The Strongest Wizard Becomes a Countryside Guardsman After Taking an Arrow to the Knee

Character Recap

Character Recap

Character Recap

Translator: ranzan


Since This Webnovel Is Now a Real Novel – A Character Intro Sheet Readable in 10 Minutes!

Because「The Strongest Wizard Becomes a Countryside Guardsman After Taking an Arrow to the Knee」has become so long, I rewrote a character intro sheet for you all!


Alfred Lint

Male. Late 30s. Magician. Viscount.

Hero’s party member. Can do support, defense, close/far fire, strategy…well, everything.

So strong you pretty much can win with just him…level.

Very strong even with the magic arrow in his knee. But he lives in Mulg as his knee hurts.

People of Mulg


Elf-girl. 15. “Mature,” but yes, still 15.

All came to help her when she was attacked while gathering magical herbs.

Has a cute little sister. Very good apothecary.

Very good at cooking and chores. Second in charge in the village.

Talent in magic discovered by Al. Al is helping her develop this.


Elf girl. 4. Millet’s sister. josei

Obedient, cute, and happy girl. Almost so happy, you forget she almost died at the beginning.

Also has talent in magic like her sister.


Mulg village’s chief. You might forget but he’s a beast-man.

Human but the beasts respect him too.


Devil girl. 13. The fifth of the four sub-bosses of the demon lord. Genius of the magic circle.

Al stopped her from resurrecting the demon lord by killing her giant magic boar.

She appeared because she wanted revenge for Al doing that.

She lost to Al and decided to live in Mulg.

At first she was standoffish, but now friendly.

Something was discovered about her when they found her last name was Lindobal.

Hero Party

Cruz Conradine

Count. Lately got a piece of land. Girl. 15. Heavenly power. Uses a sword.

Kind of dumb. But f***ing strong. Has excellent instinct.

I didn’t portray her as a girl at first, so all the readers were tricked.

A cute that’s very boyish.

She uses her magic sword to cut the Demon Lord’s head off.

Because of her, you don’t think Al’s strong enough by himself.

She flippin’ loves Al.

Her special skill is holiness.

Luka Rangow

Warrior. 17 and female. Viscount

Good at swords, but since Cruz is just as good, thought not as good.

However, with the monster research skill, she supports them with knowledge. The smartest one in the party.

A very high up in the adventurer guild.

Even though she has a sharp tongue, she’s kind. Very compassionate.

Yureena Linmia

Healer. 15. Viscount.

A holy maiden. High up in the church. Excellent at healing magic.

Loves Cruz. Quick to baby her.

But really pampered herself.

At first it was hard for me to think of her last name when she became viscount at the beginning of the first chapter, but her and Al had a family name from the beginning.



King of the magical wolves.

Lately, a heavenly beast.

Probably because it was petted and drank the hot spring water around Cruz.

Can use spirit speech.

At first Femm was using a pack to attack Mulg, but Al beat Femm.

Now Femm’s always around Al.


Cow. Used to be called Hachi.

Vi-Vi made her huge, and then she was sold as meat.

Then she was made a massive skeleton, and Cruz changed her to a sacred beast with her holy magic.

Now it’s a beast enjoying her life. She sleeps in Al’s bed.

You’d think she’d be a butt-kicker, but she acts like a baby a lot.

She might not have lived long.

She always walks up to Al and Cruz and chomps on their hands.

Maybe she remembers the time she made milk.

Rubs on people like a cat. Very affectionate.


A baby ancient dragon. Her mother was the duchess Jilnidora.

Sprung from an egg. Still a baby.

Other people

Vallimie Lindobal

Vi-Vi’s older sister. Viscount. Genius magician with the name Forest Hermit.

She teaches Al how to make golems.


Vallimie’s lion pet. Strong as Femm. Can shoot magic from its mouth.

Because of Rai, the other beasts learn to do the same.

Doby (Vallimie’s name for it)

Great Dragon that Vallimie likes.

A dragon named with the Lindobal girls’ naming sense.

Example: Moofy (Vi-Vi’s name)

B-rank Adventurer Siblings

Anton, Emmy, Liza. Saved by Al.

They might show up again.

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