The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034

"It seems that my sister didn't tell her brother-in-law what I wanted." Wang Gang sneered and said to Xiao Qi in the phone, "I have no other requirements. I will prepare five million cash and two new ID cards for me, and then find someone to send me abroad. As long as you meet my requirements, I will release my sister immediately."

"It's impossible!" Xiao Qi resolutely said to Wang Gang inside the phone, "Wang Gang, do you know that there are people out there who want to catch you now. It's impossible for you to leave Yangcheng, let alone leave the country. I advise you to come out and surrender quickly, or you will sooner or later..."

"Brother in law..." Xiao Qi's words have not finished, Wang Gang impatiently interrupted Xiao Qi's words, and said to Xiao Qi in the phone, "I'm looking for you today to let you solve the problem for me, not for you to add congestion to me."

He sneered, "how about this? I'm going to hang up and talk to my sister now. It's just You also have time to think about what you should do and what do you think? "

"Don't Don't touch her. " When he heard Wang Gang say this, he suddenly got nervous and said to Wang Gang in the phone, "tell me, what do you want? I promise you. "

When he heard Xiao Qi say this, Wang Gang's face finally showed a smile. He snorted coldly, "if you had been so obedient, my sister would not have suffered this pain today."

Xiao frowned, "I can promise you if you want my money, but I really can't handle the ID card. I can't send you abroad, OK? I'll give you six million and you'll let Wang Shu go. "

"Don't bargain with me here." Wang Gang sneered and said to the Xiao Qi in front of him, "you remember me. Now I am negotiating with you. You are not qualified to bargain with me." josei

If he had known that kidnapping Wang Shu was so useful, he should have done so.

Wang Gang took a look at Wang Shu, who was bound up in all kinds of flowers, and said, "brother-in-law, you can think of a way. My sister is not alone now. She is still pregnant with your child in her stomach now. You will think of a way."

"I'll give you two days. I'll call you after two days. If you don't have something ready by then, I'll take my sister with me even if I die." Wang just said these words, then hung up the phone.

"Hello! Hello No matter how Xiao Qi called again, the end of the phone did not answer, Xiao Qi was so angry that he almost smashed the mobile phone.

"What did he say?" Xia'an has been waiting for Xiao Qi to hang up the phone before she asks Xiao Qi in front of her, "how is Wang Shu now?"

Xiao Qi slightly shakes his head, he does not know Wang Shu's current physical condition at all, this kind of helpless feeling is really bad.

He finally began to understand what Lu Qichen was feeling after Xia'an's disappearance.

"What's the matter? Don't just shake your head. Talk Xia an is anxious and flustered to ask a way to Xiao Qi in front of her.

"He said Xiao Qi stopped and said to Xia'an in front of him, "he asked me to prepare money and new ID card, and let me send them abroad."

"Did you agree?" Xia an asked quickly.

Xiao Qi gave a bitter smile and said, "if you don't promise, you have to promise. Wang Shu is in their hands now. What can I do?"

Xia'an pondered for a while, and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "so, you first try to stop him. I'll find my little uncle to find out their hiding place before the appointed time. If you can't find out their hiding place before the appointed time, you can only wait for him to contact you."

Xia'an thought for a while and continued to say to Xiao Qi in front of her, "if you really come to this stage, you'd better prepare what they want, so as not to force them to rush."

"Well, I see." Xiao Qi nodded slightly.

Xia an said and was ready to leave, but Xiao Qi suddenly stopped her, "An'an..."

"Anything else?" Xia an asked in doubt.

Xiao shook his head and said to Xia'an, "thank you."

Xia an Leng for a moment, "Wang Shu is also my friend, I will not watch her accident helplessly."

She hurried to the Zhao family, and grandma Zhao also heard about Wang Shu's accident. Wang Shu had lived at home for a period of time before. In addition, Granny Zhao was very close to her, so she was worried about Wang Shu's comfort.

When she saw Xia'an back, Granny Zhao rushed to meet Xia'an and asked, "An'an, what's the matter? Have you found Wang Shu? "

"No..." Xia an grinned bitterly and shook her head, "but to be sure, it was taken away by Li Jinhua and Wang Gang. For the time being There should be no danger. "

"These two people are really inhuman." Granny Zhao frowned and said, "how can Wang Shu say that they are their own daughter and sister, and are still pregnant, how can they do this?"

"Grandma..." Xia an laughed and took granny Zhao's hand and said, "don't worry. Xiao Qi and I will try to save Wang Shu.""Yes, yes, we must find a way to rescue it." Granny Zhao said hastily to Xia'an in front of her.

"Where's my father-in-law." Xia an looked for a circle downstairs, but did not find Xu Jianan's figure.

She came here to discuss with Xu Jianan to see how this matter should be solved, but she did not expect that Xu Jianan was not at home.

"After receiving your call, he went out." Granny Zhao sighed and still felt sorry for Wang Shu's affairs. "She said she was going out to find someone to investigate. She just called him and said that she was coming back soon. Why don't you sit there and wait for a while."

"Good." Xia an nodded slightly. She sat on the sofa with granny Zhao for a while. Xu Jianan came back as expected. She rushed to Xu Jianan and asked, "what's the matter? Little uncle, do you have any information? What is Wang Shu doing now? "

"Don't worry." Xu Jianan patted Xia'an on the shoulder. "Wang Gang and Li Jinhua have escaped the police carpet style search, which is so easy to find. But you can rest assured that I have asked my friends to investigate, and there should be news soon."

Xu Jianan looked at Xia'an in front of him and said, "as long as there is news, I will inform you the first time."

When hearing Xu Jianan say that there is no news, Xia an is actually a little disappointed, but she also understands that this kind of thing is not urgent.

She smiles and says to Xu Jianan in front of her, "that will trouble you."

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