The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1055

Chapter 1055

Xia'an pushed the juice to park Xiuyuan, and said to park Xiuyuan in front of her, "I've asked for a cup of fresh juice. You're pregnant now. You still need to drink less tea and so on."

Park Xiuyuan looked at Xia'an beside her in surprise. She probably didn't expect Xia'an to be so intimate. She laughed and said to Xia'an in front of her, "Miss Xia has a heart."

Xia an laughed and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "in fact, I come to you today. The most important thing is to talk to you about the wedding scene. I've already had the renderings made, and the stage is almost set up. But what kind of flowers should be used for the wedding site? There are some details. We still want to ask Miss park to discuss with us After all, the wedding is only once in a lifetime, and I believe Miss Park certainly hopes to do it in accordance with her wishes

Xia'an gave the stage renderings to park Xiuyuan. Han Junxi also told himself about Park Xiuyuan's requirements before. Therefore, Xia'an's renderings were made according to park's preferences. Park Xiuyuan was very satisfied when she saw the renderings. "

Park Xiuyuan laughed and said to Xia'an in front of her, "no wonder Junxi has always admired you in front of me. It turns out that Miss Xia really has this ability."

"Is Miss Park satisfied with the arrangement?" Xia an asked with a smile.

"I'm satisfied." Park Xiuyuan nodded slightly and asked Xia an in front of her, "it's just After all, there is not much time for the wedding, you Do you really have time? "

"You can rest assured of that." Xia an smiles and says to park Xiuyuan in front of her, "since I have taken this job, I will certainly help you to do it. I will never let your wedding open the window."

"Then I'll be relieved." Park Xiuyuan nodded, "flowers on the wedding scene Let's use roses. I don't ask too much for others. I believe Miss Xia can help me to do it properly. Just It's up to you. "

"Good." Xia an nodded, and after chatting for a while, they were ready to leave.

Xia'an hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped Han Junxi in front of him There's another thing I want to talk to you about alone

"What?" Han Junxi Leng for a moment, facing in front of Xia an asked.

Xia'an hesitates to look at Park Xiuyuan standing beside Han Junxi. Park Xiuyuan immediately understands Xia'an's meaning. She wants to talk to Han Junxi alone.

She knew in her heart that what Xia an wanted to say must have something to do with Ye Ziwen. After getting along with Han Junxi during this period of time, she also had more trust in Han Junxi, so she didn't feel any opinion.

She smiles and says to Han Junxi in front of her, "I'll wait for you in the car."

"Good." Han Junxi nodded slightly.

Xia an took a look at Park Xiuyuan in front of her and said with a slight apology, "I'm really sorry. I'll invite you to dinner later."

"You're welcome." Park Xiuyuan said and turned away.

Seeing her go far away, Han Junxi just turned around and asked Xia an in front of her, "what's going on?"

"It's still about ye Ziwen." Xia an looked at Han Junxi in front of her and said, "there is something I want to discuss it with you. "

After sending Ye Ziwen home last night, Xia'an thought all night, but she still felt that she wanted to have a good chat with Ye Ziwen.

Before Han Junxi said he would clean up Ye Ziwen, now Xia'an is coming to discuss with him.

"Yes What about ye Ziwen? " Han Junxi asked tentatively. Seeing Xia'an nodding, he frowned slightly and asked, "isn't this matter that we have already discussed? How suddenly... "

"Listen to me first." Xia an gave a bitter smile and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "in fact, I also know that ye Ziwen has done you great harm. I also know that you want to clean up her mood by yourself, but Anyway, she's my sister, and last night I knew what she'd been through all these years. I'm I was thinking, if possible, I'd like to talk to her again

Xia settled down, facing Han Junxi in front of her and continued, "you do so much, but just to get rid of the relationship with her. As long as she sees you marry Park Xiuyuan, she will not pester you again. As for other things, I still want to come by myself."

Han Junxi frowned tightly and said, "but you know I'm for this moment..."

"I understand." Xia an gave a bitter smile and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "Ye Ziwen is not good, but he has been with you for three years. If you do it yourself, it's too ugly. Please give her to me."

Xia an said something, and Han Junxi finally agreed.

"Now that you have said that, it would be very inhumane for me to refuse, ye Ziwen Leave it to yourself. " Han Junxi sighed and said to Xia'an in front of him.

Xia'an was ecstatic and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

"Don't thank me." Han Junxi gave a bitter smile and continued to say to Xia'an in front of him, "in fact, after experiencing these things, I have already figured out what revenge or revenge is really not so important. The only thing I want now is to guard Xiuyuan and the children in her belly. She has really paid a lot for me these years, and I can't apologize to her.""That's right." Xia an laughed and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "nothing is more important than family. You can realize this. I'm really happy for you."

Han Junxi laughed and said to Xia'an in front of him, "it's getting late. Xiuyuan is still waiting for me. I'll go first."

Looking at Han Junxi's back, Xia an can't help but feel a burst of regret. If ye Ziwen had been able to firmly grasp Han Junxi, then this feeling should belong to her now. josei

It's a pity

Xia an wry smile, just, now say these also already late.

Xia an doesn't know. She wants to have a good chat with Ye Ziwen here, but ye Ziwen is still thinking about how to deal with Xia'an. She tries her best to get a string of numbers, hesitates for a while, and finally dials it.


"Who are you?" A familiar voice came from the phone.

A sneer appeared on Ye Ziwen's face. "You don't care who I am. I just want to ask you, after all these years, your account with Ye Zhiqiu Is that all? "

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