recruitment, he felt that this child was filled with nonsense. Now that he looked again, he was actually quite a humble little guy. 

“Huh?” Looking at the Sect Certification Pavilion, Elder Ma asked, “Sect Head Jun is here to certify sect rank promotion?”

“Correct,” Jun Changxiao said. 

Elder Ma swept a look at the several disciples behind him. Sensing their auras, he humbly smiled, “Congratulations to your honorable sect for being promoted to eighth-grade.”

Jun Changxiao shook his head and helplessly said, “They did not give a certification, so there is nothing to congratulate us for.”

“They did not give you a promotion?” Elder Ma was surprised. “What do you mean?”

The Sect Certification Pavilion was an authoritative organization on the Falling Star Continent; any sect could go for verification. It was the first time he heard of someone being denied verification.

Jun Changxiao informed him of the matter in detail. 

After Elder Ma heard the story, his voice was solemn. “The Hundred Sects Alliance is just a private organization set up by someone. That it can unexpectedly make the Sect Certification Pavilion cater only to its members is the biggest joke in the world!”

“Sect Head Jun, let’s go.”

The man made a ‘this way’ motion and said, “This old man will bring your honorable sect to certify!”

Jun Changxiao led his disciples to walk back into the Certification Pavilion. 

The deacon stood up, his expression dark. “Sect Head Jun, why have you come again?”

“Certify the sect,” Jun Changxiao answered.

The deacon rolled his eyes, unhappily saying, “I have already made it clear, if you want to verify, either pull out proof of Hundred Sects Alliance membership, or have a fifth-grade—”

“Deacon Zhao!”

The deacon hadn’t even finished his words when Elder Ma interrupted him. “This Ma represents the Azure Mountain Sect, recommending the Ironbone Unyielding Sect to you. This should conform to custom, right?”

“Elder Ma!” 

Seeing that an elder of the Azure Mountain Sect had walked in, Deacon Zhao quickly walked out from behind the counter and politely smiled. “How do you have the free time to visit the Certification Pavilion?”

His attitude sure changed quickly.

Regarding this type of overly polite flattery, Su Xiaomo and Tian Qi were disgusted. 

Elder Ma indifferently said, “Deacon Zhao, if this Ma does not remember incorrectly, you have been a deacon for ten years.”

“Yes, yes.” Deacon Zhao smiled, “Just ten years.”

Elder Ma’s expression turned cold. “Deacon Zhao is also an old veteran. This Ma must ask, a sect needs the certificate of a private organization in order for verification, has this been authorized by the headquarters?”

“This…” Deacon Zhao’s expression drastically changed. 

He only worked on behalf of Qingyang Commandery’s Certification Pavilion and the cooperation with the Hundred Sects Alliance was for his personal benefit, so his superiors did not know of it. 

Jun Changxiao said, “Hearing Elder Ma say such a thing, this Lord has to suspect that Deacon Zhao and the Hundred Sects Alliance have some under-the-table trades going on.”

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