The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

"You What do you say When ye Ziwen heard Xia'an say this, the whole person was stunned. She looked at Xia'an in front of her, shook her head, and said to Xia'an in front of her, "no, it's impossible. You must be lying to me."

Ye Ziwen sneered and said to Xia'an in front of him, "Xia'an, what do you want? My affair with Han Junxi is between us. What's the relationship with you? Why do you have to intervene? "

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" Xia an said faintly, "to tell you the truth, Han Junxi knew you were not pregnant, but park Xiuyuan was pregnant. Two days ago, when he took park Xiuyuan to discuss things with me, he took her to discuss things with me. Even I, the bystander, felt that their feelings were very good. Ye Ziwen, although we had a bad relationship, I would never take such a thing Love is joking with you, Han Junxi with you It's impossible. Don't go in there and make a fool of yourself

"No, I will never believe what you say." Ye Ziwen looked at Xia'an in front of him coldly. She was so excited that she sneered and said to Xia'an in front of her, "even if he really wants to break up with me, I will wait for him to tell me personally, otherwise I will never believe it."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Xia an gave a bitter smile and said to Ye Ziwen in front of him, "if you really love Han Junxi so much, don't separate from her at the beginning. Now, he is going to marry someone else, and you start to pester. If I am Han Junxi, I won't give you any good looks."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ye Ziwen looked at Xia'an in front of him and said, "get out of my way. I have to tell him in front of everyone today."

"What's the matter?" When they were in a standoff, Han meihui came out with several men in black.

She had been worried that Xia an couldn't cope with it alone, so she came out to have a look. She didn't expect to meet Ye Ziwen.

When she saw Han meihui, ye Ziwen seemed to see the Savior. She grabbed Han meihui's hand and said to Han meihui in front of her, "Auntie, please, let me meet Junxi. I have a lot of things to say to him, i..."

Before ye Ziwen's words could be finished, Han meihui shook off Ye Ziwen's hand and asked him coldly, "what are you? Why do you see Junxi? "

Seeing Han meihui's attitude, ye Ziwen was too lazy to pretend to go on. She looked at Han meihui in front of her indifferently and said, "Han meihui, I know you don't like me, but don't forget my feelings with Junxi It's deeper than you think. Don't you want us to break up? OK, then bring me what I want, otherwise... "

"Otherwise what?" Han meihui said with a sneer.

"Otherwise, I will keep pestering Junxi. Yes, he is now married to park Xiuyuan. But don't forget how Han Junxi and park Xiuyuan got together. How much emotional basis can these two people have even if they are married?" Ye Ziwen sneered and continued to say to Han meihui in front of him, "I will pester Han Junxi every day. With Han Junxi's temper, I can't bear to cry and cry in front of him all day, and I will be injured at that time But park Xiuyuan. "

"It seems that you are really confident in yourself." Han meihui said with a sneer.

"Of course." Ye Ziwen sneered and continued to say to Han meihui in front of him, "I am not confident in myself, I am confident in the feelings between me and Han Junxi."

She paused and continued, "so You can either get what I want quickly, and I won't care about Han Junxi's business, or Don't blame me for not keeping my word. "

Han meihui couldn't help laughing. She took a look at Ye Ziwen in front of her and said, "Ye Ziwen, you know one of your biggest problems is that you are too confident."

Han meihui sneered and said, "yes, I admit Junxi is soft hearted, but you can rest assured that he already knows what kind of person you are now. He even feels disgusted to see you more, let alone be with you again."

Han meihui sneered and continued, "to tell you the truth, today's wedding was all organized by Junxi. He is serious about Xiuyuan, and you You should have anticipated this situation when you asked me for the company and money. "

"You play with me?" Ye Ziwen asked with a cold face.

"Yes, I just play with you. What's the matter?" Han meihui sneered and said, "you played Junxi for three years, but we only played you once. It's fair."

"You bitch, I'll kill you..." Ye Ziwen is very excited. To be honest, she may not have no feelings for Han Junxi, but this feeling is not equal to her desire to revenge. Therefore, when the two conflicts, she resolutely chose to separate from Han Junxi.

But unexpectedly, she chose to separate from Han Junxi, but did not get what she wanted.

Now watching Han Junxi get married inside, but she can't even get into the door. Her whole life is surging, and she would like to kill those who are in the way.But before she got close to Han meihui's body, those people in black behind Han meihui had already blocked in front of Han meihui and grabbed Ye Ziwen's arm, making her unable to move.

"You let me go!" Ye Ziwen is angry and anxious. She has a feeling that if she doesn't speak to Han Junxi clearly today, she and Han Junxi are really finished.

"Throw her out!" Han meihui mercilessly said to the man in black in front of her, "you stare at her, don't let her come in again."

"Yes, ma'am." The people in black spoke in unison. Ye Ziwen was put out by the man in black. He still swears in his mouth. Han meihui is cold. josei

"Auntie Han, don't be angry. She is such a person." Xia an smiles and says to Han meihui in front of her, "now that the trouble has been solved, you can go back to the wedding at ease."

Han meihui laughed and said, "yes, it's a matter of my mind."

She looked at Xia'an in front of her and said, "you've been working hard for a long time. Come in and have something to eat."

"Good." Xia an smiles and says to Han meihui in front of her, "Auntie, you go in first, and I'll come right away."

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