The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

After Xiao Li's words, Xiao Qi and Xu Jianan look at each other. It seems that this man is Wang Gang.

"Well, what do you want this man for?" Xiao Li looked at the two people in front of her curiously and asked them.

"It's not your business." Xiao Qi said with a cold face. He looked at Xiao Li in front of him and continued to ask, "I ask you, did he reveal where he lives. We Where can I find him? "

"This..." Xiao Li's face showed a puzzled look, but her eyes looked directly at Xiao Qi in front of her. Xiao Qi immediately understood Xiao Li's meaning, sneered and took a stack of money out of her arms, but didn't directly call it to Xiao Li. Instead, she said to Xiao Li in front of her, "only if you can provide me with his address, the money is naturally yours, but..."

Xiao gave a sneer and said, "but if you dare to cheat me, I will make you regret every day of your life."

"Don't worry." Xiao Li's eyes are bright, you know, she usually do this business, even if a day to pick up five or six guests, it is not as easy as today's easy to say two words.

She was really lucky today.

"When the man came to see me, I chatted with him. He asked me if I would like to go out with him and said He will go abroad in a few days. I inquired about him and asked him where he lives now Xiao Li gave a bitter smile and said to the two people in front of her, "as you know, what we want most in our business is to find a person who is good for himself and has good conditions. No one is willing to do this all his life."

Little Leighton stopped and continued, "at that time, he said vaguely about a waste car yard. The nearest one to me should be the one outside the city. Later, I mixed up this matter."

"Scrap yard?" Xiao Qi slightly frowned and asked Xiao Li in front of her.

"Yes." Xiao Li nodded slightly and said to Xiao Qi in front of her, "you don't know. That place has been abandoned many years ago. In addition, it is far away from the city, so almost no one goes there. There were many vagrants living there before, but now they are not willing to run there."

Xiao Li gave a sneer and continued to say to Xiao Qi in front of her, "you said that this man is really ridiculous. Living in such a place, he still beats me to be fat. It's really..."

Xiao Qi was really excited when he got the news from Wang Gang. He turned to look at Xu Jianan in front of him. Xu Jianan hesitated for a moment and said, "I've sent someone to check. It's really the only abandoned car park that can hide people and is not noticeable around here..."

"Thank you." Xiao Qi said and turned around and left. Since he already knew Wang Gang's news, he didn't want to delay for a moment. He just wanted to rescue Wang Shu as soon as possible.

Xiao Qi went out in a hurry, and Xu Jianan also chased him out. josei

Xia'an and Lu Qichen have been waiting at the door. When they see Xiao Qi coming out, Xia'an quickly meets him and asks, "what's the matter? Have you found Wang Shu's whereabouts?"

"Found it." Xiao started to nod, looked at Xia'an in front of him with a dignified face and said, "An'an, I'll go alone. You go back to have a rest early. When Wang Shu is rescued, I'll call you."

Xiao Qi said he was ready to get on the bus alone. Xu Jianan pulled him in. "How are you going to save Wang Shu?"

"Don't worry about it. I have my way." Xiao Qi said faintly, "you have helped me enough, I can't trouble you so much."

"Well, Wang Shu is also our friend. If you say that again, I will be really angry." Xia an frowned and said.

"Besides, how can you save it by yourself?"

"There will be a way." He frowned.

Xu Jianan looked at Xiao Qi in front of her and said, "didn't you listen to that woman just now? That waste garage is in a sparsely populated area and has a very wide view. If you drive past at this time, it must be exposed. So in my opinion, we can only park the car far away and try to get close to it. "

"That's right." Lu Qichen also said, "Wang Gang is a desperado. If you annoy him, maybe he will do something to Wang Shu, so we'd better be more prudent."

At the suggestion of Lu Qichen and Xu Jianan, the last few people stopped a kilometer away from the waste dump, and then quietly approached the dump.

Because it was late in the night, so Wang Gang and Li Jinhua were all asleep, and a dim light was on in the waste garage.

Xiao saw Wang Shu lying with Li Jinhua at a glance. Her hands and feet were tied, so there was no way to get out.

Wang Shu had a bad night's rest. She didn't know if it was telepathy. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw Xiao Qi, who was watching from the door.

Excited almost cried out, fortunately finally restrained.

"Shh!" Xiao Qi put his index finger close to his lips and made a "hush" action. Wang Shu nodded in a hurry.

She turned over and pretended to accidentally meet Li Jinhua. Li Jinhua noticed Wang Shu's movement and opened her eyes impatiently. "What's the matter if you don't sleep well in the middle of the night?""I I want to go to the bathroom. " The only reason that Wang Shu can think of is this. After all, she is pregnant, and the frequency of going to the toilet is different from that of ordinary people.

"What a trouble." Li Jinhua was discontented and mumbled. Although he said this, he still came to Wang Shu and urged him to "hurry up."

"I see." Wang Shu nodded slightly and moved his wrist and ankle. When he was ready to go out, he found that Li Jinhua was still following him.

She frowned slightly and said to Li Jinhua in front of her, "if you want to go to bed first, I'll go out to the toilet and I won't run."

"Don't talk too much." Li Jinhua grumbled discontentedly and said to Wang Shu in front of him, "don't give me any tricks."

Wang Shu had no choice but to let Li Jinhua follow him.

She put her foot very slowly. When she walked out of the gate of the waste yard, she saw Xiao Qi give herself a look. She walked two steps to the side. Li Jinhua just felt something was wrong. A pair of big hands had covered her mouth from the back, making her unable to cry out.

Xiao Qi lowered his voice and said to Wang Shu in front of him, "you go first. An'an is waiting for you there."

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